Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/601

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IMMORALITY. That which is contra bonoa mores. See IMMDRAL.

IMMOVABLES. in the civil law. Prop- erty which, from its nature. destination, or the object to which it is applied, cannot move itself, or be removed.

immovable things are. in general. such as cannot either mose themselves or be removed from one place to another. But this definition. strictiy speaking. is applicable only to such things as are immovable by their own nature. und not to such as are so only by the disposition of the law. Civ. Code La. art. -16.2; Mt. Carmel Fruit Co v. Webster. 140 Cai. 1:53. 73 Pac. 8.26; Suliivan v. Richard- son. 33 Fla. 1, 14 South. 692.

IMMUNITY. An exemption from serving in an ofllce, or performing duties which the law generally requires other citizens to perform. Long v. Converse. 91 U. S. 113. 23 L. Ed. 233; Ex parte Levy, 43 Ark. 54, 51 Am. Rep. 550; Lonas v. State. 3 Heisk. (Tenn.) 306; Douglass v. Stephens, 1 Del. Ch. 476.

IMI-‘AIR. To weaken, diminish, or relax, or otherwize atrect in an injurious manner. Davey v. Iflltna L. Ins. Co. (C. C.) 20 Fed. 4.92; State v. Carew. 13 Rich. Law (S. C.) 541. 91 Am. Dec. 245; Swinburne v. Mills, 17 Wash. 611, 50 Pac. 489. 61 Am. St. Rep. 932.

IMPAIRING TEE OBLIGATION OF CONTRACTS. For the meaning or this phrase in the constitution of the United States, see 2 Story. Const 55 1374-1399: 1 Kent. Comm. 413-422; Pom. Const. Law: Black, Const. Law (Sd Ed.) p. 720 et seq.

IMPANEL. In English practice. To impanel a jury signifies the entering by the sheriff upon a piece of parchment, termed a "pancl," the names of the Jurors who have been summoned to appear in court on a certain day to form a jury of the country to hear such matters as may be brought before them Brown.

In American practice. Besides the meaning above given. "i.mpanel" signifies the act of the clerk of the court in making up a ilst of the jurors who have been selected for the trial of a particular cause

Imnnneling has nothing to do with drawing. selecting, or swearing jurors, but means simply making the list at those who have been seiect- Porter v. People, 7 How. Prac. (N. Y.)

IMPARCARE. In old English law. To impound. Reg. Orig. 92b.

To shut up, or confine in prison. Inducu aunt in oorcerem ct imporcati, they were carried to prison and shut up. Bract. fol. 124.

Bl.Law Dict.(2d Ed.)—38



IMPARGAMENTUM. pounding cattle.

The right of im-

IMPARI... To have license to settle a litigation amicably; to obtain delay for ad- justment.

IMPAJRLANCE. In early practice. imparlanre meant time given to either of the [m Lies to an action to answer the pie-iding of the other. it thus amounted to a continuance of the action to a further day. Litcrally the term sunliied leave given to the parties to tolls together; 4'-. (2., with a view to settling their differences amicably. But in modern practice it denotes a time given to the defendant to plead.

A general inzpuriauce is the entry of a general prayer and allowance of tune to plead till the next term, without reserving to the defendant the benefit of any exrepfion: so that after such an imparlance the defendant cannot object to the jurisdiction of the court, or plead any matter in abatement. This kind of impariance is always from one tcrm to another. y v. Knapp. 13 N. H. 175; Mach v. Lewis, 67 Vt. 383. 31 At]. 8SS_. _ _

A general spec-ml imporiancc contains a saving of all exceptions whatsoever. so that the dc.- fendant nitcr this may plead not only in abatement, but he may also plcad a piea which at- fects the jurisdiction of the court, as privilege. He cannot. however. plead a tender. nnd that he was nlwovs ready to pay. because by craving time he admits that be is not ready, and so falsifics his plan.

A special imparlonae reserves to the defend- ant all exceptions to the writ. hill, or count- and therefore aitcr it the defendant may _plca in abatement. though not to the jurisdiction of the court. 1 Tirld. Pr. 462. 4:63.

IMPARSONI-ll-2. L. Fr. In ecclesiastical law. One who is inducted and in possession of a beneilce. Parson impaisonee, (persona imnersonuta.) Cowell: Dyer. 40.

IMPATRONIZATION. In ecclesiastical law. The act of putting into full possession of a bencilce

IMPEACH. To accuse; to charge a liability upon; to sue.

To dispute, disparage. deny, or contradict; as. to impeach a judgment or decree; or as used in the rule that :1 jury cannot "impeach their verdict." See Wolrgram v. Schoeplze, 123 Wis. 19, 100 N. W. 1056.

To proceed against a public officer for crime or misfeasance, before a proper court, by the presentation of a written accusation called "articles of impeachment."

In the law of evidence. To call in question the veracity of a witness, by means of evidence adduced for that purpose.

IMPEACEMENT. A criminal proceeding against a public officer, before a quasi political court. instituted by a written accu- sation called "articles of impeachment ;" for example. a written accusation by the house


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