Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/569

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"It the tenant Co. Lltt. 266a.

lng; during the pendency. alien, hanging the prizcipc."

HANGING. In criminal law. Suspension by the neck; the mode of capital pun- ishment nscd in England from time immemoriul, and geuenilly adopted in the United Suites. 4 Bl. Comm. 403.

—-}Ia.nging in chains. In atrocious cases it was at one time usual, in England, for the court to direct a murderer, after execution. to be hanged upon a gibbet in chnins near the place where the murder was committed, a prac-

tice guitc Contrary to the Mosaic law. (Dent im. '2.) Abolished by 4 8: 5 Wrn. IV. c. 26. Wharton.

HANGMAN. An executioner. One who executes condemned criminals by hanging.

HANGWITE. In Saxon law. A fine for illegal hanging of a thief, or for allowing him to escape. Immunity from such fine. Du Cange.

HANSE. An alliance or contcderation among merchants or cities, for the good ordering and protection of the commerce of its members. An imposition upon merchandise Du Cange.

—I-Iaxise towns. The collective name of certain German cities, including Lubeck, Ham- hurg, and Bremen, which formed an alliance for the mutual protection and furtherance of their commercial interests, in the twelfth century. The powerful confederacy tbus formed was called the "Hzuiseatic League." The league framed and promulgated, a code of maritime law, which was known as the "Laws of the Hanse Towns," or Jue Hunseutiouni Maritimiim.—Hanse towns, laws of the. The maritime 0l'(ll!Jl}.l1CPS of the Hanseatic towns, first published in German at Lubcck. in 1597, and in May, 1614, revised and enlurged.—Eanaentic. Pertaining to a hanse or commercial nlliance; but. generally, the union of the Hnnse towns is the our referred to, as in the expression the "Hnnscutic League."

I-IANSGRAVE. The chief of a company; the head man of a corporation. HANTELOD. AJJ arrest, or attachment.

In old European law. Spelman.

HAP. To catch. Thus, "hap the rent," "hap the deed-poll," were formerly nsed.

HAPPINESS. The constitutional right of men to pursue their "ham)incss" means the right to pursue any lawful business or vocation, in any manner not inconsistent with the equal rights of others, which may increase their prosperity, or develop their faculties. so as to give to them their highest enjoyment. Butchers’ Union Co. v. Crescent City Co.. 111 U. S. 757, 4 Sup. Ct. 652. 28 L. Ed. 585; 1 Bl. Comm. 41. And see Eugllsh v. English, 32 N. J. Eq. 7%.

HAGUE. In old statutes. A hand-gun, about three-quarters of a yard long. Bl.Law Dict.(2d Ed.)—36



HARACTUM. In old English law. A race of horses and mares kept for breed; a stud. Spelman.

HJLRBINGER. In England, an officer of the royal honsshold.

I-LARBOR, v. To receive ciandestlncly and nlthout lawful authoriq a person for the purpose of so concealing him that an- other lsiving E right to the lawful custody of such person shall be deprived of the same. Jones v. Van Zandt, 5 How. ‘.315, 227, 12 L. Ed. 122. A distinction has been taken, in some decisions, betneeu "harbor" and "cocnenl." A person may be convicted of har- boring a slave, altliongh he may not have concealed her. Mclllhaney v. State, 24 Ala. 71.

HARBOR, n. A haven, or a space of deep water so sheltered by the adjacent land as to afford a safe anchorage for ships. Rowe v. Smith, 51 Conn. 271, 50 Am. Rep. 16; The Anrauia (D. C.) 29 Fed. 103; Peo- ple v. Kirsch, 67 Mich. 539, 35 N. W 157.

"'Port" is a word of larger import than "har-

bor." since it implies the presence of wbarves. or at any rate the means and opportumty of receiving and discharging cargo. —I-[arbor authority. In England a harbor autlim-ity is a body of persons, corporate or nnincorporute, hcing roprietors of, or intTust— ed with the duty constructing, improving, managing, or lighting, any haibor. St. 24 & 25 Vict. c. 47.—-Harbor-_ line. A line marking the boundary of a certain part of a. public water which is reserved for o harbor. Engs v. Peckhain, 11 R. I. 224.

HARD LABOR. A punishment, additional to mere imprisonment, sometimes imposed upon convicts sentenced to a penitentiary. But the labor is not, as a rule, any harder than ordinary mecha.ui'cal labor. Brown v. State. 74 Ala. 483.

HARD MONEY. Lawful coined moury. Henry V. Bank of Saline, 5 Hill (N. Y.) 523, 536.

EARDHEIDIS. In old Scotch law. Lions; coins formerly of the value of fliree half-pence. 1 Pitc. Crim. Tr. pt. 1, p. 64. note.

I-IARDSHIP. The severity with which a proposed construction of the law would hear upon a particular case, founding. sometimes, au argument against such construction, which is otherwise termed the "argument ab incorweuicnti."


HARNASCA. In old European law. The defensive armor of a man; harness. Spelman.

HARNESS. All warlike instruments: also the tackle or furniture of a ship.