Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/605

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the claims of another founded on prescription.

IMPRESSION. A "case of the first impression" is one without a precedent; one presenting a wholly new state of facts; one involving a question never before determined.

IMZPRESSMENT. A power possessed by the English crown of taking persons or prop- erty to aid in the defense of the country. with or without the consent of the persons concerned. It is usual]; exercised to obtain hands for the royal ships in time of war. by taking seanien engaged in merchant vessels, (1 Bl. Comm. -120; ii-iaud S: P. Shipp. 123:) but in former times impi-essiuent of merchant ships was also practiced. The ad- miralty issues protections against impress- ment in certain cases. either under statutes passed in favor of certain cailiugs (c. g.. persons employed in the Greenland fisheries) or voluntiirily. Sweet.

IMPREST MONEY. Money paid on en- listing or impressing soldiers or sailors.

IDERETIABILIS. Lat. invaluabie.

Beyond price;

IMPRIMATUR. Lat. Let it be printed. A license or ailonance. granted by the constituted authorities, gl\ lug Permission to print and publish a book. This allowance was formerly necessary, in England, before any book could lawfully be printed, and in some other countries is still required.

IMPRIMERE. To press upon; to impress or press; to imprint or print.

IIKPRIIVLERY. In some of the ancient English statutes this word is used to signify a printing-office, the art of printing, a print or impression.

IMPRIMIS. first of all.

Lot. in the first place;

IMPRISON. To put in a prison; to put in a place of confinement.

To confine a person, or restrain his liberty. in any way.

IIVLPRISONIVIENT. The act of putting or confining a man in prison; the!'ESli‘3.Ll.\t of a man's personal iibertv; coercion exer- cised upon a person to prevent the [Tee exer- cise of his poners of locomotion. State v. Shaw. '73 Vt. 1-19. 50 Atl. 863; In re Langslow. 167 N. 1’. 314. 60 IV. E. 590; In re Luiigan (C. C.) 123 Fed. 13-1: Steere v. Field, 22 Fed. Cas. 1221.

it is not a necessary part of the definition that the confinement should he in R place usually appropriated to that purpose; it may be in a locality used only for the specific



occasion; or it may take place without the actual application of any physical agencies of restraint, (such as locks or hars.) but by verbal compulsion and the display of avail- able force. See Pike v. Hanson, {J N. H. -191.

Any forcible detention of a man's person. or control over his movements, is imprisonment. Lawson v. Ifiuzincs. 3 Her. fDci.) 416. —1"alse imprisonment. The iinlanful orrest or detention of a person without wnrmnt. or by an ilie,-1:11 nnrrant, or a warrant illc.-:ally executed, and either in a prison or a place used tempor_ar'iiv for that purpose, or by force

and constraint without confinement Brewster v. People. 183 Ill. 113. 55 l\. E. Cl-10; Milier v. Faun. 154 Cal. 103 (36 Pac. ] Filer v.

Smith. 96 Mich. 3-17. 55 N. W. 999. 35 Am. St. Rep. 60:}: I3l)erlin_z v. State. 136 Ind. 117. 35 N. 1023. False imprisonment consists in the unlawful detention of the person of an- other, for any length of time, whereby he is deprived of his personal iiberty. Code Go. 1 . § 2990; Pen. Code Cal. 5 236. The term is lso used as the name of the action, which li§-E for this species of injury. 3 Bl. Comm. 1 .

IMPRISTI. Adherents; followers. Those who side with or take the part of another. either in his defense or otherwise.

IMPROBATION. In Scotch law. An action hrought for the purpose of having some instrument declared false and forged. 1 Forb. Inst. pt. 4, p. 161. The verb "improve" (q. '0.) was used Ln the same sense.

IMPROPER. Not suitable; nnfit: not suited to the character, time, and place. Palmer v. Concord. 48 N. H. 211. 97 Am. Dec. 605. Wrongful. 53 Law J. P. D. 65. —Impr-open feuds. These were deriviitive feuds: as, for i.nrtzLnce, those that "ere orig- inally bsrtered and said to the feudatnry for a price, or were held upon base or icss hon- orable services, or upon a rent in lieu nf militrary service, or were themselves siicnnble. uiihout mutual license, or descended indifferently to males or females. \‘{haiton.—lmproper influence. Undue influence. (q. 1:.) -‘\ml sec \iillii-an r. Millican, 24 i'ex. 4-i6.— Improper navigation. Anything improper- Lv done with the ship or part of the ship in the course of the voyage. R. 6 C. P. 563. See. also, 53 Law J. P. D. 65.

IMPROPRIATE RECTOR. In ecciesi-is tlcal law. Commonly signifies R liiy rector as opposed to a spiritual rector; just as impropriate tithes are tithes in the hands of a lay owner, as opposed to appi‘opi'iate tithes, which are tithes in the hands of a spiritual owner. Brown.

IMPROPRIATION. in ecclesiastical law. The annexing an ecclesiastical beneflce to the use of a lay person, whether indi- vidual or corporate, in the some way as uppropriotwn is the annexing of any such lIene- iice to the proper and perpetual use of some sluritual corporation, whether sole or aggre- gate. to enjoy forever. Brown.