Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/492

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certain rent in farm; a’. 0., in agricultural pi-oduce.—Fiu-m out. To let for a term at a stated rentai. Among the Romans the collection of revenue was [armed out, and in England taxes and tails sometimes are.

FARMER. 1. The lessee of a farm. It is said that every lessee for life or years, al- though it be but of a small house and land, is called "faruier." This word implies no mystery, except it be that of husbandnian. Cunningham: Cowell.

2. A hushaudnian or agriculturist: one‘ who cultivates a farm, whether the land be his own or another's.

3. One who assumes the collection of the public revenues, taxes, excise etc, for I certain commission or percentage; as a farm- er of the revenues.

FARO. An unlawful grime of cards, in which all the other players play ag-iinst the banker or dealer. staking their money upon the order in which the cards will lie and be dealt from the pack. Webster: Ward v. State. 22 Ala. 19: U. S. v. Smith, 27 Fed. C.-is. 1149: Patterson v. State, 12 Tex. App. 224.

FAERRAGO LIBELLI. Lat. An l]l-composed hook containing a collection of miscellaneous subjects not properly associated nor scientifically arranged. Wharton.

FARTHING. The fourth part of an English penny.

—1‘s1-thing of gold. An ancient English coibnl. containing in value the fourth pB.l't of it no e.

FARYNDON INN. The ancient appellation of Serjeants’ Inn, Chancery lane.

PAS. Lat. Right; justice; the divine law. 3 El. Comm. 2: Calvin.

FASIUS. In old English law. A faggot of wood.

FAST. In Georgia. a "fast" bill of exceptions is one which may be taken in injunction suits and simiiar cases, at such time and in such manner as to bring the case up for review with great expediljou. It must be certified within twenty days from the rendering of the decision. Seweli v. Edmonston, 66 Ga. 353.

FAST-DAY. A day of fasting and pen- itence, or of niortification by reiigious absti- nence See 1 Chit. Archb. Pr. (12th Ed.) 160, et seq.


FASTERMANS, or FASTING-MEN. Men in repute and substance; pledges, sureties, or bondsmen, who, according to the Saxon polity, were fast bound to answer for each other‘: peaceabie hehavior. Enc. Loud.



FASTI. In Roman law. Lawful. Dies fasfi, lawful days; days on which justice could lawfully be administered by the preetor. See DIES FASTI.

Fntetnr faeinun gill judicium fiigit. 8 Inst. 14. He who flees judgment confesses his guilt.

FATHER. The male parent. fie -by wbom a child is begotten. As used in law, this term may (according to the context and the nature of the instrument) include a putative as 'well as a legal father, also a step- father, an adoptive father, or a gi .ill1lf.ltllel'. but is not as wide as the word "pai-ent." and cannot be so construed as to include a feuinie. Lind v. Burke, 56 Neb. 785, 77 N. W. 4-i-i; Crook v. Wehb, 125 Ala. 457, 28 South. 384: Cotheai v. Cotheal, 40 N. Y. 410: Lantzuesk ter v. State, 19 Tex. App. 321; Thornbui-g v. American Strnwboard Co., 141 ind. 4-13. 40 N. E. 1062, 50 Am. St. Rep. 334. -—1"nthei--in-law. The father of one's wife or bushand.—Putn.tive father. The alleged or reputed fnther of an illegitimate child. _%%te v. Nestaval. 72 Minn. 415. 75 N. W.

FATHOM. A nautical measure of six feet in length. Occasionally used as 11 superficial measure of land and in mining, and in that case it means a square fathom or thirty-six square feet. Nahaolelua v. Kasa- hu, 9 Hawaii, 601.

FATIIA MULIER. A whore. Du Fresne. FATUITAS. In old English law. Fatuity; idiocy. Reg. Orig. 266.

FATUM. Lat. Fate; a superhuman pow- er; an event or cause of loss, heyond human foresight or means of prevention.

FATUOUS PERSON. One entirely destitute of reason; is qui omnmo desipit. Ersk. Inst. 1, T, 48.

FATUUS. Bract. foL £01).

Foolish: absurd: indiscreet; or iii considered. Fatuum judiv-ium, a foolish judgment or verdict. Applted to the verdict of a jury which, though false, was not crirninally so, or did not amount to perjury. Bract. tel. 289.

Fatuus, spud jnrisnonsrilton nostros, uccipitur pl-a non compo: mantis; et fntinin ilioitiu-, qiii omnino desipit. 4 Cake, 128. Fatimus, among our jurisconsutts, is understood for a man not of right mind; and he is called "futuiLa" who is al- together foolish.

An idiot‘ or fool.

Iintniu prselnmitnr qui in pi-oprio noinine en-at. A man is presumed to be simple who makes a mistake in his own name. Code, 6, 24, 14; Van Alst v. Hunter. I5 Johns. Ch. (N. Y.) 148, 16L