Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/661

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icnting Liquor Cases, 25 Kan. T07. 37 Am. Rep. 284; Com'rs v. Taylor, 21 N. Y. 173; People v. Hawley, 3 Mich. 339; State v Oliver, 26 W. Va. 431, 53 Am. Rep. 79; Sebastian v. State. 44 Tex. Cr. R. 508, 72 S. W. 550; Worley v. spurgeon, 38 Iowa, 465.

INTRA. Lat. In; near; within. "In- fra" or "inter" has taken the place of "in- irn." in many of the more modern Intin phrases.

INTRA ANN"! SPATIUM. Within the space of a year. Cod. 5, 9, 2. Intro aw- mzle tcmpuei. Id. 6, 30, 19.

INTRA FIDEM. credi- ble. Calvin.

Within belief ;

INTRA LUCTIIS TEMPUS. Wlthin the time of mourning. God. 9. 1, auth.

INTRA MCENIA. Within the Walls (of I. house.) A term applied to domestic or menial servante. 1 Bl. Comm. 425.

INTRA PARI]-IT]-:5. Between walls; among friends; out of court: without litigation. Calwin.

INTRA PRIESIDLA. Within the defenses. See Inna Pnnzsrnu.

INTRK QUATUOR MARIA. the tour seas. Shep. Touch. 378.


HITRA VIR]-Is. An act is said to be intro, wires ("wlthin the power") of a person or corporation when it is within the scope of his or its powers or authority. It is the opposite of ultra m'.rcs, (q. 12.) Pittsburgh, etc., R. 00. v. Dodd, 115 Ky. 176, 72 S. W. 827.

INTRALIMINAL. In milling law, the term "lntraliminal rights" denotes the ri,r.tht to mine. take, and possess all such bodies or deposits of ore as lie within the four planes formed by the verticai extension down" ard of the bouudary lines of the claim; as distinguished from "extralinJinal," or more commonly "extraiateral." rights. See Jefferson Mln. Co. v. Anchoria-Leland Mill. 5! Min. Co., 32 C010. 176, 75 Pnc. 1073, 64 L. R. A. 925.

INTRARE MARISCUM. L. Lat. To drain a marsh or ion‘ ground, and convert it into herbage or pasture.


See (Jou-

INTBINSECUM S§VI’I'I'lJ]K. Lat. Common and ordinary duties with the lord's court.

INTRINSIC VALUE. The intrinsic vai- ue or a thing is its true, inherent, and es-



sentlsl value, not depending upon accident, place, or person, but the some everywhere and to every one. Bank of North Carolina V. Ford, 27 N. C. 698.

INTRODUCTION. The part of a writing which sets forth preliminary matter, or facts tending to explain the subject.

IIWTROMISSION. In Scotch law. The assumption of authority over anothe1"s prop- erty, either legally or illegally, The irregu- lar intermeddling with the etfects of a deceased person, which subjects the party to the whole debts of the deceased, is called "1:¢'t2'ou.s~ i/n.trom¢'ssian." Kames, Eq. b. 3, c. 8, § 2.

—Neee5sa.ry introminsinn. That kind of intromxssion or interference where a husband or

wife continues in possession of the otiu-1's goods after their decease, for preservation. Wharton.

In English law. Dealings in stock, goods, or cash of a principal coming into the hands of his agent, to be accounted for by the agent to his principal. Stewart v. Mcliean, 29 Eng. Law & E11. 391.

INTRONISATION. In French ecclesiastical law. Enthronemeut. The instailation or a bishop in his episcopal see.

INTRUDER. One who enters upon land without either right of possession or color of titie. Miller v. Mccuilough, 10; Pa. 630; Russel v. Chambers, 43 Ga. 479. In a more restricted sense, a stranger who, on the death of the ancestor, enters on the land, unlawfully, before the heir can enter.

INTRUSION. A species of injury by ouster or nmotion of possession lrum the freehold, being an entry of a stranger, after a particuiar estate of freehold is deterniiued, before him in remainder or reversion. Hu- lick v. scovil. 9 111. 170; Boylan v. Deinzer, 45 N. J. Ell. 485, IS Ati. 121.

The name or a writ brought by the owner or a fee-simple, etc.. against an intruder. New Nat. Brev. 453. Abolished by S & 4 Wm. IV. :3. 57. J

INTOLERABLE CRUELTY. In the law of dlVorce, this term denotes extreme cruelty, cruel and inhuman treatment, barbarous, sav-

age, and inhuman conduct, and is equivalent K

to any of those pbrasns. Shaw v. Shaw. 17 Conn. 193; Morehouse v. Morehousc 70 Conn. 420, 39 -\tl. 516: Blain v. Blain, 45 \'t 5-H.

IN TUITUS. teniplution. dllIerent view.

Lat. A view; regard; con-

INURE. To take effect: to result. Cedar Rapids Water Co. v. Cedar Rapids. 118 Iowa, 234, 91 N. W. 1081; Hinson v. Booth, 39 Flu. 333, 22 South. 687: Hohnes v. Taliada, 125

Diverse i/ntuitu, (a. v.,) with a L