Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/421

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would embrace the whole estate; but the word "effects" alone must be confined to personal estate simply. unless an intention appears in the contrary. Schouler. Wills, § 509. See Adams v. Akerlund, 168 iii. 63!, -16 N. 14}. -Fri: Ennis v. Smith, 1-} How. 409, 14 L. Ed. 472.


Eflectns sequitnr uansam. Wing.

The em-.-at follows the cause.

EITENDI. In Turkish language. Master: a title of respect

EFFICIENT CAUSE. The working cause; that cause which produces eflects or usults; an inter\ ening cause, 'Wi.liLi.| pro- duces results which would not hme come to pan except for its interposition, and for uhlch, therefore, the person who set in motion the original chain of causes is not responsible. Central Cool & Iron Co. v. Pearce (Ky) 80 S. W. 450; Puiiman Palace Car Co. v. Laack, 143 Ill. 242, 32 N. E. 285. 18 L. R. A. 215.

EITIGY. The corporeal representation of a person.

To make the effigy of a person with an intcnt to make him the object of ridicule is a libel. 2 Chit. Crim. Law, 806.

EFFLUX. The running of a prescribed period of time to its end; expiration by lapse of time. Particularly applied to the termi- nation of a lease by the expiration of the term for which it was made.

EFFLUXION 0!‘ TIME. When this pbrase is used in leases, conveyances, and other like deeds, or in agreements expressed in simple writing, it indicates the conclusion or expiration of an agreed term of years specified in the deed or writing, such conclu- sion or expiration arising in the natural course of events, in contrndistmction to the determination of the term by the acts of the parties or by some unexpected or lmusuai i.u- cident or other sudden event. Brown. EFFORCIALITEE, applied to military force.

Forcibly ;

EFFRACTION. A breach made by the use of force.

EFERACTOR. One -who breaks through; one who commits a burglary.

EFFUSIO SANGUINIS. In Old English law. The shedding of blood; the mulct, fine, wile, or penalty imposed for the shedding of blood, which the king granted to

many lords of manors. Cowell; Tomlins. See Bmouwrr. EFTERS. In Saxon law. Ways, walks,

or hedges. Blou nt.



EGALHY. 0we1ty.(r1. v.) Co. Litt 16911.

EGO. I; myseif. This term is used in forrulng genealogical tables, to represent the person who is the object of inquuy.

Wo1'ds uscd

EGO, TALIS. 1. SIlf'il a one

in descubing the forms of old deeds bl‘-ta. no. 3, :- 14, 5 5. EGREDFENS ET EXEUNS. In old

pleading. Going forth and issuuig out of (land.) Townsb. P1. 17.

EGYPTIAH S, commonly called "(Ex [I- sics," (in old ldngllsh slntul-‘s,) are counterieit rogues, Welsh or iflnglisli. that (ii: .mse themselves in speech and apparel, and \..m- der up and down the country, pretending to have skili in telling fortunes, and to deceive the common people, but live chiefly by flldiing and stealing, and, therefore, the statutes of 1 R: 2 Mar. c. 4, and 5 Ehz. c. 20, uere made to punish such as felons if they depaited not the realm or continued to a month. Termcs de ia Ley.

E1 incnnfbit probatiu, qui dieit, non qui uegat; cum per l‘E1'Il)J.l nntnram Enctnm negantis pr.-nbatio nulls sit. The proof iies upon him who alhrms. not upon him who denies; since, by the nature of things, he who denies a fact cannot produce any proof.

Ei nihil tnrpe, uni nihil satin. To him to whom nothing is enough, nothing is base. -1 Inst. 53.

{{anchor+|.|BIA, on E1’. An island. Cowell.

EIGNE. L. Fr. Eldest: eldest-born. The term is of common ocuirrence in the oid books. Thus, bastard elgno means an illegitimate son whose parenm afterwards mairy and have a second son for lawful issue, the iatter being called mulicr puisuc. (after born.) Eigrte is probably a corrupt form of the

French "H.i1Lé." 2 Bl. Comm. 218; Lift. S 399. EIK. In Scotch law. An addition as, oil: to a reversion. em. to u confirmation Bell.

EINECIA. Eldership. See Essrzcx. EINETIUS. In English law. The oldest: the fu-st.-horn. Spelman.

EIRE, or EYE]-1. In old Eiglish law. A journey. route, or circuit. Justices in :1‘-re were judges who were sent by commission, every seven years. into various rouutlcs to hold the assizes and hear plus of the crown. 3 Bl. Comm. 58.

EIRENAECHA. A name formerly given to a justice of the peace. In the Digests the word is nrltten "iv-enarcha."