Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/551

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GOD AND MY COUNTRY. The answer made by a prisoner, when arraigned, in answer to the question, "How will you be tried?" In the ancient practice he had the choice (as appears by the question) whether to submit to the trial by ordeal (by God) or to be tried by a jury, (by the country ;) and it is probable that the original form of the answer was "By God or my country," whereby the prisoner averred his innocence by declining neither of the modes of trial.

GOD-BOTE. An ecclesiastical or church fine paid for crimes and offenses committed against God. Cowell.

GOD-GILD. That which is offered to God or his service. Jacob.

GOD'S PENNY. In old English law. Earnest-money; money given as evidence of the completion of a bargain. This name is probably derived from the fact that such money was given to the church or distributed in aims.

GOGING-STOLE. An old form of the word "cucicing-stooi," (q. 7:.) Cowell.

GOING. In various compound phrases (as those which foilow) this term implies elther motion, progress, active operation, or present and continuous validity and eificacy.

—Goi.u_g ‘before the wind. In the languags of mariners and in the rules of navigation, is vessei is said to be going "before the wind" when the wind is free as respects her course, tbat is, comes from behind the vessel or over the stern. so that her yards may be braced square across. She is said to "going off large" when she has the wind free on either tack. that is, when it blows from some point abaft the beam or from the quarter. Hall v. The Buffaio. 11 Fed. (‘as. 216: Ward v. The Fashion, '29 Fed. Cas. 133 —Going concern. flrin or corporation whic , though embarrassed or even insolvent, continues to transact its ordinary business. White, ctc.. Mfg. Co. v. Patios I_mporting Co. (C. C.) 30 Fed. 865

Wu(lswortl.i. 99 Ala. 6-9. 11 S 0, 23 L. R. A. 618, 42 Am. St. Rep. Going nfl large. Sue "Coma nri-‘or.i3 TEE "'IND," au-

1ira.— price. The prevulcnt price: the current market value of the article in question at the time and place of sale. Keisca v. Ilainea. 41 N’. H. 234a.—Going throufl: the bar. The act of the chief of an Fuciish common- law court in dcmandiug_oi' every member of the bar, in order of seniority, if he bas any- thing to move. This was done at the sitting of the court each (lav in term. except special paper davs. crown paper davs in the queen's bench, and revcuue pupcr days in the excheq- ucr. On the last day of term this order is reversed, the first and i_=o=cnii(l time round. in tlic exrlieriucr the postman and tubnrin are first callrd on. \"Vliarton.—Going to the country. "lien a party. under the common- law system of pleadi finished his pleading by the words "and of t is he puts himself upon thc country," this was called "going to the country." It was the essential termination to a plmding which took issue upon a material fact in the preceding pleading. Wharton- Going value. As applied to the property or plant of a manufacturing or industrial corporation, a public-service corporation, etc., this



incans the value which arises from having an established business which is in active operation. It is an element of value over and above the replacement cost of the plant, and may rcpresent the increment arising from previous labor, effort, or expenditure in working up busi- ness, acquiring good will, and successfnliy adapting property and plant to the iutcnilrd use. See Cedar Rapids \\-'ater (‘o_ v. Cedar Rapids, 118 Iowa. 23-1, 91 N. W. 10S1.—Gning witness. One who is about to take his flt‘|i£il'- ture from the jurisdiction of the court. altlmn,-zh only into a state or country under the general sovereignty; as from our to another of the United States, or from England to Scotland.

GOLDA. A mine Blount A sink or passage for water. Cowell.

GOLDSIVIITI-IS‘ NOTES. Bankers‘ Cash notes (i'. 6.. promissory notes given by a banker to his customers as acicnowledgineuts or the receipt of money) were originally c.iii- ed in London "goidsniiths' notes." from the circumstance that all the banking business in England was originally transacted by goldsmiths. Wharton.

GOLDWIT. A mulct or fine in gold.

GOLIARDUS. L. Lat. A jester. huffoon, or juggler. Speiinan, voc. "Goliardensis."

GOMASHTAH. In Hindu law. An agent; a steward; a confidential factor; a


GONORRI-ICEA. In medical jurisprudence. A venereal disease. characterized by a purulent inflammation of the urethra. GOOD. 1. Valid; sutficient in law: effectual; unobjectionable.

2. Responsible; solvent; amount specified.

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3. Of a value corresponding with its terms; coilectible. A note is said to be "good" when the payment of it at maturity may be relied on. Curtis v. Slllfllllllilli, I4 Wend. (N. Y.) 232; Cooke v. Nathan, 16 Bari). (N. Y.) 344.

Writing the word "Good" across the face of a (heck is the customary mode in which bunk- ers at the present day certify ibat the drawer has funds to meet it, and that it will be paid on pros:-ntation for that purpose. Merchants’ Nat. Bani: v. State Nat. Bank, 10 ‘Vail. G ., 19 L. Ed. 1008; Irving Bank v. Wctheraid, 36 N. . 335.

—Good nbearing. See AIIuAuANCn.—Guod and lawful men. Those who are not dis- oualified for service on juries by non-age, ahenagc, infamy, or lunacy, and who reside in the county of the venue. Bonds v. State, Mart. & Y. (Tcnn.) 146. 17 Am. Dec. 795; State v. Price, 11 N. J. Law, W9.-—Good and valid. Rt-liabie, sufficient, and unimpcachable in imv; adequate: responsible.-Good behavior. Orderly and lawful conduct: behavior such as is proper for a peaceable and law-abiding citizen. Surctv of good behavior may be exacted from any one who manifests an intention to commit crime or is otherwise reasonably suspected of a criminal design. Huyser v. Com.. 7!} S. W.

