Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/41

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AD VOLUNTATEM. At will. Bract. fol. 2741. Ad voluntatem domini, at the will of the lord.

AD WARACTUM. To fallow. Bract. fol. 228b. See Waractum.

ADAWLUT. Corrupted from Aduluf, justice. equity; a court of justice. The terms "DeWan.ny Adawlut" and "Foirjdarry AdaW- lt1t" denote the civil and criminal courts of justice in India. Wharton.

ADCORDABILIS DENARH. Money paid by a vassal to his lord upon the selling or exchanging of a feud. Euc. Lond.

ADDICERE. Lat. In the civil law. To adjudge or condemn; to assign, allot, or deliver; to sell. In the Roman law, iultlico was one of the three words used to express the extent of the civil jurisdiction of the praetors.

ADDICTIO. In the Roman law. The giving up to a creditor of his debtor's person by a magistrate; also the transfer of the debtor's goods to one who assumes his liabilities.

Additio probat minorltntem. An addition [lo a Danie] proves or shows minority or inferiority. 4 Inst. 80: Wing. Max. 211, max. 60.

This maxim is applied by Lord Coke to courts, and terms of law; m.mai-itaa being undorstr-oil in the sense of difference, inferioiil: , or qualification. Thus, the style of tile kings bench is comm rage, and the style of the court of chanceiy is coram dainmo rage in cancellaria; the addition showing the diiference_ 4 Inst. 80, by tile word "fee" is intended fee- umpie, fee-lail not being inlcnded by it, unless there be nddcd to it the urldition of the word "tail." 2 Bl. Comm. 106; L-itt. E 1.

ADDITION. Whatcier is added to a man's name by way of title or description. as additions of mystery. place, or degree. Cowell.

In English law, there are four kinds of addiiion.v,—additions of estate, such as yeoinan, gr-ntlrnian. csquire; additions of dcgrec, or names of dignity, as knight, earl, marqii . duke: additions of trade, mystery, or occupation, as scrivener, painter. mason. carpenter: and additions of place of residence, as London. Chester. etc. The only additions recugaivetl in ginerican law are those of mystery and resi-


In the law of liens. Within the meaning of the Ineciianic's lien law, an "addition" to a building runst be a lateral addition. It must occupy ground without the limits or the building to which it constitutes an addition, so that the lien shall he uimn the building forrued by the addition and the land upon which it stands. An alteration in a former building, by adding to its height, or to its depth, or to the extent of its interior accommodations. is merely an "alteration," and not an "add.ltion." Putting a new

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story on an old building is not an addition. Updike v. Slrillrnan, 27 N. J. Law. 132.

In French law. A supplementary process to obtain additional information. Guyot, Repert.

ADDITIONAL. This term embraces the idea of joining or uniting one thing to an- other, so as thereby to form one aggregate. Thus, "additional security" imports a secu- rity, which, united with or joined to the former one, is deemed to make it, as an aggregate, sufiicieut as a security from the be- ginning. State v. Hull, 53 Miss. I32/5.

ADDITIONAJLBS. In the law of contracts. Addltional terms or propositions to be added to a former agreement.

ADDONE. Addmnm. L. Fl‘. Given to. Kelhaiu. ADDRESS. That part of a bill in equity

wherein is given the appropriate and tech- nical description of the court in which the bill is filed.

The word is sometimes used as descripliie of a formal document, embodying a request. presented to the goi ernor of a sum by one or both branches of the legislative iiody, desiring him to perform some executive act.

A place of business or residence.

ADDIICE. To present, bring forward, offer, introduce. Used particulairly with reterence to evidence. Tattle v. Story County, 56 Iowa. 316, 9 N. W. 292.

"The word ‘adduced’ is hroader in its signif- ication than the word ‘oiIeicd.' iin-l, iuoking to the whole statement in elation to the end.-nce hcloiv, we think it sufficiently appears that aii of the evidence is in the record." lit-any v. 0 unor. 106 Ind. 81, 5 N. E. 830, ljiown v. G n, 40 Ill. App. 558.

ADEEIVI. To take away, recall, or revoke To satisfy a legacy by some gift or substituted disposition. made by the tcstator, in advance. Tolmau v. Tolinan, Si Me. 317, 2:‘ Ati. 184. See ADEMPIION.

ADELANTADO. In Spanish governor of a province; a 1:11-siilent or pi (‘Si- (lcnt judge; a judge having jurisdiction over a knlgdonl, or over certain provinces oniy. So coiled from having authority over the judges of those places. Las Partidas, pt 3. tit -1, L L

ADELING, or ATHELING. Nobie; ex- cellent. A title of honor among the Angio- Saxons. properly belonging to the king is cliii- dren. Spelinau

ADEMPTIO. Lat. In the civil law. A revocation of a legacy; an ademption. Inst.2, 21., pr. Where it was expressly transferred from one person to another, it was called translatio. Id. 2, 21, 1; Dig. 34, 4.