Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/531

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FREIDSTOLE. Sanctuaries; seats of peace.

FREDUM. A fine paid for obtaining pardon when the peace had been broken. Spelman; Blount. A sum paid the magistrate for protection against the right of revenge.

FREE. 1. Ul1COllSlll'£]illE(l, hnvlng power to foiiow the dictates of his own wili. l\'ot subject to the dominion of another. Not compelled to invoiuntary servitude. Used in this sense as opposed to "slave."

2. l\ot bound to service for a fixed term of years; in distinction to being bound as an apprentice

3. Enjoying fuii civic rights.

4. Avaiiabie to aii citizens aiike without Chtlrgc; as a free school.

5. Available for pulxlic use without charge or toii; as a free hridge.

6. Not despotic; assuring iiberty: defending ind_i\idnai rights against eiicroncbinent Ivy any person or ciass; instituted by a free pcopie; said of governments, institutions, etc. Webster.

7. Certain, and also consistent with an honorable degree in life: as free services, in the feudal law.

8. Confined to the person possessing, in- SlE‘l(l OF being shared with others; as a tree dshcry.

9. hot engaged in a war as beiligerent or niiv; uentrai; as in the maxim, "Free ships nuilie free goods."

-—!‘ree aims. n See I-‘e..i\'K-A_L.MoiGNE.—I‘ree and clear. 'I he title to property is said to be "free and cl--ar" when it is not incuniliereu by any liens:

but it is said that an ag_i-cu-nicnt to convey land "free and clear" _is satisfied by a conveyance

The name of a species of ten-

pnssing a good title. Meyer v. l\Iadreperia, Ili N. J . 53 All. 477, 96 Am. St. liep. 5. ench. A vsidow's d0V\'(-‘F out

of copy aids to which she is entitled by the custom of some inanors. It is regarded as an excrew-ence growing out of the husband's inthreat, and is indeed It continuance of his estate. Wli;irton.—Free-ho-rd. ln old records. An aliowuncc of iniid over and above a certain Limit or boundary, as so much beyond or without El fcnce. Cuwi-ii: Biount. The ri,-zlit of r-lninnn,-,v that quantity. Tei-incs de is Ley.— Free lioruuzzh men. Such great men as did not engage. like the frank-piedgc men, for their lll‘L‘l-'l'll‘ll9l‘. Jacoh.—Fx-ee chapel. In English l‘l'(l(‘Si1lStiClli law. piace of wnrsliip. so r-nllcd hm.-ause not iiabie to the visitation of the ordinary. It is always of royal foundation. or founiicd at least by private persons to whom the crown has granted the privilege. 1 Burn, i-‘cc. Law, 29S.—I‘ree course. In ndmiraity law. A vessei having the wind from a favoriililc qunrter is said to sa" on a "free course." ni said to be ‘‘goin,-: free" when she has a fair ffrillawing) "ind and her yards hracwl in. The Quit-in Elizab-3th (D (‘J 100 Fed. STfi.—Free entry, egress, and regress. An expression used to denote that a person bus the right to go on land again and again as often as may be reasonably nece~snry. Thus. in the case of a tenant entitled to enihle-mi=nts.—Free fishery. See F‘rsi:[rRr.—1‘ree law. A term formerly used in England to designate the freedom of civil rights enjoyed by freemen. It was liable to forfeiture on conviction of treason or an infamous crime. McCafferty v. Guyer. 59 Pa. 116.—Free services. In feudal and old English Law. Such feudal services as were not unbecoming the character of a soldier or a freeman to perform; as to serve under his lord in the wars, to pay a sum of money, and the like. 2 Bl. Comm. 60. 61.—Free shareholders. The free shareholders of a buiding and loan association are subscribers to its capital stock who are not borrowers from the association. ' Stt-inhergr-r v. lnilepeutlent B. & S. ,\ss'n, . (:25 36 All. 42l!L—-Free ships. In international law. Ships of a nnutrni nation. The phrase "free ships shall make free goods" is often inserted in treaties. meaning that goods, even though belonging to an enniny, ehali not be seized or confiscated, if found in neutral ships. Wheat. Int. Law. 507. ct sari.- Free socagia. See S0cAGn.—I‘z-ee tenure. Tenure by free services: freehold tenure.-— Free warren. See WARREN.

FREE ON BOARD. A sale of goods "free on hoard" imports that they are to he delivered on board the cars, vesseis, etc., without expense to the buyer for packing, cartage, or other such charges.

In a contract for sale and delivery of goods "fr_ee on board" vessei, the seller is under no obligation to act until the buyer names the ship to which the deiivery is to be made. Dwight v. Eclicrt. 117 Pa. 503, 12 At]. 32.

FRIEDMAN. In Roman law. One who was set free from a state of l)0lll.l.IgE; an emancipated slave. The word is used in the same sense in the United Stites, respecting uegrocs who were forineriy siaves. Fairfieid v. Lawson, 50 Conn. 513, 47 Am. Rep. 669; Davenport v. Caldweli, 10 S. C. 333,

FREEDOM. The state or being free; Lllierty; selt‘deterinln.1tion: absence of restraint; the opposite of slavery.

The power of acting, 1n the character of a morai person:iiit_v, according to the dictates of the will, without other cheek, hindrance, or prohibition than such as may be imposed by just and necessary iaivs and the duties of sociai life.

The prevalence, in the government and constitution of a country, of such a system at inns and institutions as secure civil lilierty to the indivlduai citizen.

—I‘ree(1mn of speech and of the press. Ste L|IlER'l‘Y.

FREEHOLD. An estate in land or other real property, of uncertain duration; that is, either of inheritance or which may possibiy inst for the life of the tenant at the ieast, (as distinguished from a lea.-'e1ioid;) and heid by a free tenure. (as distinguished from copy- hoid or viiieinage.) Nevitt v. Woodburn, 175 Iii. o N. E. 593: Railroad Co. v. Hemp- hiii, 3.: Miss. 22; Neilis v. Munson, 108 N. 1'. 453, 15 N. E. 739; Jones v. Jones, 20 Ga. 700.

Such an interest in lands of frank-tenement as may enilure not only during the owner’s iife, but which is cast after his death upon the persons who successiveiy represent him. accuiding to certain ruiea elsewhere explained.