Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/611

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IN FULL. Relating to the whole or full amount: as a receipt in full. Complete;

giving all details. Bard v. Wood, 3 Metc. (Mass) 75.

IN FULL LIFE. Contmulng in both physical and civil existence; that is, neither actually dead nor civiliter mortwua.

IN FUTIJRO. In future; at a future time; the opposite or in pra..s-cn.ti.. 2 Bl. Comm. 166, 1'75.

IN GENERALI PASSAGIO. In the general passage; that is, on the journey to Paiestine with the general company or body of Crusaders. This term was of frequent occurrence in the old law of essoins, as a means of accounting for the absence of the party, and "as distinguished from .5-implt-.£ pusxagi um, which meant that he was peiforming n piigrimage to the Holy Land alone.

In gene:-nlihns versatnr ex-rut. Error dwells in general expressions. Pitmun v. Hooper. 3 Sumn. :00, Fed. C115. No. 11.1S6; Underwood v. Carney, 1 Cush. (Mass) 292.

IN GENERE. in kind; hi the some genus or class; the same in quantity and quality, but not individually the same. In the Roman law, things niiich may he given or restored in genera are distinguished from such as must be given or restored in sprcic; that is, identiually. Mackeid. Rom. Law, 5 161.

IN GREMIO LEGIS. the law; in the protection of the law; aheyance. 1 Coke, 131a; T. Raym. 319.

In the hosom of in

IN GROSS. In a large quantity or sum; without division or particulars; by wholesale. Green v. Taylor, 10 Fed. Cas. No. 1,126.

At large; not annexed to or dependent upon another thing. Common in gross is such as is neither appendant nor appurtenant to land, but is annexed to a man's person. 2 Bl. Comm. 34.

IN HAC PARTE. this side.

In this behalf; on

IN EEC VTEIIIBA. the same Words.

In these words; in

In haex-edes non solent trnnsire actionel qua pnanales ex maleficio snnt. 2 Inst. 442. Penal actions arising from anything of 1 criminal nature do not pass to heirs.

In his enizn qua Iunt fnvornhllin animz, qnamvis sunt dnmnosa 1-ebua, fiat aliquandn extentin statuti. In things that are favorable to the spirit, though iI]]llI‘iDlJ.S to property, an extension of the statute should sometimes be made. 10 Coke, 101.



In his 11112 the Jlu-e commnni omnilrnl eonceduntlu-, consuetudo nlicujns pntrim vel loci non est nllegendn. 11 Coke, B5. In those things which by common right are conceded to all, the custom of a particular district or place is not to be alleged.

IN HOG. In this; in respect to this. IN IISDEM TERMINIS. In the same terms. 9 East, 487.

IN INDIVJSDUO. In the distinct, iden-

tical, or individual form; in specie. Story, Bailm. § 97. IN INFINITUM. Infinitely; indefinite-

ly. Imports indefinite succession or contin- uance.

IN INITIALIBUS. In the preliminaries. A term in Scotch practice, applied to the preliminary examination of a witness as to the lollowing points: Whether he knows the parties, or bears ill will to either of them, or has received any reward or promise of re Ward for What he may say, or can iose or gain by the cause, or has been told by any person what to say. It the witness answer these questions satisfactorily, he is then ex-

amined in cause, in the cause. Bell, Dict "Evidence."

IN INITIO. In or at the beginning. In

inmo litis. at the beginning, or in the first stage of the suit. Bract. fol. 400.

IN INTEGRUM. mer state. Calvin.

To the original or lor-

IN INVIDIAM. To excite a prejudice.

IN INVITUM. Against an unwilling party; against one not assenting. A term applied to proceedings against an adverse party, to which he does not consent.

IN IPSIS FAUCIBUS. In the very throat or entrance. In ipsis fzmcibus of a port. actually entering a port. 1 0. Rob. Adm. 233, 234.

IN ITINERE. ln eyre; on a journey or C1l‘(IJiL In old English law, the justices in ttinere (or in eyre) were those Wl.lC| made a circuit through the kingdom once in seven years for the purposes of trying causes. 3 Bl. Comm. 58.

In course of transportation; on the Way; not delivered to the vendee. In this sense the phrase is equivalent to "in transitu."

IN JUDGMENT. In a court of justice; in a seat of judgment. Lord Hale is called "one of the greatest and best men who even sat in judgmen " 1 East, 306.
