Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/501

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ice, makes his return in grain or money. Distinguished from "wardholding," which is the military tenure of the country. Bell.

—Feu annuals. The reddendo, or annual return from the vassal to a superior in a feu holding. -—Feu holding. A holding by tenure of rendering grain or money in place of military service. Bell. -—Feuar. The tenant of a feu; a feu-vassal. Bell.

FEU ET LIEU. Fr. In old French and Canadian law. Hearth and home. A term importing actual settlement upon land by a tenant.

FEUD. In feudal law. An estate in land held of a superior on condition of rendering him services. 2 Bl. Comm. 105.

An inheritable right to the use and occupation of lands, held on condition of rendering services to the lord or proprietor, who himself retains the property in the lands. See Spel. Feuds, c. 1.

In this sense the word is the same as "feed," "feodum," "feudum," "fief," or "fee."

In Saxon and old German law. An enniity, or species of private war, existing between the family of a murdered man and the family of his slayer; a combination of the former to take vengeance upon the latter. See Deadly Feud; Faida.

—Military feuds. The genuine or original feuds which were in the hands of military men, who performed military duty for their tenures.

FEUDA. Feuds or fees.

FEUDAL. Pertaining to feuds or fees; relating to or growing out of the feudal system or feudal law: having the quality of a feud, as distinguished from "allodial."

Feudal actions. An ancient name for real actions, or such as concern real property only. 3 Bl. Comm. 117.—Fou law. The body of jurisprudence relating to feuds; the real-prop- erty law of the feudal system; the law ancient- ly regulating the property relations of lord and vessel, and the creation, incidents, and trans- mission of feudal estates. The body of laws and usages constituting the "feudal law" was orig- inally customary and unwritten, but a compilation was made in the twelfth century, called "Feodarum Consuefudlnes," which has formed the basis of latcr digests. The feudal law prevailed orcr Europe from the twolfth to the fourteenth century, and was introduced into England at the l\'orman Conquest, where it formnd the entire hasis of the law of real property until comparatively modern times. Survivals of the feudal law. to the present day. so afiect and color that branch of jurisprudence as to re- quire a certain knowledge of the feudal law in order to the perfect comprehension of modern tenures and rnlcs of real-property lavr.—Feudnl possession. he cquivalent of "seisin" under the feudal system.—Feudnl system. The s_vstern of feurls. A political and social system which prevailed throughout Europe during the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth centuries, and ls supprJsPd to have grown out of the peculiar usages and policy of the Teutonic nations who overrun the continent after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, as developed by the ex- igencies of their military (lomlnafion, and possi- bly furthcred by notions taken from the Roman jurisprudence. It was introduced into England,


ln its completeness, by William I., A. D. 1085, though it may have existed in a rudimentary form among the Saxons before the Conquest. It formed the entire basis of the real-property law of England in medieval times; and surviv- sls of the system, in modern days. so modify and color that branch of jurisprudence, hoth in England and America, that many of its princi- ples require for their complete understanding a knowledge of the feudal system. The feiiilal systcm originated in the relations of a military chieftain and his followers, or king and nobles, or lord and vassnls, and especially their relations as determined by the hand established by a grant of land from the former to the latter. From this it grew into a complete and intricate complex of rules for the tenure and transmission of real estate, and of correlated duties and services; while, by tying men to the land and to those holding above and helow them, it created a close-knit hierarchy of persons, and developed an aggregate of social and political institutions. For an account of the fcudal system in its juristic relations, see omm. 4-1:; 1 Steph. Comm. 160; 3 Kent, Comm 487 ; Spel. Feuds; Litt. Ten.; Sull. Lect.: Spence, Eq. Jur.; 1 Washb. Real Prop. 15; Dalr. Feu.

I‘i-up. For its political and social relations. sce llnll. Middle Ages; Maine. Anc. Law; Rob. Car. V.: Monte Esprit des Lois, hk. 30;

Giiizot, Hist. Civiliavitiou.—Feudal tenures. The tenures of real estate under the feudal system, such as knight-service, socage, villcnage, etc.

FEUDALISM. The feudal system; the aggregate of feudal principles and usues.

FEUDALIZE. To reduce to a feudal ten- ure; to conform to feudalism. Webster.

FEUDARY. A tenant who holds by tendal tenure, (also spelled "feodatury" and "feudatory.") Held by feudal service. Re- lating to feuds or feudal tenures.

FEUDBOTE. A recompense for engaging in a feud, and the damages consequent, it having been the custom in ancient times for all the kindred to engage in their kinsiu:in’s quarrel. Jacob.

FEUDE. An occasional early form of "feud" in the sense of private war or ven- geance. Termes de la Ley. See Faun.

FIJUDIST. A writer on feuds, as Guja- clus, Speimnn, etc.

FEUDO. In Spanish law. Feud or fee. White, New Recop. la. 2, tit. 2, c. 2.

I‘!-IUDUM. L. Lat. A feud, fief, or fee. A right of using and enjoying foreier the 1aniLs of another, which the lord grants on condition that the tenant shall render fealty, military duty, and other services. Spelman. —Feudun;i antiquum. An ancient feud or fief; a fief dmsrended to the iassal from his ancestors. 2 Bl. Comm. 21.5, _ . A flef which ancestors had possessed for m re than four generations. Spclnian; Priest v. Cumnnngs, 20 Weud. (N. Y.) 349.—-Feuduin npertum. Au Upon feud or fief; a fief resulting b‘.l(‘L' to the lord, whi-re the blood of the person last seisc_d was uttsrly extinct and gone. 2 Bl. Comm. 24.». —Fendum fx-ancum. free _ feud. One which was noble and free from talhsge and oth-


