Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/514

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liiackeld. Rom. Also a riv-

ground of one‘s nelghhor. Law. § 317; Ersk. Inst. 2, 9. 9. er or stream.

In old Englilla law. Flood; flood-tlde.

Planning at pox-tn: priblloa aunt, ideoqne jun piscnndi omnibus commune est. Rivers and ports are public. There fore the right of fishing there is common to all. Day. Ir. K. B. 55; Branch, Prlnc.

FLUMINIE VOLUCRE5. Wfld fowl: water-fowl. 11 East, 571, note.

FLUVIUS. Lat. er; flood; flood-tide.

A river; a puhllc riv-

FLUXUS. In aid Enfilsh law. Flow. Per flu.rum et rcfluatum maria, by Lila flow and refiow or the sea. Dal. pl. 10.

FLY FOR IT. On a criminal trial in former times, it was usual after :1 verdict of not guilty to inquire also. "Did he fly for It?" This practice was abolished by the 1 S: 8 Geo. IV., c. 28, § 5. Wharton.

FLYING SWITCH. In railroading, a flying switch is made by uncoupling the cars from the engine while in motion, and throwing the c.irs onto the side track, by turning the switch. after the engine has passed it upon the main track. Greenleaf v. Illinois Cent. IL 0).. 29 Iowa. 39. 4 Ann. Rep. 181; lliilzcr v. Railroad 00.. 122 M0. 533, 26 S. W. 20.

FLYMA. In old English law. A runaway; fugitive; one escaped from justice, or who has no "hlaford."

FLYMAN-FRYMTH. In old English law. The otfense of harboring a fugitive. the penalty attached to which was one of the rights of the crown.

FOCAGE. House—hote; ilre-bote. Cowell.

POCALE. In old English law. Fire- wood. The right of tailing wood for the fire. Fire-bote. Cunningham.

FODDER. Food for horses or cattle. In feudal law, the term also denoted a prerogative of the prince to be provided with corn. etc., for his horses by his snhjects in his "'!]l'S.

FODERTORIUM. Provisions to be paid by custom to the royal purveyors. Cowell.

FOIDERUM. See Fonnna.

FOIDINA. A mine. 00. Lltt. 6a.

FCEDUS. In international law. A treaty: a league; a Compact.

FCEMINA VIRO CO-OP]-IRTA. ried woman; a feme covert,

A mar-



Fuzmlnze ab omnibus oiflofll civiliblu vel pnhlicis reniota: sunt. Women are excluded from all civil and public charges or offices. Dig. 50. 17. 2; 1 Exch. G45; 6 liiees. 5: W. 216.

Fmmlna: non cunt capnaes do pnblicin ufiiciis. Jenk. Cent. 237. Women are not admissible to public offices.

FCENERATION. Lending money at interest; the act or putting out money to us- nry.

PCENUS. Lat. In the civil law. Interest on money; the lending or money on interest

_—-Faanus nanticnm. Nautical or maritime interest. An extraordinary rate of interest agreed to be paid for the loan of money on the hazard of a vogngc: sometimes called "uaura 1uuw'l.t'mu." Dig. 22, 2: Code, 4. 332 2 Bl. Comm. 458. The extraordinary rate of interest. proportioned to the risk. demanded by a person lending money on a ship, or on "hottomry," as it is termed. The agreement for smh a rate of interest is also called "fa-mm imu.tiI:um." (2 Bl. Comm. 476: 2 Stepli. Comm. 93.) Mozley dz Whitiey.—!‘mnris uiiciarinm. Interest of one-twelfth. that is. interest amounting annually to one-twellth of the principaL hence at the rate of eight and one-third per cent. per annnm. This was the higriiost legal rate of interest in the early times of the Roman republic. See Mackeld. Rom. Law. I 382

FCESA. In old records. 2 Mon. Angl. 9061); Cowell.

Grass; herbage.

I‘cE:'1‘IC]:DE. In medical jurisprudence. Destruction of the foetus; the act by which criminal abortion is produced. 1 Beck. liied. Jur. 288; Guy, Med. Jur. 133.

I‘cE'1‘IJ'RA. In the civil law. The pro- duce of animals, and the fruit of other prop- erty, which are acquired to the owner of such animals and property by virtue of his right. Bowyer, Mod. Civil Law. c. 14, p. 81.

FCETUS. In medical jurisprudence. An unborn child. An infant in ocntre so. more.

FOG. In maritime law. Any atmospheric condition (including not only fog properly so called. lint also mist or falling snow) which thickens the air. obstructs the view, and so increases the perils of mivlgation. Flint .9: P. M. R. Co. v. Marine Ins. Co. (0. 0.) ‘ll Fed. 210; Dolner v. The Monticello, 1 Fed. Gas. 859.

FOGAGIUM. In old English law. Foggage or fog; 11 kind of rank grass of late growth, and not eaten in summer. Spelaian; Cowell.

F01. teal ty.

In French feudal Guyot, Inst. Feod. c. 2.

law. Faith;

FOINESUN. fawning of deer.

In old English law. The Spelman.

FOIRFAULT. in old Scotch law. To forfeit. 1 How. State Tr. 927.