Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/246

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of which he engages to pay within a certain time a certain proportion of his debts, and by which the creditors agree to discharge the whole of their claims In consideration of the sime. Arg. Fr. Merc. Law. 553.

CONCORDIA. Lat In old English law. Au a;;i'cen1(-iit, or concord. Fleti. llh. 5. c. ."., § 5. ’1he agreement or unanimity of a jury. COlll[lL’ll6I‘6 art cancriruimn. 1<‘1eta. lib. -1, c. 9, § 2.

C O N C O R D I A DISCORDANTIUM CANONUM. The harmony of the discord- ant unions. A collection of ecclesiastical Ltrllfitiluljlllls made by Gratlan, an Italian monk A. D. 1151: more commonly known by the name of "Decrctum Gratiaiii."

Concordia. par-wee res crescui-it et opu- lentia Lites. 4 Inst. 74. Small menus icnrease by concord and litlgations by opu- lenco.

CUNCUBARIA. A fold, pen, or place where cattle lie. Ooweil. CONCUBEANT. Lying together, as cat-


CONCUBINAGE.}} A species of loose or informal marriage which tool: place among the ancients, and which is yet in use in some countries. See CDNCUBINATUE.

The act or practice of cohabiting. in sex- ual C(£XZl]lEl‘(.'L‘, without the authority of law or a le.-ml iiiai-riage State v. Adams. 179 He. 33-1. 78 S. W'. 585; State v. Oieistrcct, -125 Kan. 299 23 Pac 572; Ilenderson v. Peo- ple. 124 Ill. (‘-07, 17 N. E. 68. 7 Am. St. Rep.

An exception against a Woman suing for IIOWEl'. on the ground that she was the cocniiliiin-, and not the wife, of the man of iiliose land she seeks to ‘be endowed. Britt. c. 107.

CONCUBINATUS. In Roman law. An lnforiuai, unsanctioned, or "uatural" marriage, as contrinllstiiiguislied from the ju.s-tw iiuptiw, or justum. mutrimunium, the ciiil marriage.

CONCUBINE. (1) A woman who co- habits \\ith a man to whom she is not murriell. (1') A sort of inferior wife, among the Romans. upon whom the husband did not confer his rank or quality.

CONCUR. To agree; accord: consent. In the practice of appelinte courts, a "cocnurring opinion" Is one filed by one of the judges or iustlces, in which he agrees with the conclusions or the result of another opin- ion filed in the case (which may he sither the opinion of the court or a dissenting opin- ion) though he states separateiy his views of the case or his reasons for so concurring.

In Louisiana law. To join with other



claimants in presenting a demand against an insoirent estate.

CONCURATOR. In the civil law. A joint or co-curator, or guardian.

CONCURRENCE. In French law. The possession, by two or more persons, of equal rights or privileges over the same subject- matter.

—CnncIu-rence deloyale. Frl'nCh law nearl equiriilunt to "unfair trade competition-," ant used in relation to the In- fringement of rights secur-=.i by trade-miirks, etc. It signifies a dishonest. Phi-fidious or treacherous riialry in trade, or any manmuvre calculated to prejudice the good will ofa business or the value of the name of It property or its credit or rcnown with the public. to the in- jury of a business competitor. Simmons Medicine Co. v. Mansfield Drug Co.. 93 Tenn. 84. 23 S. W’. lliii.

A 'I'.CK‘U1 of the

CONCURRENT. Having the same inithority: acting in conjunction: agreeing in the s'iine act: contributing to the same

event ; contemporaneous. As to concurrent "Omien:ints." "Jurisdiction." "Insurance," "Lease," "Lien." and

"W1-its." see those titles.

CONCURSO. In the law of Louisiana, the name of a suit or l'el1le(i_S' to enable cred- itors to enforce their claims against an insolvent: or failing debtor. Schroeder v Nicholson. 2 La. 355.

CONCURSUS. In the civil law. (1) A running together: a collision, as canrumia c1-editoruni, a conflici‘, among creditors. (2) A concurrence, or meeting, as cancursus tw- tinn.-uni. concurrence of actions.

CONCUSS. In Scotch law. To coerce.

CONCUSSIO. In the civil law. The offense of extortion by threats of violence. Dig. 47, 13.

CONGUSSION. In the civil law. The unlawful forcing of another by threats of violence to give something of iaiue It dit- fers from robbery, in this: That in rolibciy the thing is taken by force, while in calicusslou it is obtained by threatened vlolence. Ficlnec. Elem. § 1071.

In medical Jurisprudence. Concussion of the brain is a jarring of the brain sub- stance, by a fall. hlow, or other external i~.« jury, without laceration of its tissue. or with only microscopical laceration. .\Iay- uard v. Railroad Co.. 43 Or. 63, 72 Pac 500.

CONDEDIT. In ecclesiastical law. The name of II plea entered by a party to a libel tiled in the ecclesiastical court, in which It is pleaded that the deceased made the will which is the subject of the suit. und that he was of sound mind. 2 Eng. Ecc. R. 435: 6 Eng. Ecc. R. 431.