Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/556

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GRAVATIO. In old English law. An accusation or impeachment. Leg. Ethd. c. 19.

GRAVE. A sepuicher. dead body is interred.

A place where a

GRAVEYARD. A cemetery; a place for the interment or dead bodies: sometimes defined in statutes as a place where u minimum number of persons (as "six or more") are buried. See Stockton v. Weber, 98 Cal. 433, 33 Pac 332.

-_-Graveyard Insurance. A term applied to 1l_\SIII‘lllJCL5 fraudulently obtained (as, by false persuuution or other means) on the lives of in- f.ints, very aged persons, or those in the lust Stflklfl of disuise. Also occasionally applied to an insurance company which virites waizer policies, takes EXtl‘z\-113.’/.fll‘(lO\]S risks, or othernise exc-zuds the iimits of prudent and legitimate El?lIJ9(-‘fig. See McC:irty‘n Appeal, 110 P. 379, 4 L . ‘ .

GRAVIS. Grievous; danmum, to the grievous damage. 40.

great. All grave 11 Coke,

GRAVTUS. A graf; a chief magistrate or officer. A term derived from the more ancient "orafin," and used in combination with various other words, as an official title in Germany; as Margmvius, Rlzcingmviw, Landgravius, etc Spelman.

G1-avius est divinnm quani tempora- lem laxlere ninjestatem. It ls more serious to hurt divine than temporal majesty. 11 ‘C0119, 29.

GRAY'S INN. Inns or Comrr.

A.n inn of court. See

GREAT. As used in various compound le- gal terms, this word generally menus extraordinary, that is, exceeding the common or ordinary measure or standard, in respect to physical size, or importance, dignity, etc. See Gulf. etc.. R. 00. v. Smith, 87 Tex. 348, 28 S. W. 520.

—Grea.t nettle. Ali manner of befists except sbcr-p and yearlings. 2 Rolie, 1T3.—G1'eut charter. Muyna Uluirta, (q. 1:.)

As to great "Gare," "Ponds,"

"’I‘ithes." see those titles.


GREAT LAW, THE, or "The Iiody of Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania and Territories thereunto belonging, Past at an Assembly heid at Chester, alias Upland, the 7th day of the tenth month, called ‘December,’ IOS2." This was the first code of laws established in Pennsylvania, and is justly celebrated for the provision in its first chapter for liberty of conscience. Bouvier.

GREE. mitted or injury done.

Satisfaction for an offense com- Ooweli

GREEK KALENDS. A colloquial expression to signify a time indefinitely remote, there being no such division of time known to the Greeks.



GREEN CLOTH. In English law. A board or court of justice hdd in the counihig- house of the kings (or queen's) househoid. and composed of the lord steward and infe- rior officers. It takes its name from the green cioth spread over the board at which it is held. Wharton; Oswell.

GREEN SILVER. A feudal custom in the manor of Writtel, in Essex, where every tenant -whose front door opens to Greenbury shrill pay a huili-penny yearly to the loid, by the name or "green siivei" or "rent." Cow- eii.

GREEN WAX. In English law. The name of the cstrents in the exchnluor, delivered to the sherrif under the seal of Llmt court which was impressed upon green wax.

GREENBACK. The popular and almost exclusive name applied to all United States treasury issues. It is not applied to any other species of paper currency; and, when employed in testimiiiiy by way of description. is as certain as the phrase "treasury notes" Hickey v. Stste, 23 Ind. 23. And see U. S. v. Howell (D. 0.) Bel Fed. 11-}; Spencer v. Prindle, 28 Cal. 276; Levy v. State, 79 Ala 201.

GR!-IENHEW. in forest law. The same as cert, (q. u.) Termes de la Ley. GR!-IITIERS. In Fl'eI1('.h uiw. Regis-

trars, or clerks of the courts They are oiliciais attached to the courts to assist the judg- es in their duties. They keep the minutes, write out the judgments, orders, and other decisions given by the tribunals, and deliver copies thereof to applicants.

GEEGORIAN CODE. The code or collection of constitutions made by the Roman jurist Gregorlus. See Conrzx Gnssonuuus.

GREGORIAN EPOCH. The time from which the Gregorian calendar or complltflfiml detes; G. e., from the year 1582.

GREMIO. In Spanish law. A guild; an association of workmen. artificers, or mer- chants following the same trade or business; designed to protect and further the interests of thslr craft.

GREMIUM. Let. The bosom or breast; hence, derivatively. safeguard or protection. In English law, iii-i estate which is in abey- ance is said to be In gremio legis ; that is, in the protection or keeping of the law.

GR!-1Nvl.'LLI: ACT. The statute 10 Geo III. (L 16, by which the juriedlction over pariiamentsry election petitions was transferred from the whole house of commons to select committees Repealed by 9 Gen. IV. c. 22. 5 1.

GEESSUME. In English law. A customary flne due from a copyhold tenant on