Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/508

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convicted of crime or misdemeanor. Lancaster v. Richardson, 4 Laus. (N. Y.) 140; State v. Belle, 92 Iowa, 258, 60 N. W. 525; State v. Ostwalt, 118 N. C. 1208, 24 S. E. 660, 82 L. R. A. 396.

It means. among other things, "a sum of money paid at the end, to make an end of a transaction, suit, or prosecution; mulct; penalty."

In ordinary legal language, however, it means a sum of money imposed by a court according to law, as a punishment for the breach of some penal statute. Railroad Co. v. State, 22 Kan. 15

It is not confined to a pecuniary punishment of an offense. indicted by a court in the exercise of criminal jurisdiction. It has other meanings, and may include it forfeiture, or a penalty recoverable by civil action. I-lanscomb v. Russell, 11 Gray (Mass) 373. —Joint fine. In old English law. "If a whole vill is to be fined, a. joint fine may be laid, and it will be good for the necessity of it; but, in other cases. fines for offenses are to he severally imposed on each particular offender, and not jointly upon all of them." Jacob.

FINE ANULLANDO LEVATO DE TENEMENTO QUOD FUIT DI} ANTIQ- UO DOMINICO. An abolished writ for dis- aunulllng a fine levied of lands in ancient deinesne to the prejudice of the lord. Reg. Orig. 15.

FINE CAPIENDO PRO TERRIS. An obsolete writ which lay for a person who, upon conviction by jury, had his lands and goode taken, and his body imprisoned, to be remitted his imprisonment, and have his lande and goods redelivered to him. on ob- taining favor of a sum of money, etc. Reg. Orig. 142.

FINE NON CAPIENDO PRO PUL- CHRE PLACITANDO. An obsolete writ to inhibit officers of courts to take fines for fair pleading.

FINE PRO REDISSIIISINA GAPIEN- DO. An old writ that lay for the release of one imprisoned for a redisseisiu. on pay- ment of a reasonable fine. Reg. Oi-ig. .... .

FINE-FORCE. An absolute necessity or inevitable constraint. Plowd. 94; 8 Coke, 11; Cowell.

FINENI FACEILE. fine Brad. 106.

FINES LE ROY. In old Eii::lish law. The kings fines. Flues formerly payable to the king for any contempt or offense, as where one committed any trespass, or false- ly denied his own deed, or did anything in contempt of law. Termes de la Ley.

To make or pay a

FINIRE. In old English law. To fine, or pay a fine. Cowell. To end or finish a matter.

FINIS. Lat. An end: a fine; a boundary or terminus: a limit. Also in L Lab, :1 fine (q. 1;.)

Finis est Ilmicnbilil compositio at final): concordia ex conceusu at concordin domird reg-is vel justiciarum. Gian. 1ib- 8. 0.. A line is an amicable settlement and decisive agreement by consent and a::i'ee‘.- ment of our lord, the king, or his justiuis.

Finis flnem litibns imponit. A fine puts an end to litigation. 3 Inst. 78.

Finis rei nttendendns est. 3 Inst. 51. The end or a thing is to be attended to.

Finis unins dial est prlncipium alteri- us. 2 Bulst. 305. The end of one day is the beginning of another.

FINITIO. or life.

An ending; death, as the end Blonnt; Cowell.

FINIUM REGUNDORUM ACTIO. In the civil law. Action for regulating hound- sries. The name of an action which lay between those who had lands bordering on each other, to settle disputed boundaries. Mackeld. Rom. Law, 5 499.

IFINORS. Those that purify gold and silver, and part them Ihy fire and water from coarser metals: and therefore. in the statute of 4 Hen. VII. c. 2, they are also called "parters." Termes de la Ley.

FIRDFARE. Sax. In old English law. A summoning forth to a military expedition, (imliciia ad prafectianem mihturem.) spel- man.

FIRDIRINGA. go into the army.

Sax. A preparation to Leg. Hen. I.

FIRDSOCNE. Sax. Exemption from military service.

In old English law. Speimnn.

FIRDWITE. In old English law. A fine for refusing military service, (muictiz t1('tr:;c~ tmitis militiam.) speiinan.

A fine imposed for murder committed in the army: an acquittance of such fine. Fleta. lib. 1. c. 47.

FIRE. The effect of combustion. The juridical meaning of the word does not differ from the vernacular. 1 Pars. Mar. Law. 231, et seq.

—Firs and sword, letters of. In old Scotch law. Letters issued from the privy council in Scotland, addressed to the sheriff of the county, authorizing him to call for the assistance of the county to disunssess a tenant retaining possession. contrary to l.he order of a j|l(i"P or the sentence of a court. Wharton.—Fire- arms. This word comprises all sorts of lflillfl. fouling-pieces. blundcrbusses. pistols, etc. i ris v. Cameron, 81 Wis. 239. 5 N. . ‘ Am. St. Rep. 801: Atwood v. State. 5!} Ala. 509: Whitney Arms Co. v. Barlow. 38 N. Y. Super. Ct. 51‘-3.—-I‘ire'hare. A hencon or hinh tower by the seaside, wherein are coutinnai lights, either to Lhrect sailors in the night. or to give i-r-irnins of the approach of an enemy. Cowell.—Fire-bote. An allowance of nood or estovc-rs to maintain competent firine for the tenant. A sufficient allowance of wood to burn