Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/533

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FRENETICUS. In old English law. A madman, or person in a frenzy. Fleta, lib. 1, c. 36.

FREOBORGH. A free-surety, or freep-pledge. Spelmen. See Frank-Pledge.

FREQUENT., v. To visit often; to resort to often or habitually. Green v. State. 109 Ind. 175, 9 N. E. 781; State v. Ah Sam, 14 Or. 347, 13 Pac. 303.

Frequentia netns mnltnm operator. The frequency of an act effects much. 4 Coke. 78; Wing. lliux. p. 719, max. 192. A continuai usage is of great effect to estabiish

1 right.

FRERE. Fr. A brother. Frere eyne, eider brother. Frere puismz, younger brother. Britt. c. 75.

FRESGA. In old records. Fresh water, or rain and land flood.

FRESH. Immediate; recent; without any material interval.

—!‘1-es]: disseisin. By the ancient common law, where a man had been dissr-iscd, he was ailowed to right himself by force, by ejecting the dissoisor from the premises, without resort to i:1w. provided this was done forthwith, whiie the disseisin was fresh. (flagrzmte rlisscisinnj _I‘il'llCt. fol. 1621). No particular time was ii.mited for doing this, but Braeton suggested it should be fifteen days. Id. fol. 1 See Britt. cc. 32. 43. 44. 65.—1‘i-es]: fine. In old English law. A line that had been ievied within 11 year past. St. Westm. 2. c. 45; Cowcil.—I‘z-es): for-ne. Force done within forty dn_vs. Fitzh. Nut. Brev. 7; Old Nat. Brev. 4 The heir or reversioner in a case of disseisin by fresh force was allowed a remedy in cbancery by bill before the mayor. Cowell.—I‘res]: pursuit. A pursuit iiistituted immedinteiy, and with intent to recisiim or recapture. after an animal esciiped. a thief flying with stolen goods, etc. Peopie v. Pnni. 27 211. 578: White v. State 70 Miss. 11 South. 632.—Fres]: 5111 . In old English law. Immediate and unremitting pursuit of an escaping thief. "Such a present and earnest following of a robber us never ceases from the time of the robbery until apprehension. The party pursuing then had back again his goods, which otherwise were forfeited to the crown." Staundef. P. C. lib. 3, cc. 10, 12; 1 Bl. Comm. 297.


FRESI-HIT. A hood, or overflowing of :1 river, by means of rains or meited snow; :1n lnundntlcn. Stover v. Insurance. 00., 3 Phii:1. (I'a.) Hnrris v. Social Mtg. 00.. 9 R. I. 99. 11 Am. Rep. 224.

FRET. Freight.

Fr. in French marine law. Ord. Mar. iiv. 3, tit. 3.

FRETER. Er. To freight a ship; to iet it. Ass. c. 11, 9 2.

In French marine law. Elnerig. Tr. des

FRETEUR. Fr. In French marine law. Freighter. The owner of :1 ship, who lets it to the merchant Emerig. Tr. dos Ass. c. 11, I 3.

I‘IR.ETT'U1V.I, FBEGTUM. law. The freight of :1 ship; Cowell.

In old English freight money.

FRETUM. Lat. A strait.

—Fretnm Britnnnlgnm. The strait between Dover and Caiais.

PRIAIIS. An order of religious persons, of whom there were four principal branches, viz.: (1) Minors, Grey Friars, or Franciscans; (2) Augustines: (3) Dominicans, or Black Friars; (4) White Friars, or Carmelites, from whom the rest descend. Wharton

PRIBUSGULUM. In the civli law. A temporary separation between husband and -wife, caused by :1 qu.1rrei or estruugenient, but not amounting to a divorce, because not accompanied with an intention to dissolve the marriage.

FRIDBORG, FRITHBORG. Frank- pledge. Clowell. Security for the peace. Spelman.

FRIDHZBUBGUS. In old English law.

A kind of frank-piedge, by which the lords or principal men were made responsibie for their dependents or servants. B1-act. fol. 12-Lb.



FRIENDLESS MAN. In old English law. An outlaw; so caiied because he was denied all help of friends. Bract. iib. 3. tr. 2, c. 12.

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. In English law. Associations supported by subscription, for the relief and maintenance of the members, or their wives, children, reiatives_ and nominees, in sickness, infancy. ndvanced age, widowhood, etc. The statutes reguiating these societies were consolidated and amended by St. 38 & 39 Vict. c. 60. Wharton.

FRIENDLY SUIT. A suit brought by :1 creditor in Chancery against an executor or administrator. being renily a suit by the ex- ecutor or administrator, in the name of a creditor, against himself, in order to compel the creditors to take an equai distribution of the assets. 2 Williams, Ex'rs, 1915.

Also any suit instituted by agreement between the parties to obtain the opinion of the court upon some doubtful question in which they are interested.

FRIGIDITY. Impotence. Johnson.

FRILINGI. _Persons of free descent, or freemen born: the middle class of persons among the Saxons. Spelmiin.

FRISCUS. Fresh uncultivated ground. Mon. Angi. t. 2. p. 56. Fresh; not salt. Reg. Orig. 97. Recent or new. See Fnrsn, and sub-titles thereunder.