Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/566

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mendants of the estate-lenver. They were call- ed "necessary" ii-s, cause it was the law that made them heirs, and not the choice of either the decedent or themselves. But since this was also true of siaves (when named "heirs" in the wili) the former class were designateil "sin" ct 1i4.'ccs.rn.r1'i." by way of distinctinn, the word "Iwi" denoting that the necessity arose from their relationship to me decedent. .\Iackeid. Rom. IAW, § 733.

Hæres eat alter ipse, at filius est para nntrin. An heir is another self, and a son is part of the father. 3 Coke, 12!).

Hæres eat out jure pi-oprietatis nut iure rep:-esentationis. An heir is either by right of property, or right of representation. 3 Coke, 40!).

Hæres est eaflem persona. cum Inte- eessore. An heir is the same person with his ancestor. Co. Litt. 22; Branch, Princ. See Nov. 48, c. 1, 5 1.

Hæres eat nomen colleetivuni. "Heir" is a collective name or noun. 1 Vent. 215.

Hæres est nomen jnris: filinn est no- men naturfla. "Heir" is a name or term of law; "son" is a name of nature. Bac. Max. 52. in reg. 1L

Hæres eat pars iuiteoessorzis. An heir is :1 unit of the ancestor. So said because the ancestor, during his ilte, bears in his body (in judgment of law) all his heirs.

Hæres hsarediu moi est men: human. The heir of my iieir is my heir.

Hæres legltimns alt qnem nnptim dc- monstrnmit. He is a lawful heir whom marriage points ont as such; who is born in wed- lock. Co. Litt. 7b: Ti1‘lA('t. mi. 88; Fle1;.'i. lib. 6, c. I: Broom, Max 515.

Hæres minor Iuin et viginti nnnin non respondebit. nisi in casu dotiii. Moore, 348. An heir under tvveiity-one years of iige is not ainsweralile, except in the matter of (lower.

Hæres non tenetur in Anglia mi debits antecessoris reddenda, nisi per antennassorem ail hm: fuerit obligatns, preter- quam iieliita regis tnntum. C0. Litt. 3313. In England, the heir is not hound to pay his .incestur‘s debts, unless he be bound to it by the ancestor, except debts due to the king. But now, by 3 & 4 Wm. IV. c. 104, he is Liable.

HÆRETARE. In old English law. To give a right of inheritance, or make the do- nation hcretlitary to the grantee and his heirs. Coiveil.

HÆRETICO COMBUBENDO. The statute 2 Hen. IV. c. 15. de Iumetico comburenda, was the first penal law enacted agahist



heresy, and imposed the penalty of death by bnrning against all heretics who relapsed or who refused to abjure their opinions. it was repealed by the statute 29 Car. II. c. 9. Brown. This was also the name of a writ for the purpose indicated.

1-IAFNE. A haven or port. Oowell. —Hafne oourts. Ilaven courts; courts an-

ciently beid l.D ports I.Ll Engiaiid. Spel- Iflllll.

HAGA. A house in a city or borough. Scott.

HAGIA. A hedge. Mon. Angl. turn. 2. p.


HAGNE. A little hand-gun. St. 33 Ben. VIII. (3. 6.

HAGNEBU1‘. A hand-gun of a larger de-

SCI‘l[Itil)l.l than the hngne. St. 2 & 3 Edw VI.c. 14;4&5P.&M.c.2.

EAIA. In old English law. A park icniosed. CowelL HAIEBOTE. In old English law. A per-

mission or liberty to take thorns, etc., to

make or repair hedges. Blount. I-IAILL. in Scotch law. Whole; the whole. "All and haill" are common words

in conveyances. 1 Bell, App. Cns. 409.

HAILWORKFOLK, (i. 6., holyworkfolli.) Those who Eormerly heid lands by the serv— ice of defending or repairing a church or monument.

HAIMHALDARE. In old Scotch law. To seek restitution of one‘s own goods and gear, and bring the same home again. Shene do Verb. Sign.

HAIMSUCKEN. In Scotch law. The crime of assaulting a person in his own house. Bell.

HALF. A moiety; one of two equal parts of anything snscepliiiie of division Prentiss v. Brewer, 17 Wis. 6-14, 86 Am. Dec. 730; Hartford Iron Min. Co. v. Cambridge i\Iiu. Co., 80 l\Il('h. 491, 45 N. W. 331; Cogan v. Cook, 22 1\li.nn. 142; Dart v. Barbour, .32 Mich. 272. Used in law in various compound terms. in snhstzintinlly the same sense, as follows: ——}-Ialf blood. See l3L0on.—HnJ.t'-Eu-other, half-sister. Persons who have the some [:1- ther, but diderent mothers; or the same mulli- er, but different fathers. Wood v. Mitclisni, 92 N. Y. 371); In re Weiss’ 1-'1ktate_ 1 lkloritg. Co. IJIW Itep'r (Pa.) 210.—Half-cent. A copper coin of the United Si-ites, of the value of five mills, and of the weight of ninety-foiir grains. The coinage of these was liiS(‘DlJliIl|le\i in l8:‘>7.—iKii.1f defense. See llrzrnn Half-dime. A silver [now nickel) coin of a United States, of the value of fl\P cents.- I-Ialf-dollar. A silver coin of the United States, of the value of fifty cents, or one-lisli llie value of a doiiiu‘.--I-Ia.If—eagle. A gulii coin of i.he United Stiites, of the value of live