Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/587

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HOPCON. In old English law. A valley. bulls and cows or all horned beasts that are Cowell. allowed to run together upon the same com- mon. Spelman. HOPE, n. In old English law. A Valley. Ca. Lil.L 411. HORNGELD. Sax. In old English law. A tax within a forest, paid for horned beasts. HOPE, 1;. As used in a will, this term cgweu; Biount

is s precatory word, rather than mandatory or dispositlve, but it is sufficient. in proper cases, to create a trust in or in respect to the property spoken of. See Cockrill v. Arm- strong. 31 Ark. 589; Curd v. Field, 103 Ky. 293. 45 S. W. 92.

HOPPO. A Chinese term for a collector: an overseer of commerce.

HORA. Lat. Anhour; the hour. —Hora. aux-oz-ae. In old English law. The morning bell, as ignitcpiuni or caverfeu (curfew) was [lie evening bnl. Horse jun-idicae, or juilinisa. Hours (luring which the judges sat in court to attend to judicial business.

Hora non est multnm do Inlntantia ne- gutii, licet in appello do an aliquando flat mantis. The hour is not of much consequence as to the substance of business, al- though in appeal it is sometimes mentioned. 1 Buist. B2.

In Spanish law. A gallows; White, New Res

I-IORCA. the punishment of hanging. cop. b. 2, tit. 19, c. 4, 5 1.

HORDA. In old records. A cow in calf.

HORDERA. In old English law. A treasurer. Du Csnge. HORDERIUM. In old English law. A

hoard; a treasure, or repository. Cowell.

HORDEUM. In old records. Barley. Honlczim pulmale, beer barley, as distin- guished from common barley, which was called "hordeum i1uurh'ugcsinn1le." Blount.

HORN. In old Scotch practice. A kind of trumpet used in denouncing contumacious persons rehels and outlaws, which was done with three blasts of the horn by the king's sergeiint. This was called "putting to the horn ;" and the party so denounced was said to be "at the horn." Bell. See HORNING.

HORN-BOOK. A primer; :1 book explaining the rudiments of any science or hranch of Lnowledgc. The phrase "horn- book law" is a coiioquial designation of the rudiments or most familiar principles of law.

HORN TENURE. In old English law. Tenure iiy carnage: that is. ily the service of winning a horn -when the Scots or other enemies entered the land. in order to Warn the king's subjects. This -was a species of grand serjeanty. Litt. § 156: 2 Bl. Comm. 74

HORN WITH HORN, or HORN UN- DER HORN. The promiscuous feeding of

HORNTNG. In Scotch law. "Letters of horning" is the name given to a judicial process issuing on the decree of a court, by which the debtor is summoned to perform his obligation in terms of the decree, the cou- seqnence of his failure to do so being ha bility to arrest and imprisonment. It was ucniently the custom to proclaim a debtor who had fuiied to obey such process a rebel or outlaw, which was done by three blasts of the horn by the king's sergeant in a public place. This was called "putting to the horn," whence the name.

HORREUM. grain; a granary. wines, and goods generally; Calvin; Bract_ fol. 48.

Lat. A place for keeping A place for keeping fruits, B. store-house.

HOBS. L. Fr. Out; out of; without. —Ho_rs do non fee. Out of his fee. In old pleading, this was the name of a plea in an ac- [ion [or rent or services, by which the defend- ant alleged that the land in question was out of the compass of the 'piainl.ifl‘"s fee. Mather v Wood, 12 Pa. Co. Ct. R. 4.—Hors pr-is. Ex- Ceiit. "Literally translated by the Scotch "uut ta en.

HORS WEALH. In old English law. The wealh, or Briton who had care of the king's horses.

HORS WEARD. In Old English law. A service or coruée, consisting in watching the horses or the lord. Ann. Inst. Eng.

HORSE. An animal of the genus equus and species cabollus. In a narrow and strict sense, the term is applied only to the male. and only to males of four years old or them- abouts, younger horses being called "colts." But even in this sense the term includes both stallions and geld.ln'gs. In a wider sense, and as generally used in statutes, the \\ul'd is taken as namen generulw's.rt'7mL71i, and icnludes not only horses strittly so called, but also coils, mares and fillies, and mules and asses. See Owens v. State, 38 TEY - Ashworth v. Mounsey, L. R. 9 Exch. 1ST; Pu - leu v. State, 11 Tex. AIJD- 91; Allison v. Brookshire, 38 Tex. 201; State v. Ingram, 16 Kan. 19; State v. Dnnnavant, 3 Brev. (S. O.) 10, 5 Am. Dec. 530; State v. Gooch, 60 Ark. 218, 29 S. W. 610; Davis v. Collier, 13 Ga. 491. Compare Richardson v. Chicago 6: A. IL C0., 149 M0. 311, 50 S. ‘V. 782.

HORSE GUARDS. The directing power of the military forces of the kingdoin or Great Britain. The commander in chief or general commanding the forces, is at the
