Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/585

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Moran v. People, 163 Ill. 382, 45 N. E. 230; Kiipatrick v. Com., 3 Phlla. (Pa.) 238; State v. Miller, 9 Floust. (Dcl.) 504, 32 Atl. 137: Ruth- anlsnu v. Stale, 7 Tex. App. 493.—Neg_ligenl: homicide. In Texas, the act of causing the death of another by negligence and carelessness in the performance of a lawful act. Anderson v. State, 27 Tex. App. 177. 11 S. W. .53, 3 L IL A. 644, 11 Am. St Rep. 189; Pcn. Code Tex. art. 57 .

HOMICIDIUM. Lat. Homicide, (a. 1.7.) ‘um cw justitia. homicide in the administration of justice, or in the execution of the sentence of the law.

Homlcitllum ear ncz-cssilulu, homicide from lnevifnbie necessity, as for the protection of onc's person or property.

Harm‘ ‘am am cosu, homicide by accident.

Homicidium em i:ol1mluIe. voluntary or willful homicide. Brnct fols. 12011. 121

HOMINATIO.}} The mustering of men: the doing or homage.

HOMINE CAPTO IN WITHERNAM- ITUM. A writ to take him that had taken any bond man or woman, and led him or her out of the country, so that he or she could not be replevled according to law. Reg. Orig. 79.

HOMDVE ELIGENDO. In old English law A writ directed to a corporation, re- qulring the members to make choice of a man to keep one part or the seal appointed for statutes merchant when a former is dead, according to the statute of Acton Burnell. Reg. Orig. 178; Wharton.

I-IOMINE REPLEGIANDO. In English law. A writ which lay to repievy a man out of prison, or out of the custody of any private person, in the same manner that cha_ttels taken in distress may be repievled. Brown.

HOMINES. Lat. In feudal law. Men: feudatmy tenants who claimed a privilege of having their causes, etc., tried only in their lord’s court. Paroch. Antlq. 15. —I-Imnines ligii. Liege mcn: frudnl tenants or Iassals. especially those who held immedi- ately of the sovereign. 1 Bl. Comm. 367.

Hominnm cnnsa Jus constitutnm est. Law is established for the benefit of man.

HOMIPLAGIUM. In old English law. The maiming of a man Blount. HOMME. Fr. Man: a man This term

is defined by the Cir a Code of Louisiana to include a woman Article 3522, notes 1, 2.

HOMMES DE PIEI‘. Fr. In feudal law. Men of the fief; feudal tenants; the peers in the lords’ courts. Montesq., Esprit des Lois, iiv. 28, c. 27.

HOMMES FEODAUX. Fr. in feudal law. Feudal tenants; the same with ham.- Bl.Law Dict.(2d Ed.)—37



mas de flef, (q. 1:.) Lois, lly. 28. c. 36.

Montesq , Esprit des

HOMO. Lot. A man; a human helng, male or female; a vassal, or feudal tenant; a retainer, dependent, or servant.

—Homo char-tnlal-ins. A .\:la\e manumitbcd by chartcr—IInmo cnmmendatus. In fend- al law. One \\ ho surrendered himself into the power of anoilmr for the sake of protection or support. See CUMMENDATION —Homn eccle- aiasticus. A church \ ass-oi; one who u as bound to serve a chunh. especially to do service of '11] asrir-nltural character. Spelmau.—Homn exer- citnlis. A man of the army, (arercitua :) a sol- du-r —Homo fendnlis. A vassal or tcnant : one who held a fee. (fcn(Ium.) or art of a toe. Spel- mnn.—1{omn flue is, or ii: al 115. A senaut or vassal beionging to the treasury or fix, :9.-

omo frsncus. In old English law. A flec- man. A l*‘rent'hmnn.—Ho1no ingenllns. A free man A free and lawful lJ]']lJ A yvoman. —Ho1no libel-. .-\ freemnn.—}Io1nn llgius. A liege man: a suhjcct, a king's vassal. The

vassal of a subject —Homo norms. in feudal law A new tonant or \n.<s-Ii: one who was invested with u_n_ew fee. Spelman Also one

who, after conv1ct1on of a crime, lmd been pm"- rlonnd. thus "making a new man of him."—I-Io- mo pertinens. In feudal law. A feuvial bondman or vassal: one who belonged to the soiL (qua git-biz mfsr-1-ibitur.]—Ho1nn regins. A kings vni»sul.—]-Ioxno Rnmnnus. A Roman. An appellation :,l\ClJ to the old inhabitants of Gaul and other Roman provinces, and retained in the inns of the barbarous nations. Spelman. —Homo trium litterarnm. man of the

that is. lbe three ietters. "f."

the I/Atin Word fur meaning "thief."

Home potent esso lmbllls at lnhabilis d:lvex-sis tempo:-i‘|ms. 5 Coke, 98. A man may he capable and incapable at different times.

Homo vocabullun alt natures; persona jun-is ulv-ilis. Man (homo) is a term of nature: person (perstmo) of civil law. Calnn.

HOMOLOGACION. In Spanish law. The tacit consent and approval inferred by law from the omission of the parties, for the space of ten dnys, to complain of the sentences of arbitrators, appointment of syndlcs, or assiguees of lnsolvents, settlements of successions, etc. Also the approx :11 given hy the judge of certain acts and agreements for the purpose of rendering them more binding and executory. Escriche.

HOMOLOGARE. In the civil law. To confirm or approve; to consent or a-aunt: to confess. Calvin.

HOMOLOGATE. In modern civil law. To approve; to confirm: as a court homologotcs a proceeding. See FlO.\iDLOOA'l‘lDN. Literally, to use the some trams wilh .m- other; to say the like. Vrales v. Gardcuicr, 9 Mart. 0. S. (La.) 324. To assent to nhat another says or writes.

HOMOLOGATION. In the civil law. Approbalion; confirmation by a court of lustlce; a judgment -which orders the execu-