Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/575

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HEIR-LOOMS. Such goods and chattels as. contiary to the nature of chattels, shall go by special custom to the heir along with the inheritance, and not to the ex- ecutor. The termination "loom" (Sax.) signifies a limb or member: so that an heir- loom is nothing else but a limb or member of the lnhei itaoce. They are generally such tiiings as cannot be taken away without damaging or dismemhering the freehold; such as deer in a park. doves in a cote. deeds and charters, etc. 2 Bl. Comm. 427.

HIHRDOM. Succession by inheritance.

I-IEIRESS. A female heir to a person having an estate of inheritance When there are more than one, they are called "co-heiresses." or "co-heirs."

HEIRS. A word used in deeds of convey- ance, (either solely, or in connection with others,) where it is intended to pass a fee.

HEERSHIP. The quality or condition of being heir, or the relation between the heir and his ancestor.

IEIRSHIP MOVABLES. In Scotch law. The inovables which go to the heir, and not to the executor, that the land may not go to the heir Completely dismantled, such as the best of furniture, horses, cows, etc., but not fungibies. Bell.

HELL. The name formerly given to a place under the exchequer chamber, where the king's debtors were confined. Rich. Diet

I-‘E-JCLM. Thatch or straw; a covering for the head in War; a coat of arms bearing a crest; the tiller or handle of the rudder of a ship.

HEIDWE-WALL. The eud-wall covering and defending the rest of the building. Paroch. Antiq. 573.

HELSING. A Saxon brass coin, of the value of a half-penny. I-IEMIPLEGIA. In medical jurispru-

dence. Unilateral paralysis; paraiysis of one side of the body, commonly due to a lesion in the brain, but sometimes originating from the spinal cord. a in "Brown-Sequard‘s paral- ysis," unilateral paralysis with crossed anesthesia. In the cerebral fonn, the hem!- piegia is sometimes "aiteinate" or crossed, that is, occurring on the opposite side of the body from the initial lesion,

_ If the disease comes 'on mpiilly or Suddcnly, it is called "quick" hemiplcgw; it slowly or grzidually, "chronic." The former variety is more apt to alfect the mental faculties than the lstter:_ but where liemiplcgia is complete, the operations of the mind are generally much impaired. See Baughman v. Baugliman_ 32 Kan. 538, 4 Pac. 1003.

IEEMOLDBORH, or HELMIILBORCH. A title to possession. The admission of this



old Norse term into the laws of the Con- queror is diflicuit to be accounted for: it is not found in any Anglo-Saxon law extant. Wharton.

I-IENCEFORTH. A word of futurity, which, as employed in legal documents, stat- ntes, and the like, always imports is continuity of action or condition from the present time forward, but excludes all the past. Thomson v. American Surety Co., 170 N. Y. 106. (32 N. E. 1073; Opinion of Chief Justice, 7 Pick. (Mass) 128, note.

HENCHMAN. A page; an attendant _; a herald. See Barnes v. State, 88 Md. 347, 41 Atl. 781.

ITENEDPI-:.NNY. A customary payment of money instead of hens at Christmas; a composition for eggs. Cowell.

HENPARE. A line for flight on account of murder. Domesday Book. HENGHEN. In Saxon law. A prison. a

gaoi, or house of correction.

HENGWYTE. Sax. In old English law. An acquittance from a line for haiging a thief. Fleta, lib. 1, c. 47. 5 17.

HENRICUS VETUS. Henry the Old, or Eider. King Henry I. is so called in aa- cient English chronicles and charters, to distinguish him from the snbsequent kings of that name. Spelinan.

HEORDFIETE, or HUDEFIEST. In Saxon law. A master of a family, keeping house, distinguished from a lower class of frecmen. viz., folgeras, (folgarii) who had no habitations of their own, but were house- retaiuers of their lords.

HEORDPENNY. Peter-pence, (q. 1;.)

HEORDWERCH. In Saxon law. The sen ice of herdsu.ien_ done at the will of their lord.

HEPTARCHY. A government exercised by seven persons, or a nation divided into seven go\'ei'nments. In the year 56!). Seven ditferent monarchies had been formed in ngiand by the German tribes, nameiy, that of Kent by the Jutes; those of Sussex. Wessex, and Essex by the Saxons; and those of East Anglia, Beruicia, and Ileiia by the Au- gles. To these were added. about the year 586, an eighth, called the "Kingdom of Mer- I-la," also founded by the Angles, and coin- prehending nearly the whole of the heart of the kingdom. These states for-ined what has been designated the "Anglo—S.ixon Oct irchy," or more commonly. though not so cox-recti_v. the "Anglo-Saxon Heptarciiy," fmm the custom of speaking of Deira and Beiulcia under the single appellation of the "Kingdom of Northumherlzind." Wharton.
