Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/653

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A term applied in the civil law to clnuses of disinheritancc in u wlil. Inst. 2, 13, 1; id. 2, 13, 3.

INTER GANEM ET LUPUM. (Lat. Between the dog and the wolf.) The twilight; because then the dog seeks his rest, and the wolf his prey. 3 Inst. 63.

INTER CONJUGES. Between husband and wife.

INTER CON-TUNCTAS PERSONAS. l3etwcen conjunct persona. By the act 1621, c. 18. all conveyances or aiienutions between ruujunct persons, unless granted for oner- ous causes, are declared, as in a question with creditors. to be null and of no avail. (‘r-uiunct persons are those standing in a certain degree of relationship to each other; such, for example, as brothers, sisters, sons, uncles. etc. These were formerly excluded as witnesses, on account of their relation- Silip: but this, as a ground of exclusion, has been abolished. Tray. Lat. Max.

INTER FAIICES TERRIE. (Between the jaws of the land) A term used to de scrilio a roadstead or arm of the sea ecnlosed between promontories or projecting iiea.dia_L\ds.

INTER PAR]-IS. Between peers; between those who stand on a level or equality, as respects diligence. opportunity, responsibility, etc.

INT]-In PAJBTBS. Between parties. Instrumente in which two persons unite, each making conveyance to, or engagement with, the other, are called "papers inter partes." Smith v. Emery, 12 N. J. Lew. 60.

INTER QIIATUOR PARIETES. Between iour walls. Fiete, lib. 6, c. 55. § 4.

INTER REGALIA. In English law. Among the things belonging to the sovereign. Among these are rights of salmon fishing. mines of gold and silver, forests, forteitures. casualties of superio ty. etc., which are railed "1-egaiio minora." and may be con- veyed to a subject. The reguliu mujora icnlude the several branches of the royal pre- rogative, which are inseparable from the person of the sovereign. Tray. Lat Max.

INTER RUSTICOS. crate or unlearned.

Among the illit- IN TEE. SE, INTER SESE. Among them- selves. Story, Partn. § 405.

INTER VIRUM ET UXOREM. Between husband and wife.

INTER. VIVOS. Between the living; from one living person to another. Where



property passes by conveyance, the transaction is said to be inter 111203, to distinguish it from a case of succession or devise. So an ordinary gift from one person to another is called a "gift inter m'1;os_." to distinguish it from a donation made in conoempiation of death, (mortis mum.)

INTERGALARE. Lat. In the civil law. To introduce or insert among or between others; to introduce a day or month into the calendar; to intercaiate Dig. 50. 16. 98, pr.

INTERCEDERE. Lat. In the civil law. To become bound for another’s debt.

INTERGHANGEABLY. By way of ex- change or interchange This term prop- erly denotes the method of signing deeds, leases, contracts, etc.. executed in duplicate, where each party signs the copy WiJl(‘h he delivers to the other. Roosevelt v. Smith, 17 liflsc. Rep. 323. 40 N. Y. Supp. 381

INTERCOMMON. To enjov a common mutually or promiscuousiy w1th the inhab- itants or tenants of a contiguous township, vill, or manor. 2 Bl. Comm. 3; 1 Crubb, Real Prop. p. 271, § 290.

INTERCOMMUNING. Letters of inter- communing were letters from the Scotch privy council passing (on their act) in the king's nnme, charging the lieges not to reset. supply, or intercommune with the persons thereby denounced; or to furnish them with meat, drink. house. harbor, or any other thing useful or comfortable; or to have any inter- course with them whatever.—un(ler pain of being reputed art and part In their crimes, and dealt with accordingly; and desiring all sheriffs. ii-lilies. etc.. to apprehend and com- mit such rebels to prison. Bell.

INTERCOITRSE. Communication: literniiy, a ru.nm"n_I7 or passing izctvzvecnv persons or places; commerce. As applied to two persons, the word standing alone, and without a descriptive or word. does not import sexual connection. People v. Howard, 1-13 Cal. 316. 76 Pac. 1116.

INTERDIGT. In Roman law. A decree of the proctor by means of which. in certain cases determined by the edict. he him- self directly commanded what should be done or omitted. particularly in causes involving the right or possession or a quas-a‘ possession. In the modern civil law, interdicts are re- garded precisely the same as actions, though they give rise to a summary proceeding. Mackeld. Rom. Law, § 258.

Interdicts are either prohibitory, restorative, or exhibitory ; the first being a prohibition, the second a decree for restoring possession iost by force, the third a decree for
