Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/638

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and invested with the exclusive privilege of calling men to the bar; that is. conferring the rank or degree of a barrister. They were founded probably about the beginning of the fourteenth century. The principal inns of court are the inner Temple, Middle Temple, Lincoln's Inn, and Gray's Inn. (The two former originally belonged to the Knights Templar; the two latter to the earls of Lincoln and Gray respectively.) These bodies now have a "common council of legal education," for giving lectures and holding examinations. The inns of chancery, distinguishable from the foregoing, but generally classed with them under the general imrne, are the buildings known as "Clifford's inn," "Cicment‘s inn," "New Inn," "Sta- ples’ Inn," and "Barn.ird's Inn." They were formerly a sort of collegiate houses in which law students learned the elements of law before being admitted into the inns of court, but they have long ceased to occupy that position.

INNUENDO. This Latin word (common- ly D1‘fli.|Sl:l.t(-:(] "meaning") was the technical Leginulm of that cl:1u.~.e in a declaration or mdictuient for slander or llhei in which the inc-auing of the alleged libelous wurds was explained, or the ap,'~4iic.ition of the language charged to the plaintiff "as pointed out. llence it gave Its name to the whole clause; and this usage is still retained, although an EI1Ul\:lleI]|‘. English word is now substituted. 1'hus, it may be charged that the defendant iiald "he ("leaning the said plaintiff) is a per- Jul-er."

The word is also used, (though more rare- ly.) in other species of pleadings, to introduce an explanation of a preceding word. charge, or merineut.

It is s.i1d to mean no more than the words "id est," "scilirct," or "i.ue.ining," or ", ' as of a subject-inatter suf- iiciently expiessed before; as "such a one, iuulning the defendant," or "snch a subject, meaning the subject i.ii ques on." Cowp. (383. it is only explanatory of some matter ai- rcady expressed. it serves to point out \\ here there is precedent matter, but never tor a new charge. It may apply what is nircudu L.rp1-cssul, but cannot add to or en- large or change the sense of the pre\lnus \\ of ds. I ChiL 1'1. 422. See Grand v. Drey- fus, 1% Cal. 58, 54 Pac. 389; Naulty v. Bulletin Co.. 206 Pa. 128, 55 Atl. S62; Cheet- ham v. Tillotson, 5 Johns. (N. Y.) 4' ; Quinn \'_ Prudential ins. Co.. 110 Inna. 522, 90 N. W. 349; Dickson v. State, 34 Tex. Cr. R. 1, 30 S. W. 80:. 5.} Am. St. Rep. (194.

INOFFICIOSUM. In the Civil law. In- officious; contrary to natural duty or affection. Used of a will of a parent which disinherlted a child without just cause, or that of a child which disinherited a parent, and which Could be contested by quercla inofficiosi'nii. Dig. 2, 5, 3, 13; Paulus, lib. 4, tit. 5, § 1.

INOFFICIOUS TESTAMENT. A will not in accordance with the tl:Stl1tol"S natural aliection and moral duties. Williams, Ex'is, (7th Ed.) 38; Stein v. Wiizlns , 4 Real’. Snr. (N. Y.) 460; In re V\il1ford's Will (N. J.) 51 Ati. 502. But particularly, in the civil law, a will which deprives the heirs of that portion of the estate to which the law entities them, and of which they cannot lc,;ai- iy be disiuherited. Msclield. Ruin. Lau, l 714; Civ. Code La. 1900. art. 3556. snbd. 16.

INOFICIOCIDAD. In Spanish law. Everythlm done contrary to a duty or obligation assumed, as well as in opposition to the piety and affection dictated by nature Escrlche.

INOPS CONSILII. Lat. Destituie of counsel; Without legal counsel. A term applied to the acts or condition of one acting without legal advice, as a testator matting his own will.

INORDINATUS. An intestate.

INPENY and OUTPENY. In old English in". A custoruary payment of a penny on entering into and going out of a t8i.l.lll£._y‘, (pm emitu de tenure, at pro ingrcssu.) Spel- mun.

INQUEST. 1. A body of men appointed by law to inquire into certain matters. The grand jury is sometimes called the "i;i1nid inquest."

2. The judicial inquiry nude by a jury summoned for the plilpose is called an "in- quest." The finding of such men, upon an investigation, is also called an "Luques{" People v. Cooiniis, 36 .\]]iD. Div. 284. 5.‘) I\‘. i Supp. 276; DI\'iS v. Llibb County, 116 Ga. '33, 42 is‘. E. -103.

3. The inquiry by a coroner. teruiul ii "coronci's liiuiiest." into the manner of the death OF any one who has been sialu, of has died suddenly or in prison.

4. This name is also given to a speiies of proceeding under the New York practice. allon iiile ‘ii here the defendant in a ciui actiev has not filed an allidavit of merits nor \'e1‘lflE(i his answer. In such case the issue inay Lu taken up, out of its regular order, on plaintiff's motion, and tried without the admission of any atfirruative defense.

An inquest is a trial of an issue of fact where the plaintiff alone introduces tcsthnony. Tirdefimdant is entitled to appear at the tuiiiug; vi the inquest, and to cross-examine the plnin|.iII's witnesses; and, if he do appear, the inquest must be taken before a jury, unless a jury be expressly waived by him. Haines v. Davis. 6 How. Prac. (N. Y) 118.

—Co1'one1"s inquest. See CDR0l\'Eil.—In- quest of lunacy. See LUNACY.—Inqnest of office. In English ractice. An inquiry I

made by the king's or queen's) officer, his sheriEE, coroner, or esrheutor. virtutc otfi.r.-ii, or by writ sent to them for that purpose, or by coin- inissioners specially appointed, cuncciuing any