Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/378

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DIOCESAN COURTS. In English law. The ronsisl.oriai courls of each ditxese, e.\er- cising general jurisdiction of all nnittcrs arising locally within their respective limits, with the exception of places subject to pcculiar jurisdiction; deciding all matters of spiritual (llS(‘I[llll1e,-—SllSp€I.i(lll.lg or depi-iiing Ll5.i'g_\nien.—.uid adinuiisterlng the otliler branches of the ecclesiastical law. 2 Steph. Comm. I372.

The territorial extent of n The ciruiit of every

DIOCESE. bishop's jurisdiction.

bishop's jurisdiction. Co. Litt. 94; 1 Bl. Comm. 111. DIOICHIA. The district over which I

bishop exercised his spiritual functions.

DIP. In mining law. The line of declinetion nf strata; the angle which measures the deiiatiun of a mineraliscd vein or lode from the vertical plane; the slope or slant of a vein, away from the perpendicular, as it goes downward into the earth; distinguished from the "strike" of the vein, which is its extension in the horizontal pl.ine, or its lengthwise trend or course with i-cference to the points of the compass. King v. Mining Co , 9 Mont 543, 24 Pac. 200: Duggan v. Da- \CY. 4 Dak. 110, 26 N. W. 887.

DIPLOMA. In the civil law. A royal charter; letters patent granted by a prince or soiereign. Calvin.

An instrument given by colleges and societies on the coiil'orrliig of any dt-:.;rces. State v. Gregory, S3 Mo. 130. 56 Am. Rep. 565; Hailirlav 1. Butt. 40 Ala. 183.

A license granted to a physician, etc. to practice his art or profession. See Brooks v. State. 39 Ala. 122, 6 South. 902.

DIPLOMACY. The science which treats of the relations and interests of nations with nations.

Negotiation or intercourse between nations through their representatives. The rules, customs, and privileges of representatives at foreign courts.

DIPLOMATIC AGENT. In international law. A general name for all classes of persons charged with the negotiation. trans- action, or superlntenrlence of the diplomatic business of one nation at the court of an- other See Rev. St I]. S. § 1674 (U. S. Comp. St. 190i, D. 1149).

DIPLOMATICS. The science of diplo- mas, or of ancient writings and documents: the art of jndging of ancient clinrti.-rs, public documents, diplomas. etc., and discriminating the true from the false. Webster.

DIPSOIVIANIAC. A person subject to dipsomnnla. One who has an irresistible desire for alcoholic liquors. See INSANITY.



DIPTYCEA. Dlptychs; tablets of mud, mctnl, of other substance, useil union}: II Romans for the purpose of wi-itliig, and folded like a book of two leaves. The diptrfis of antiquity were especially employed for [)lllIllC registers. They were used in thn Greek, and afterwards in the Rflllilii. (-hiI¢. as registers of the names of those for whim suppllcatioii \\ as to be made, and are ri1l'=l9II among the earliest monastic records. Burrlll.

DIRECT. Immediate; by the sbortfi course: without cii-cuity; opemting by an ]I1‘‘. connection or rel itlun. iustuld of operating through a medium: the Opp!‘ of iiidiieot.

In the usual or natural course or line: b- medlnteiy upwards or downnartls: iis db tiiiguisiied from that which is out of the luck or on the side of it; the D1J[)0Slte0i'C0"(1M'Wi1.

In the usual or regular course or order, at distinguished from that which diverts, inter~ rupts, or opposes; the opposite of cross or contrary.

—Direot attack. A direct attack on a jurl_z- rncnt or decree is an attempt, for siifiicieut cause. to have it ennullcd. roversod. vawudl. corrected. declared void, or emnincd. in a ("'1'- ceerling instituted for that specific plil'[lOF!. um as an appeal, writ of error, hill of revivv. or injunction to restrain its execution: limin- ElI|.\'lICd from a coil.-itcriil attack, which I- un attempt to impi=s(~h the validity or hisillm force of the ind:-nicnt or decree as a si(lc i-m or in a prm-ceding instituted for so: ~ purpose. Schneiilcr v. Sellers. 25 Tax. Civ. .\ . 226. 6] S. v. ’ . ‘rnith v. _l\lorrill. 1'.’ rub.

. -1: Morrill v l\[oi'ri|l. Ell . 362. 11 L R "


63$. 33 S. W. .i_’7i: Eichhofi v. Elchliliff. ill? Cal. 42. -10 Par %. 48 Am. St. Rep. llfl——Di— rect interest. A ircct intcnzt. -uch as would render the iiitercstcd pait_v iiitoiiii-vi-«I tn tcsiifv in regard to the matter. is -in iIl("Y* est which is certain, and not rmnlinsciit ur doubtful A matter which is dE])t'DdEI1[ mm.- on the successful prosecution of an exo<-uiuv cannot be c a 'i(ls-red iis unccrtnin, or otliizrirha than direct. in this sense. in re Van Al-=rin¢‘u Fstate, 26 Utah. 193. 72 Pac. ii-i2.—Diu-set line. Propcity is said to descend or be in|iirll- ed in the direct line when it passes in llkrll nn- from ancestor lo s u. gran. mu. on son, and so nn.—Diree1'. payment. One Vi ich is absolute and un(-nndilionni as in the time, amount, and tho pm-sons by nlinm and to whom it is to lit‘ made. People v. liar- liin (C. C.) 25 Fed. 595. See Ancient Order of Hilierninn-i v. Spar-rnw. 2.0 Mnnt 132. 74 Pan 1577. 6-1 L. R. A. 123. 1 1 Am. Sr. Rep. ‘IR: Hurd v. McClellan. 14 Colo. ‘.213 23 Pac. 7'42.


As to direct "Consanguinity." "Contenipt." "Damages.‘ "Evldence." "E\'amlnu1.lon. Iiiterrogatories." "Loss," "Tax," and "Trust." see those titles.

DIZRECTION. 1. The act of governing; iimnagcment: supcrintendcnce. Also the liocly of persons (culled "d_irectors") who are clrii-god with the management and administration of :1 corporation or institution.

2. The charge or instruction given liv the court to a jury upon a point at law arising