Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/595

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I. The initial letter of the word "Institute," used by some civilians in citing the Institutes of Justilllan. Tayl. Civii Law, 24.

I—CTUS. An abbreviation for "jurisconsultus," one learned in the law; a ;lurisconsuit.

I. E. An ahhreviation for "id eat," that is; that is to say.

I O U. A memorandum of debt, consisting of these letters. (‘-I owe you,") a sum of money, and the debtor’: signature, is termed an "I O U." Kinney v. Flynn, 2 It. I. 329.

IBERNAGIUM. In old English law. Tho season for sowing winter corn. Also spelled "hibernagium" and "hybernagium."

1'11! semper debet fieri trintio ubi jI1l'8.- tax-es meliorem possunt habere uotitiam. T Coke, 1D. A trial should aiwa\s be had where the jurors can be the best informed.

IBIDEM. Lat. In the same place; in the same boo on the same page, etc. Abbreviated to "ibid." or "t'b."

ICENI. The ancient name for the people of Suffolk, Norfolk. Cambridgeshire, and lluntingdonshire. in England.

I-(IONA. An image, figure, or representation of a thing. Du Cange.

ICTUS. In old English law. A stroke or biow from a club or stone: a bruise, contusion, or swelling produced by a. blow from a club or stone, as distinguished from "plug/a." (a wound.) Fieta, lib. 1, c. 41, § 3. —Ictus ox-bis. In medical jurisprudence. A iaaim, a bruise, or swelling; any hurt without cutting the skin. "’hen the skin is cut, the in- jury; 1; failed a "Wound." Brnct. lib. 2, tr. 2. Ci‘. 3. .

Id eel-tum est quad certum reddi patest. That is certain which can be made certain. 2 Bl. Comm. I43; 1 Bl. Comm. 78; 4 Kent, Comm. 462; Broom, Max. 6%

Id certum est quad certum reddi 110- test, sed id magi: certum est quod do lemetipso est certum. That is certain which can be made certain, but that is more certain which is certain of itself. 9 Cake, 4711.

ID EST. Lat. That is. Commonly abbreviated "I. 9."

Id perfectum est quod ex omnibus Iuil pnrtilnu constat. That is perfect which consists of all its parts. 9 Coke, 9.

Id possumus quad de jure possumus. Lane, 1_1U. We may do only that which by law we are allowed to do.

Id quad est magi: remotum, non tr-shit ad se quod est magi: junctum, led :2 contraria in omni cnsu. Thai, which is more remote does not draw to itself that which in nearer, but the contrary in every case. 00. Lltl; 164.

Id quod nostrum est sine faeto uostro ad nlium transfer-ri non patent. That which is ours cannot be transferred to an- other without our act. Dig. 50, 17, 11.

Id solum nest:-um quad debiti: deductil nostrum est. That only is ours which remaim to us after deduction of dehis. Tray. Lat Max. 927.

ID]-EM. Lat. The same. According to Lord Coke, "idem" has two significations, sc., izlem syllabis sou verb-is, (the same in syllables or words.) and idem re et sensu, (tho same in substance and in sense.) 10 Coke, 12411.

In aid practice. The said, or aforesaid; said. aforesaid. Distinguished from "proa- dictus" in old entries, though having the same general signification. Townsh. Pl. 15, 16.

Idem ngens et putiens ease nun potent. Jeuk. Cent. 40. The same person cannot be both agent and patient: I. e., the door and person to whom the thing is done.

Idem est facets, et non prollibere cum possis: et qul non prohibit, cum pru- lxibere possit, in culpfi. est, (nut jubet.) 3 Inst. 158. To commit, and not to prohibit when in your power. is the same thing: and he who does not prohibit when he can pro- biiiit is in fault, or docs the same as ordering it to be done.

Idem est nihil dicere, et insuflcieuter dicere. It is the same thing to say nothing, and to say a thing insuificiently. Z Inst. 178. To say a thing in an insufficient manner is the same as not to say it at all. Applied to the plea of a prisoner. Id.

Idem est non one, et non npparere. It is the same thing not to be as not to appear. Jenk. Cent. 207. Not to appear is the same thing as not to be. Broom, Max. 165.

Idem eat non pl-olmrl et non ens; non deficit jun, sed prabatio. What is not


proved and what doa not exist are the."