Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/659

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equity. I1 garnishee, or a witness whose testimony is teken on deposition; a series of formal written questions used in the judiciiil examination of 11 party or a witness. In taking evidence on depositions, the interrogatories are usually prepared and settled by counsel, and reiliiced to writing in advance of the examination.

Interrogatories are either direct or cross. the former being those which are put on be- half of the party calling A witness; the intter are those which are interposed by the ad- ierse party.

INTERRUPPIO. Lat. Interruption. A term used both in the civil and common law of prescription. Calvin

Inter:-uptio multiplex non tolllit preesuiptionem nemel obtentnm. 2 Inst 654. Frequent interruption does not take away I1 prescription once secured.

INTERRUTTION. The occurrence of some act or fact, during the period of prescription, which is suificlent to arrest the running of the statute of limitations. It is said to be either "natur-ii" or "civil." the former being caused by tile act of the pnrty; the latter by the legal effect or operation of some fact or circiinistance. Innerarity V. Minis. 1 Ala. 674; Carr v. Foster. 3 Q. B. SSS; Flight v. Thomas, 2 Adoi. 6; El. 701.

Interruption of the possession is where the right is not enjoyed or exercised continuously: interruption of the right is where the [i€IS_l|D bnviny; or claiming tbc right censes the exercise iif it in such a manner as to show that be does not claim to be entitled to exercise it.

In Scotch law. The true proprietor’s i-hiiinlng his right during the course of prescription. Bell.

IIJVTERSEGTION. The point of intersection of two roads is the point where their middle lines intersect. In re Springfield lluilfl. 73 Pa. 127.

INTERSTATE. Between two or more states; between places or persons in different states; concerning or niftecting two or more states politically or territorially.

-—Intersta.te _ce. Trailic. intercourse. (-omincrijal triiriing, or the transportation of ]iEIS0l.lS or property between or among the ser- cr'ii states of the Union, or from or betwcen points in one state and points in another state; connuerce between two states, or between places lying in diifcrent states. Gibbons v. Ogden, 9 Wheat. 19-}. 6 L. Ed. Wabash. etc. R. Co, v, Illinois. 118 U. S. T. 7 Sup. Ct. 4. 30 L Ed. 214; Louisville G: . R. Co. v. liziilroad (i‘oin'rs (C. C.) 19 Fed. 701.— tcrstute nom- meree act. The act of congress of February 4, 13487 (U. S. (‘oinp. St 1901. p. 3154), design. ed to regulate commerce between the states, and particularly the trunsportation of persons and property, by carriers. between interstate points, pr:-scribing that charges for such transportation shall be reasonable and just. prohibiting unjust ‘ ' ' 'h'nn rebates. di. " ‘_. ‘



pooling of fl'(‘i_L'iil‘S, etc. rcqu lug schedules of rates to be published, est '. g a commission to carry out the measures enacted, and pr - ibing the powers und duties of such commission and the pI"0('edure before it.—-Interstate com- merce nnmmissio . A Comlhissiirn created by the interstate commerce act (:1. 1:.) to carry out the measures therein enncled. composed of live persons, appointed by the President. eiii;ioivered to inquire into the business of the carriers affected, to enforce the law. to rcceire. investigate, and determine complaints inside to them of any violation of the uct. mnke annual reports, held slate-d sessions. etc.—ui ex-state extradition. The reclamation and sui'i'undcr. according to due legal proceedings, of a person who. having committed a crime in one of the states of lbe Union, bas fled into another state to evade justice or escape prosecntion.—Interstate law. That branch of private international law whicb affords rules and principles for the determination of controversies between citi- zcns of diiferent states in respect to mutual rights or oliligutions. in so far as the snme are ufifecti-rd by the diversity of their citizenship or by diversity in the laws or institutions of the several states.

INTERVENER. An intervener is a person who voluntarily intei-poses in an action or other proceeding with the leave of the court.


See Dem-

INTERVENTION. In international law. Intervention is such an interference between two or more states as may (-l(L‘4.\I‘iiing to the event) result in a resort to force; while mediation always is, and is intcniieil to he and to continue. peaceful only. intervention between a sovereiigu and his own sub- jerts is not justified by anything in international law; but :1 remoiistr'ince may be addressed to the sovereign in a proper case. Brown.

In " ‘ ecclesiastical law. The proceeding of a third person, who, not being iiaily a party to the suit or proceeding, but claining an interest in the su1iJect-inutter in dispute, in order the hetter to protect such interest. interposcs his claim. 2 Ciiit. Chit. Ciiiniuer. Law. ($3 2 Hagg.

3 Phiiliin. Ecc. Law. i.

In the civil law. The act by which a thirii party demands to be received us a party in a suit pending between other per- EDIIS.

The intervention is made either for the piirpose of being joined to the pliiintiff, and to claim the same thing be does, or some other thing connected with it; or to join the defendant, and with him to oppose the claim of the pinintiil‘, which it is his interest to defeat. i'rith. Proc. Clvile, pt. 1, c. 2, § 7, no. 3.

In practice. A proceeding in :i suit or action by which a. third person is permitted by the court to make himself a party, either joining the plaintiff in claiming what is sought by the complaint, or uniting with the ‘ ‘ " nt in real tin the claims of the plain-