Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/547

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men are truly called "gentlemen." Smith d.e

Rep. Ang. llb. 1. cc. . .. .

A ‘‘gentleman’' is defined to be one who, without any title. hears a coat of arms, or whose ancestors have been frcemen; and, by the coat that a gentleman givcth. he is known to_ he, or not to he. descended from those of his name that hved many hundred years since. $§ob. See Cresson v. Cresson, 6 Fed. Cas.


GENTLEMAN USHER. One who holds a post at court to usher others to the presence, etc.

GENTLEWOMAN. A woman of birth above the common, or equal to that of a gentleman; an addition of a woman's state or degree.

GENTOO LAW. See Elmnn Law.

GENUINE. As applied to notes, bonds, and other written instruments, this term me.-ins that they are truly what they purport to be, and that they are not false, forged, fichtious. simulated. spurious, or counterfeit Baldwin v. Van -Deusen. 37 N. Y. 403; Smelt- zer v. White, 92 U. S. 393. 23 L. Ed. 508; Dow v. Spenny, 29 M0. 390; Cox v. North- western Stage Co., 1 Idaho. 379.

GENUS. In the civil law. A general class or division. comprising several species. In tom iure genera per spociem derogaiur. at iliud patirsinzuqn habetur quad ad rm-vi!-m airectum est, throughout the law, the species takes from the genus, and that is most particularly regarded which refers to the species. Dig. 50, 17, 80.

A man's lineage, or direct descendants.

In logic. it is the iirst of the universal ideas, and is when the idea is so common that it extends to other ideas which are also universal; e. _I/., incorporeal hereditament is genus with respect to a rent, which is species. Wooiley. Introd. Log 45; 1 Mill. Log. 133. GEORGE-NOBLE. An imnglish gold coLn, vslue 6s. 8d.

York 0'(‘nJ-

GERECHTSBODE. In old New law. A court messenger or constahie. luzhan, New Neth. 322.

GEE!-IPA. In Saxon law. Grove, reve, Dr reeve; a ministerial oifirer of high antiq- uity in England: answering to the _I/rizve or am)‘ (grofia) of the early continental nations. The term was applied to various grades of offirers. from the sr-1/re-gcrefu, shire-grefe, or ahire-rcve, who had charge of the county, (and whose title and office have been perpetuated in the modern "sher1ff,") dawn to the tun-aercfa, or town-reere, and lower. Burrill.

GER]-INS. Bearing. Gcrena da-tum, bearing date. 1 Ld. Raym. 336; Bob. 19.

GERMAN. Whole-4 full, or own, in respect to relationship or descent Brothers-



german, as opposed to hail‘-brothers, are those who have both the same father and mother. Cousins-german are "first" cousins; that is, children of brothers or sisters.

GERMANUS. Lat. Descended at the some stock, or from the same tfllipie of ancestors; of the whole or full blood. Mnckeld. Rom. Law, § 145.

GERMEN TERRIE. Lat. A sprout of the earth. A young tree, so called.

GERONTOCOMI. In the civil law. 0i1'.icers appointed to manage hospitals for the aged poor.

GERONTOCOMIUM. In the civil law. An institution or hospital for taking care of the old. God. 1. 3, 46, 1; Calvin.

GERRYMANDER. A name given to theprocess of dividing a state or other territory into the authorized civil or political divisions, but with such a geographical arrangement as to accomplish a sinister or unlawful purpose, as, for instance, to secure a majority for a given political party in districts where the result would be otherwise if they were divided according to obvious natural lines, or to arrange school districts so that children of certain religions or nationalities shall be brought within one district and those of a different religion or nationality in another district. State v. Whitford, 54 Wis. 150, 11 N. W. 424.

GERSUMARIUS. Iu old English law. Finable: liable to be umerced at the discre-

tion or the lord of a manor. Cowell. G]-JRSUME. In old English law. Expense; reward; compensation; wealth. It

is also used for a fine or compensation for an offense. 2 Mon. Angl. 973.

GEST. In Saxon law. A guest. A name given to a stranger on the Js‘(.'('OIl-d night of his entertainment in another's house. Twa- night gcst.

G-ESTATION. 'UTERO-GESTATION. In medical jurisprudence. The time during which a female, who has conceived, carries the emhryo or fwtus in her uterus.

GESTIO. In the civil law. Behavior or conduct.

Management or transaction. Ncgotiorum gestio, the doing of another's business; an interference in the affairs of another in his absence, from henevolcuce or friendship, and without authority. Dig. 3, 5, 4.): Id. 46, 3, 12. 4; 2 Kent, Comm. 616, note.

—Gestio pro haex-ode. Behavior as heir. This expression was used in the Roman law, and adopted in the civil law and Scotch law, to denote conduct on the part of a person appointed heir to a deceased person, or otherwise entitled to succeed an heir, which indicates an