Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/482

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F. In old English criminal law, this letter was branded upon felons upon their being admitted to clergy; as also upon those convicted of fights or frays, or falsity. Jacob; Cowell; 2 Reeve, Eng. Law, 392; 4 Reeve, Eng. Law, 485.

F. 0. B. In mercantile contracts, this abbreviation means "free on board." and imports that the seller or consignor of goods will deliver them on the car, vessel, or other conveyance by which they are to be transported without expense to the buyer or consignee. that is, without charge for packing, crating, drayage, etc., until delivered to the carrier. Vast v. Shienlleck. 122 Wis. 491, 100 N. W. 820. 67 L ii. A. 756. 106 Am. S Rep. 939: Sliherman v. Clark, 96 N. Y. 523: Sheflield Furnace Co. v. Hull Coal & Coke 00., 101 Ala. 446, 14 South. 672.

FABRIC LANDS. In English law. Lands given towards the maintenance. re-

building, or repairm of cathedral and other churches. Cowell; Blount. FAJBRICA. In old English law. The

making or coining of money.

FABRICARE. Lat To make. Used in old English law of a lawful coining, and also of an unlawful making or counterfeiting of coin. See 1 Salk. 342.

FABRICATCE. To fabricate evidence is to arrange or manufacture circumstances or indicia, after the fact committed, with the purpose of using them as evidence, and of deccitfully making them appear as if acci- deniai or undesigued; to devise falsely or contrive by artifice with the intention to deceive Such evidence may be wholly forged and artificial, or it may consist in so warping and distorting real facts as to create an erro- neous imprcsslon in the minds of those who observe them and then presenting such impression as true and genuine.

—I‘aJu~icated evidence. Evidence manufactured or arranged after the fact, and either uhoiiy false or else warped and discolored by srtlfice and contrivance with s deceitful intent. See supru.—Fab1-icated fact. In the la" of evidence. A fact existing only in statement. without an foundation in truth. An actual or genuine act to which a false appearance has been rlcsignedly given: a physical object pinced in a. false connection with another, or with a person on nhom it is designed to cast suspicion.

FABITLA. In old European law. A contract or tormal agreement; but particularly used in the Lombardic and Visigothic laws to denote a marriage contract or a wlli.

FAC SIMELE. An exact copy, preserving all the marks of the original.

FAG SIMILE PROBATE. In England Where the construction 01! a will may be af- tected by the appearance of the original pa- per, the court will order the prolxnte to pas: in fee aimde, as it may possibly help to show the meaning of the testator. 1 Williams. Ex'rs. (7th Ed.) 331. 386, 566.

FACE. The face of an instrument is that which is shown by the mere language employed, wiiliout any explanation, modification, or addition from extrinsic tacts or evi- dence. Thus, it the express terms 01! the paper disclose a fatal legal defect. it is said to be "raid on its face."

Regarded as an evldence of debt, the face ot an instrument is the principal sum "llltll it expresses to be due or payable, without any additions in the way of interest or Lusis Thus, the expression "the face of a judgment" means the sum for uiiich the judg ment was rendered. excluding the interest accrued thereon. Osgood v. Bringoif, 32 Iowa, 265.

PACER]-J. Lat. To do; to make. Thus. facere defnzltam, to make default; facere ducilmn, to make the duel, or make or do battle; fnzcere flncm, to make or pay a fine: facerc legem, to make one’s law; facers aa- cramentum, to make oath.

FACIAS. That you cause. Occurring in the phrases "sc1'Ire fecias," (that you cause to know,) "rleri fcwias," (that you cause to be made.) etc.


some activity.

In doing or paying;

FACIES. Lat The face or countenance; the exterior appearance or view; hence, cantemplation or study of a thing on its external or apparent side. Thus, prime far-ie menus at the first inspection, on a preliminary or exterior scrutiny. When we speak of a "prirmz facie case," we mean one which, on its own showing, on a first examination, or without investlgating any alleged defenses, is apparently good and maintainable.

FACELE. In Scotch law. Easily persuaded: easily imposed upon. Bell.

FACILITIES. This name was formetLv given to certain notes of some of the banks in the state of Connecticut, which were made payable in two years after the close of the War of 181?. Springfield Bank v. Merrick,

14 Mass. 322. FACILITY. In Scotch law. Piinncy of disposition. Bell

Fnoinus quon inqninat sequat. Guilt

makes equal those whom it stains.