Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/615

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IN PLACE. In mining law, rock or mineraiized matter is "in place" when remaining as nature placed it, that is, nnsevered from the circumjacent rock, or which is fixed soliii and immovable in the form of a vein or lode. See Wiliiams v. Gibson, 84 Aia. 228. 4 South. 350, 5 Am. St. Rep. 368; Stevens v. Wililaxns, 23 Fed. Cas. 44: Tabor V. Dexler. 23 Fed. Cas. 615; Leadville Co. v. Fitzgerald. 15 Fed. Cas. 99; Jones v. Prospect Mountain Tunnei Co.. 21 Nev. 339, 31 Pac. 645. In fuli life.


P. 18 Hen. VI. 2.

IN PLENO COMITATU. ty court. 3 Bl. Comm. 313.

In full coun-

IN PLENO LUMINE. In public; ll: common knowiedge: in the lizht of day.

In poenalihns causis berfignins interpretandnm est. In penal causes or cases. the more favorable interpretation should be adopted. Dig. 60. 17. (197), 155. 2: Plowd. 861;, 124; 2 Hale, P. 0. 365.

IN POSSE. In possilwliity, not in actual existence. See IN Essa‘.

IN POTESTATE PARENTIS. In the power of a parent. Inst. 1, 8, pr.: Id. 1. 9: 2 Bl. Comm. -198.

IN PRIEMISSORUM FIDEM. In con- firmation or nttesmtion of the premises. A notarial phrase.

In .;_Ed...."_.. actori. 2 Inst. 57. In things preceding jud,!:1uent the plaintiff is favored.

IN PREISENTI. At the present time. 2 Bl Comm. 166. Used in oppnsition to in future. See Van Wyck v. Knevnls. 106 U. S. 360, 1 Sup. Ct. 336. 27 L. Ed. 201.

In prsesentia. mnjnris putestatis, ml- nor potestns cesmt. In the presence of the superior power, the interior power ceas-

es. Jenk. Cent. 214, c. 53. The iess authority is merged in the greater. Broom, Max. 111.

IN PRENDEE. L. Fr. In taking. A term applied to such incorporeai heredita- ments as a party entitied to them was to take for himself: such as common. 2 Steph. Comm. 23; 3 B]. Comm. 15.

In pretio ernptionis et venditionis. Inn.- tnrnliter lieet contrahentibns se cir- Immvenire. In the price of ‘buying and selling. it is naturally allowed to the contracting parties to overreach each other. 1 Story, Cont. 606.



IN PRIMIS. In the fimt place. A phrase used in argument

IN PRINCIPIO. At the beginning. IN PROMPTU. in readiness; at hand.

In prop:-in eansa. ncrno judex. No one can he judge in his own cause. 12 Coke, 13.

IN PROPRIA PERSONA. proper person.

In one's own

In qno qnis delinquit, in en de jnre est puniendus. In whatever thing one offends. in that 18 he rightfully to be punished. Co. Litt. 2331:; Wing. Max. 20-}. max. 58. The pnnishment shall have relation to the nature of the offense.

IN RE. In the affair: in the matter of. This is the usual method of entitling a judicial proceeding in which there are not adversary parties, but merely some res concerning which judicial action is to be taken, such as a b.1nkrupt‘s estate, an estate in the probate court, 11 proposed public highway, etc. It is also sometimes used as a designation of a proceeding where one party makes an application on his own behalf, but such proceed- lugs are more usually entitled "Ea: parts


In re oummnni nelnlnem durninnrurn jure facets gnicqusm, invito alters. posse. One co-proprietor can exercise no authority over the common property against the will of the other. Dig 10, S. %.

In re ' pntior est cnnditio pro- ‘ibentis. In a partnership the condition of one who forbids is the more favorable.

In re flnhia, henigniurern interpretatiunern seqni. non minus justins est quam tntius. In a doubtful matter. to follow the more iilleral interpretation is not less the juster than the safer course. Dig. 50, 17, 192, 1.

In re dnhia, ma,--is inficiatio qnnm afflrmatio intelligendn. In a doubtful matter, the deniai or negative is tu be understood. [or rega1~ded,] rather than the affirm- atlve. Godb. 37.

In re lnpnnari, testes lnpnnnres ad- mittentnr. In a matter concerning a brothel, prostitutes are admitted as Wit- nesses. Van Epps v. Van Epps, 6 Barb. (N. Y.) 320, 32-L

In re pnri potinrern causnm esse prolxibentis constat. In a thing cqually shared [by severai] it is clear that the party refusing [to permit the use of it] has the better cause. Dig. 10, 3, 23. A inaxjm applied