Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/280

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the king's servants in an abbey; a pension being given to one at the king’s chaplains, for his hetter maintenance, till he may he provided with a bencfice. Fltzh. Nat. Brev. 250. See 1 BL Comm. 283.

COROLLARY. In logic. A collateral or secondary consequence, deduction, or inter- QHCE.

CORONA. The crown. Placim corona; pleas of the crown: criminal actions or proceedings, in which the crown was the prosecutor.

CORONA MALA. In old English law. The clergy who abuse their character were so called. Blount.

CORONARE. In old records. To give the tonsure, which was done on the crown, or in the form of a crown; to make a man a

priest. Cowell. -001-ormre lilium. To make one's son a priest. Home ooromztua was one who had re-

ccivcd the first tonsure, as preparatory to sn- perior orders, nnd the tonsure was in form of a corona, or crown of t.horns.

Cowell. GORONATION OATH. The oath ad- ministered to a sovereign at the ceremony of crowning or investing him with the insignia of royalty, in acknowledgment of his right to govern the Lingdum, in which he su-oars to observe the laws, customs, and privileges or the kingdom, and to act and do all things conformably thereto. Wharton.


A coroner, (q. :7.) Spel-

—Cnx'onntore eligcndo. The name of a writ issued to the sheriff. commanding him to proceed to the election of a coroner.—Cux-ona.- tore exoneraudo. In English law. The name of a writ for the removal of a coroner, for a cause which is to be therein assigned, as that he is engaged in other business, or inmpacitated by years or slcliness, or hns not a sulficlent estate in the county, or lives in an inconvenient port of it.

CORONER. The name of an ancient officer of the common law, whose office and functions are continued in modern English and American administration. The coroner is an olilcer belonging to each county, and is charged with duties both judicial and ministeiial, but chiefly the former. It is his special province and duty to make inquiry into the muses and circumstances of any death happening within his territory which occurs through violence or suddenly and with marks of suspicion. This examination (called the "coroner’s inquest") is held with a jury of proper persons upon view of the dead body. See Brnct. fol. 121; 1 Bl. Comm. 346-348; 3 Steph. Comm. 33. In England, another branch of his judicial office is to inquire concerning shipwrecks, and certify whether wreck or not, and who is in possession of the goods; and also to inquire concerning treas-



ure trove, who were the finders, and where it is, and whether any one be suspected or having found and concealed a treasure. 1 Bl. Comm. 349 It belongs to the m1i11SLcl'l:fl office of the coroner to serve writs and other process, and generally to discharge the duties of the sherilif, in case of the iuuqxuivy of that officer or a vacancy in his office. On the office and functions of coroners, see, further, Pueblo County v. Marshall, 11 Colo. S-1. 16 Pnc. 837: Cox v. Royal Trllle. 4:? ti: ‘hi, 71 Pac. 73, 60 L. R. A. 620, 95 Am. St Rep. 752; Powell v. Wilson, 16 Tex. 5!); L.\uu|a'- ter County v. Holy oire, 37 Neb. 328, 55 N. W. 950. 21 L. R. A. 394.

—Cn1'uner’n court. In England. A trl"v"‘al of record, where a coronal‘ holds his lnqmms Cox v. Royal Tribe 42 Or. 3&5. 7] Par Ta, 60 L. R. A. 6%, 95 Am. St_ Hep. 752.—Cm-- ones": inguest. An inqnlsition or examination into the causes and circumstances of any death happening by violence or undcr_suspic1ouu

conditions within his icrrltory, bend by the coroner with the o.. tancc of a jury. Boisllniere v. County Com rs. 32 M0. 378.

CORPORAI... Relating to the body; hod-

Lly. Should be distinguished from corporeal, (a. 71.) —Cnr-poraI hnbecility. Physical inability to perform completely the act of sexual inter- course: not necessarily congenital, and not m- variably a ermanent and incurable impotence. Grllfeth v. rllfeth 162 Ill. 3TiS, 44 N E. 830; Ferris v. Ferris. 8 Conn. 163-001-pornl oath. An oath, the external solemnity of which consists in laying one's hand upon the Gospels while the oath is administered to him. More generally, a solemn oath. The terms "corporal oath" and "solemn oath" are, in Indiana, at least, used synonvmously; and an oath taken with the uplifted hand may be properly described by either term. Jackson v. State. 1 Ind. 195; State v. Norris. 9 N. H. 102: C011}. v. Jnrboc. 89 Ky. 143. 12 S. W. 13S.—Cor)1oral punishment. Physical punishment as distin- guished from pecuniary punishment or a due: any kind of punishment of or indicted on the body, such as whipping or the pillory-, the term may or mny not include imprlsontncnt, according to the context. Rltchey v. People, 2? Coin. 251, 43 Pac. 1026; People v. Wincbell. 7 Cow_ (N. Y.) 525. note.—-Corporal touch. Bodily touch; actual physical contact; mnnuni apprehension.

GORPORALE SAGRAMENTUM. In old English law. A corporal oath.

Cor-poralis injurin non recip-it lentimatinnem do futuro. A personal injury does not receive satisfaction from 11 future course of proceeding, [is not left for its satisfaction to a future course of proceeding] Bac. Max. reg. 8; Broom, Max. 278.

CORPORATE. tion; as a corporate name. as a corporate body.

—Co1-pox-ate authorities. The title given in statutes of several states to the aggregate hotly of officers of a munlci al corporation, or to rurtain of those officeis excluding the others) wbo are vested with authority in regard to the rartlcniar matter spoken of in the statute, as. taxation. bonded debt. regulation of the sale of liquors. etc. See People v. Knopf, 171 In 191.

Belonging to a corpora- Incorporated: