Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/400

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Danntio principis intelligitnr sine prmjndido tertii. Dav. 11'. K. B. 75. A gift of the prince is understood without prej- udice to a third party.

DONATION. In ecclesiastical law. A mode of acquiring a he-notice by deed of gift aloiu.-, without presentation, institution, or hiduction 3 Steph. Cumin. 81.

In general. A gift. See DONATID.

DONATIVE ADVOWSON. In ecclesiasticul law A species of x)d\‘0\\SDI], Whele the benetice is confoired on the clerk by the patrons deed of donation, without p1esenI.ation, institution, or induction. A Bi. Conini. 23; Teiines de la Ley.

DONATOR. gift, (clonatLu.)

A donor; one who nmizes n

Donator nunqnam desinit pussidere, anteqnam danaturius incipint possidere. The donor llE\ er Lenses to possess, until the donee begins to pu.::ess. Bract. fol. 41b.

DONATORIUS. A donee; whom a gift is Lniitle; I1 purchaser. 101. 13, et seq.

I1 pelson to Brat-t.

DONATORY. The person on whom the king iiestous his right to any forfeiture that has fallen to the crown.

DONE. Distinguished from "n.u1de." "A ‘deed made’ may no doubt mean an ‘instru- ment ninde;’ but a ‘deed done‘ is not an ‘instrument done,'—it is an ‘act done ;' and therefore these words, ‘made and done,‘ apply to acts, as well as deeds." Lord Brougham, 4 Beli, App. Gas. 38.

DONEE. In old English law. E8 to whom lands were given: the party to whom a danmio was mode.

In later law. He to whom lands or tenements are given in tail. Litt. § 57.

In modern and American law. The party executing a power: otheiuise called the "i1p[-oinI.'er," 4 Kent, COIJJLIJ. 316.


DONNEUR ITAVAL. In French lirw. Guai-ziiitor of negotiable paper other than by indorsement.

DONOR. In old English law. He by Whom iurids were given to another; the party e dmmno.

In later law. He who gives lands or tenements to another in tall. Litt. § 57; Tennes de la Ley.

In modern and American law. The party CDl.Lfe1'I‘lDg a pen er. 4 Kent, Comm. 316.



DONUM. Lat. 21 free gift. Calvin. mimus. Dig. 50. 16, 194.

DOOM. In Scotch law. Judicliil @- tence, or judgment. The decision or nu‘-a tence of a court orally pronounmii by |II. oriicer culled a "denipster" or "de<:iusIer." In . modern usige. ci'i.uJin:il SElil.€‘l1l.lfl still ad

In the civil law. A giffl Distinguished frcflg

with the Words "which is proiiuunnnl Ifi duuni."


DOOR. The piece of usual e1lil:I1A'O a 1 hunse, or into a rooin in the ].lUl.n=L. sui- V. M(Beth, 49 Kim. 584, 31 1'ac. 1-15.

DORMANT. Litornily, sleeping; I-gnu i.nm.ti\'e; in nheyaiice; unknuun. I wznesicd.

—Dox'ma.nt claim. One niiduh is in 1&- nnee-.—Dor-mant execution. nu,» ulul-:b I creditor delivers to the SileI‘iII \...l.‘. dnr-Olin! to levy only, and not to sell. uniii iuluu orders, or until IL junior execution is raging —Donnnnt judgment. One which hu 1 bein szitished. our extinguished by liiuu 1! time, but which has reniaiued so long nu» ecuted that execution ciunot now be and upon it without first l'\:\'i\ii1f,’ the ji.l-Just or one which has lost its lien on innd Eafi the fuiiure to issue EX("'u£lU)J on it or an other steps to enfoue it within the unit fink‘ ed by statute. 1 Black, .iudg-m l2(i J I -hi2: Draper v. i\i\on, ‘J3 Ale. 4\5iJ.—Dorment partner. See

43 . Pei 1.

Dorminnt nliquamllo legee, nunqniini mo:-iuntur. 2 inst. 161. The laws sunntiines sleep, never die.

DORSUM. Lat The hzfcli. In (10%

recordi, on the bncli of the record. 5 (Mus


DORTURE. (Contrncted from dorinlturq A doi initory of a com ent; a place to sleepix

DOS. In Roman law. Dowry; a wife‘: nmrriage portion; all that property whwl on inariiage is transferred by the wife hei- sell’ or by smother to the husband ultli s: View or dlnilnislihig the burden whirl) HID niarri ige will entail upon him. It is of thr-:9 kinds. P1-ofeclitia dos is that irliich is minived from the propeity of the Wi.l'e's father or pateruai grandfather. '1‘h.-it dos is teuuefi a(lr¢'nMt£u, which is not 1Jra/'(Llitiu. in respux to its source, whether it is gi\ en by the «if: from her own estnte or by the wlfe‘s mum: or a third person it is terined rcccplilui dog when ucroinlmnied by e stipniatinn for in reulninaiiun by the constituror on the tonal» nation of the marriage. See Mackeld. mm Lew. §§ 561, 553.

In old English law. The portion ginn to the ui.t'e by the husband at the on-mt door. In consideration of the in.ii-riiige: dmrv er: the wife's portion out of her dewmuwl husband's estate in case he had not endowed her.

—DDs 1-atinnabilis. A reasonable iiinrrinn portion. A reasonabie part of be: husliundfia