Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/519

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"Jurisdiction," "Jury." "Minister," "P ea," "Port." "State," "Vessel," and "Voyage," see those titles.

FOREIGNER. In old English law, this term, when used with reference to a particu- lar city, designated any person who was not an inhabitant of that city. According to later usage, It denotes a person who is not a citizen or subject of the state or country of which mention is made, or any one owing allegiance to a foreign state or sovereign.

For the distinctions, in Spanish law, betueen "doin1cilinted" and "ti-aiisient" foreigners. see Yates v. Iams, 10 Tex. 168.

FOREIN. An old form of foreign. ((1. ta.) Blount.

ZFORI-‘.IIJ'DGl-1. In old English law and practice. To expel from court for some offense or misconduct. When an officer or attorncy of a court was expelled for any otfense, or for not appearing to an action by bill bled agnnst him. he was said to be foreimlged the court. Cowell.

To deprive or put out of a thing by the judgment of a court. To condemn to lose a thing.

To expel or banish.

—1‘ore,indge:r. In English practice. A judgment by which a man is deprived or put out of a tilting; a judgment of expulsion or banish- HIBIJ .

FOR]-ZIVLAN. The presiding member of I grand or petit jury, who speaks or answers for the jury.


Belonging to courts of jus-

PORENSIC MEDICINE, or medical ju- risprudence, as it is also called, is "that science which teaches the application of every branch of medical knowledge to the purposes of the law; hence its limits are, on the one hand, the requirements of the law, and. on the other, the whole range of medicine. Anatoniy, physiology, medicine, surgery, chemistry. physics, and botany lend their aid as necessity arises; and in some cases all these biaiiches of science are required to enable a court of law to arrive at a proper cocnlusion on a contested question affecting life or property." Tayl. Med. Jur. 1.

FORENSIS. In the civil law. Belonging to or connected with a court; forensic.

Forcmzis homo, an advocate; a pleader of causes; one who practices in conrL Calvin.

In old Scotch law. A strange man or stranger: an out-dwelling man; an "uni’reeman," who dwells not within burgh.

PORESAID is used in Scotch law as aforesaid is in English, and sometimes, in a plural form, foreaide. 2 How. State Tr. 715. Foram'di'.s occurs in old Scotch records. "The


FORESTALLING THE MARKET Loirdls assesourls forsaidis." 1 Pltc. Grim. TI‘. pt. 1, p. 107.

FORESCI-IOKE. disavowed.

10 Edw. II. C. 1.

Foresaken ;

FORESI-IORE. That part of the land ad- Jacent to the sea which is alternately covered and left dry by the ordinary flow of the tides; l. e., by the medium line between the greatest and least range of tide, (spring tides and nt-ap tides.) Sweet.

FOREST. in old English law. A certain territory of wooded grouml and fruitful pastures, pri\ilcged for wild beasts and fowls of forest, chase, and warren, to rest and abide in the sate protection of the prince for his princely delight and pleasure, baring :1 pec1.1liar court and officers. .\ian'w. I-‘or. La ‘s, c.

1, no. 1; Teriucs de la icy; 1 Bl. Comm. 289.

A royal hunting-ground which lost its peculiar diariicter vsith the extinction of its courts, or when the franchise passed Luto the hands of 11 subject. Speiman; Cowell.

The word is also used to signify a franchise or right, being the right of keeping, for the purpose of hunting, the wild beasts and fowls of forest, chase. park, and warren, in a territory or precinct of woody ground or pasture set apart for the purpose. 1 Steph. Comm. 665.

-—-Forest courts. In English law. Courts instituted for the government of the king's foriat

in different parts of the kingdom, and for the punishment of all injuries done to the king's G deer or iveiiisa-n, to the var! or greenswarrl, and

to the cover: in winch such deer were lodged. They consisted of the courm of attachments, of regard, of sweinmote, and of justice-seat; but

in iater ti.uies these courts are no longer held.

3 Bl. Comm. 71.—I‘orest law. The system or body of old law relating to the royai forests. H —1‘oi-eutage. A duty or tribute payabie to the king's foresters. Cowe1l.—Fna-ester. sworn officer of the fay-cat, appointed by the king's ietters patent to waik_the forest, watching both the vert and the wnison. attaching and presenting nil trespassem against them within their own bxllliwicli or walk. These letta-is patent were generally granted during good he- bavior' but sometimes they hcid the oiiice in fee. Blount.

FORESTAGIUM. A duty or tribute pay- abis to the kings foresters. Cowell. J

FORESTALL. To intercept or obetruct a passenger on the kii.ig‘s highway. Cowell. To beset the way of a tenant so as to prevent his coming on the premises. 3 Bl. Comm. 170. To intercept a deer on his way to the K forest before he can regain it. Cowell. —I‘arostn11e1-. In old English law. Obstruction: hindiance; the olfense of stopping the highway; the hindering a tenant from coming to his land; intercepting a deer before it can regain the forest. Also one who fnrestails: one who commim the olfense of foi-estailin,-.'. 3 Bl. I. Comm. 170; Cowell.—!‘a1-estalling. Obstructing the highway. Intercepting a person on the highway.

FORESTALLING THE MARKET. The act of the buying or contracting for any mer~ M