Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/560

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In the tenure by knight's service, in the feudal law, if the heir of the feud was under the age of twenty-one, being a male, or fourteen, being a female, the lord was entitled to the wardship (and marriage) of the heir, and was called the "guardian in chivalry." This wardship consisted in having the custody of the body and lands of such heir, without any account of the profits. 2 Bl. Comm. 67. Guardian in socage. At the common law, this was a species of guardian who had the custody of lands coming to the infant by descent, as also of the infant's person, until the latter reached the age of fourteen. Such guardian was always "the next of kin to whom the inheritance cannot possibly descend." 1 Bl. Comm. 461; 2 Steph Comm. 333; T‘-yrne v. Van lloesen. 5 Johns. (N. 1.) 6 Van Doren v. I‘)!/eritt, 5 N. J. Low. ‘.1 8 Am. Dec. 015; Combs v. Jackson. 2 Wend. (N. Y) 157. 19 Am. Dec 508. .-Natural guardian. The father of s Clifld, or the mother if the father be dead.

—Gun1'('iian de Peglise. A church-warden.- Gnu:-din.n do l'estemnry. The warden of the stannanis or mines in Cornwail, etc —Guardi- an of the peace. A warden or conservator of the pea«:e.—Gua1:d.inn of the poor. In Eng- iish law. A erson eiectcd by the ratepayers of a parish to ave the charge and mzinugcnnent of the parish work-house or union. See 3 Stcph. Comm. 215.—G\uu-dian of the spiritu- slities. The person to "[1011] the spiritnni ju- risdu rion of any diocese is committed during the vsumcy of the see.—Gns.rdian of the tenn- poralitics. The person to whose custody a va- cant see or abbey was committed by the crown. —Gunrdia.n or warden, of the Cinema Ports. A magistrate who has the jurisdiction of the ports or havens which are cal . "Cinquc Ports." ((1. 12.) This oihce was iirst created in England. in imitation of the Roman policy, to strengthen the ses-coasts against enemies, etc.

GUARDIANSHIP. The office. duty. or authority of a guardian. Also the ieiation subsisting between guardian and ward.

GUARDIANUS. A guardian, warden, or keeper. Spelman. GUARNIMENTUM. In old European

inw. A provision of necessary things. man. A furnishing or garnishment.

Spsl- GUASTALD. One who had the custody of the royal mansions.

GUBERNATOR. Lat. In Roman law. The pilot or steersman or a ship.

GUERPI. GUERPY. L. Fr. ed: left: deserted. Britt. c. 33.


GUERRA, GUERRE. War. Spelman. GUERILLA PARTY. In military law.An independent body of marauders or armed men, not regularly or organically connected with the armies of either belligerent, who carry on a species of irregular war, chiefly by depredation and massacre.

GUEST. A traveler who lodges at an inn or tavern with the consent of the keeper. Bac. Abe. "Inns," C, 5; 8 Coke. 32; McDaniels v. Robinson, 245 Vt. 316. 62 Am. Dec. 574; Johnson v. Reynolds. 3 Kan. 261; Shoecraft v. Railey. 25 Iowa, 555; Beale v. Posey, 72 Ala. 331; Walling v. Potter. 35 Conn. 185.

A guest, as distinguished from a boarder, is bound for no stipulated time. He stops at the inn for as short or as long time as he pleases, paying, while he remains, the customary charge. Stewart v. McCready. 24 How. Prac. (N. Y.) 62.

GUEST-TAKER. An agister; one who took cattle in to feed in the royal forests. Cowell.

GUET. in old French law. Watch. Ord. Mar. 11v. 4. tit 6.

GUIA. In Spanish law. A right of Way for narrow carts. White New Recap. l. 2, c. 6, § 1.

GUIDAGE. In old English law. That which was given for safe conduct throu_£h a strange territory, or another‘: territnly. Cowell.

The oihee of guiding of travelers through dJ1n§.'e1'ous and unknown wnvs. 2 Inst. 5'".

GUIDE-PLATE. An iron or steel plate to be attached to a rail for the purpose of guiding to tholr place on the rail whluil thrown off the track. Pub. St. Mass. Lflfi D. 1291

GUIDON DE LA MER. The name of a treatise on maritime law, by an unknown author. supposed to have been written about 1671 at Rouen, and considered. in continental Europe, as a work of high authodty.

GUILD. A voluntary association of persons pursuing the same trade. art. profession or ‘business. such as printers, goldsmiiln, wool merchants, etc. united under a dislmct organization or their own, analogous to that of a corporation, reguiating the uifairs of their trade or business by their own last: and rules, and aiming, by co-operation unrl 0l'g:i.lJ.iZ:1tiDI1, to protect and promote the in» terests of their common vocation. In nu- dievai history these fraternities or guilds plnyed an important part in the governmuil of some states; as at Florence, in the thirteenth und following ('elJt||l‘i( x, where I103‘ chose the council or govermuent of the ciiy. But with the growth of cities and the 1:6- vance in the organization of municipal on‘- ernment, their importance and pi'ee1l..'-,- has declined. The place of meeting of a Cull-i. or association or guilds, was called the "Guildhall." The word is said to be derired from the Anglo-Saxon "piid" or "gcld." :1 tax or tribute. because each member of the swi- ety was required to pay a tax towards its support.

—Guild rents. Route payable to the crown

by any guild, or such as formerly belonged to rehgious guilds, and came to the croun at the

fieueral dissolution of the monastciics. Tom- ‘HS.