Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/304

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vessels. The Wenonah, 21 Gaat. (Va.) 697; Reed v. Iugham. 3 El. & B. 898.

2. A trade or occupation of the sort re- quiring; skill and training. particularly man- ual 1-.‘ i conilnined with a knowledge or the principles of the art, also the body of persons pursuing such a calling; a guild. Ganahi v. Shore. 24 Ga. 23.

3. Guile, artful cunning, trickiness. Not a legal term in this sense. though often used in O(lI]l.l(‘(tl0!1 with such terms as "fraud" and "artilice."

CRANAGE. A liberty to use a crane for drawing up goods and wares of burden from ships and Iesseis, at any creel: of the sea, or wharf. unto the land, and to make a profit of doing so. it also signifies the money paid and taken for the service. Tomiins.

CRANK. A term vulgarly applied to a person of eccentric ilbreguiated, and un- practicai mentai habits; a person haif-crnz- ed: a umnomuninc; not necessarily equiva- lent to "insane person," "iunatic." or any other term descriptive of complete mentai derangement and not carrying any implication or huiiiltilifll mania. Walker v. Tri- bune Co. (0. 0.) 29 Fed. 827.

GRASSUS. Large; gross; excessive; extreme. C'rI1.s-.=(l ig/nornniia. gross ignorance. Fleta, lib. 5. c 22, § 18.

—Crsssa. neg]-igentia. Gross neglect: senca of 0i1.lii.l.'|l') care and diiiycnce. Cary. 82 N. L 72. 37 Am. Rep. o 6.

ab- llll V.

CRASTINO. Lat. On the morrow, the day after. The return-day of writs; because the first day of the term was aiways some snint’s dav, and writs were returnable on

the day afier. 2 Iieeve, Eng. Law, 56.

CRATES. An iron gate before a prison. 1 Vent 304.

CRAVE. To ask or demand; as to crave 0_ver. See Oran.

CRAVEN. In old English law A word

of disgrace and obloquy. pronounced on eitiler cinunpion, in the ancient triai by battie 1wro\ mg reureant, I. 9.. yieiding. Glanviile mils it "mfr‘5dnnI. ct €iiL¥'r(‘("11ll!lflni verb-um." Iils condemnation was amiltcrc lv‘br.-rum legnu L e., to become infamous, and not to be ur-u unted l:l- r at lcyalis homo. being sup- 1-1-red by lln: event to haxe been proxed forsuoru, and n- t (it to be put upon a jury or adnlittetl ; a witness. What-ton.

CREAMER. A foreign merchant, but generaih talxcu for one "he has a stall in a fair or market. Biount.

CREAMUS. Lat. We create One of the words by which a corporation in England



was formerly created by the king. Comm. 473.

1 BL CREANCE. In French law. A ciaim; a debt; also belief, credit, faith.

CREANCER. credit ; a creditor.

One who trusts or gives Britt. cc. 23. 7S.

CRIIANSOB. Acreclitor. Cowell.

CREATE. To bring into being; to cause to exist; to produce; as, to create a trust in lands, to create a corporation. I-hlwardn V. Blbb. 54 Aia. 481; Mcclelian v. l\-icCielia.u, 65 Me. 500.

To create a charter or a corporation in to make one which never existed before, wild: to renew one is to give vitality to one which Ign- been forfeited or has expired; and to e one is to give an existing charter more tv than originally iimitcd. Moors v. Reading. .. Pa. 189; Railroad Co. v. Orton (C. G.) 52 Fed. 473: Indianapolis v. Navin, 131 Ind. 139, 51 N. E 80, 41 L. R. A. 344.

CREDENTIALS. In international law. The instruments which authorize and estab- lish a public minister in his character with the state or prince to whom they are addressed, if the state or prince receive the mb ister, he can he received only in the quality attributed to him in his credentials Til. are, as it were, his ietter of attorney, his mandate patent, mandamm manijcatum. Vattel. liv. 4, c. 6, 5 76.

CREDIBLE. Worthy of belief; entitled to credit. See Conrrarancr.

-01-edible person. One who is trustworl and entitled to be believed; in law andi proceedings, one who is entitled to have oath or afiidavit accepted as reliable, not out‘ on acrount of his good reputation for veracity; but also on account of his inteiiigence, immu- edge of the circumstances, and disinterested re- iatiou to the matter in question. Dunn r.

l Tex. App. 1; Territory v. Leary. 8 ‘K , JRO. 43 Pac. SS: Peck v. Chambers. 44 W. Va. 270. 28 S. E. 70(i.-C1-edfljle witness. One who, being competent to give evidence, is won? of belief. Peck v. Chambers, 44 W. \’a. 27. 28 S. E. 706: Savage v. Bulger (I' 77 S. W. 717: Amory v. I-‘eilowes, 5 Mass. .. ; Ea- con v. Bacon. 17 Pick. (i\Iass.) ‘I3-1: Roluunrl v Savage, 124 Iii. 266, 15 N. E. S'5U.—GnI> ' V\7orthiness of belief; that quality in :1 witness which renders his evidence worllg of belief. After the competence of :1 ‘I100 is allowed, the consideration of his or arises, and not before. 3 Bl. Comm 1.): 1 Burrows, 414. 417; Smith v. Jones. 68 \'t 1.2, 34 At}. 424. As to the distinction hctvmr. comp:-Irnry and credibility. see Cl’)MI‘F11$"IcY. —C-redibly informed. The Stlltfulltl in_I pic-nling or uffitlarit that one is "er-c;'.j‘,,v lu- formed and voriiv believes" such and such (mu. means that, having no l’1il'E.'(t personal hindedge of the matter in question. he has nlcrild his information in regard to it from -Iutllwlil sources or from the statements of ]JE‘l’>--Jlih are not only "credible," in the 2 ‘use of hue; trustworthy, but also informed as to the fit ticulor matter or conversant with it.

CREDIT. 1. The ability of a husllfi man to borrow money, or obtain goods on