Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/723

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and all who perform any part, however mi- nute, or however remote from the scene of iictloii, and who are ieagued in the general conspiracy, are considered as engaged in levying uni‘, within the meaning of the constitution. Coust. art. 3, § 3; Ex pa.rte Boiinian, 4 Uranch, T5, 2 It Ed. 554.

LEWDNESS. Licentiousness: an offense against the piibiic economy, when of an an open and notorious character; as by fre- quenting houses of ill fanie, which is an iii- diclable offeiise, or by some grossly scandal- ous and public indecency, for which the nun- lshuieut at common law is line and lm 'ison- uient. Wharton. See Brooks v. State, 2 Yerg. ('I‘enii.) 483: U. S. v. Males (D. C.) 51 Fed. 42: Comm. v Wardeli. 128 Mass. 54, 35 Am. State v. Bauguess. 106 Iowa. 107.

—-Open lewdnesii. Lewd or iascivious behavior practised without disguise, secrccy, or cocnealment. The adjective relates to the quality of the act, not to the place nor to the number of spnctatnrs. State v. Juneau. SS Wis, iflb. 59 W. 53 24 L. R. . T’ 43 Am. St. Rep. 577; State v. Millard, 18 't. 57-1. 46 Am, Dec. 170: Comm. v. Wardell, 128 Mass. 52. :55 Am. Rep. 357.

LEX. Lat. In the Roman law. Law; a law: the law. This term was often used as the synonym of juii, In the sense of a 11110 of ciiil conduct authoritatively prescribed for the goicruinent of the actions of the mem- liers of an organized jurai society.

In a more limited and particular sense, it was a resolution adopted by the whole Ro- iuiin "1iopiilus' (patiiclans and plehiaus) in the comma. on the motion of a magistrate of sriiatoiinl rank, as a consul, a ]7l'2Bt(ll‘, or a dictator. Such a statute frequently took the niaie of the proposer; as the lea Falciilia. lo: (701 iiclia, etc.

—Lex Ehutia. A statute which introduced and aiitliorizvd new and more simple melhods of iiistltlltiltlg actions at law.—Lex Elia Sentia.

'|ie .-Eliau Eentian lllw. respecting wills, pro- posed by the consids .7Eliiis and Sentius, and piissed A. U. C. 'i' i, restraining a master from uiaaumitting his slaves in certain cases. ' -—-Le: Elmilia. A law which reduced the ot- [icial term of the censors at Rome from live rears to El year and a half, and provided for the discharge of their peculiar functions by the consuls in the interim until the time for a new reiisiis. \Iackcld. Rota. Law. § 29.—Lex si.g'x-n- x-ia. The a:_:mr'i:in law. A law proposed by Tiberius Gran-liiis, A. U. C. 620. that no one should possess more than five hundred acres of land: and that three comniissioriors should be appointed to divide among the poorer people what any one had above that cxtcnt.—-Lex nastasiana. A law which provided that a third person who purchased a claim or debt for less than its true or nominal value should not be permitted to recover from the debtor more than the price paid with lawful interest. lllnckflltl. llom. Law, § 369.—Lex Aplileja. A law giving to one of several joint sureties or guarantors, who had paid more than his proportion of the debt secured, a right of action for reimbursement against his co-sureties as if a part- nership existed between them. See Mackcld. Rom. Low. 54. note 2.—Lex Aquilia. The Aquiliiin law; a celehrated law Pnhsecl on the



proposi ‘on of the ti-ihune C. Aquiiius Gallus, A. U. C. 672. regulating the compens: ion to be made for that kind of damage called "injurious," in the cases of killing or wounding the slave or beast of another. InsL -1, 3: Calvin.—Lex Atilin. The Atilian law: 11 law of Rome pro- posed by the tribune Li. Atilius Re,-;ulus_ A. U. C. -143, regulating the appointment of guardians. —I.ex Atinin. ‘l‘lie Atinian law; a law declaring that the property in things stolen should not be acquired by picscription. (iii-iwzipi',aii.e.) inst 2, G. 2; Adams, Rom. Ant. 207.--Lex Cnlpurnia. A law rclnting to the form and prosecution of actions for the recoiery of spe cific cbattels other than money. See Maclteld. Rom. Law, § 201--Iiex Cincia. A law pro- hibiting gifts or donations of property liI’y0l]d a certain measiiro. except in the case of near kins- men.—Lex Claudia. A low which abolished the ancient griiirdianship of adult women by their male iignate rela tinns. See Mackeid. Rum. Law, § 615.—Lex Cornelia. The Corut-lian law; a law passed by the dictator Li. Cornelius Syila, providing remedies for certain injuries, as for hattery_ forcible entry of another‘s house, etc. Calvin.—Lex Cornelia. do false. The Carnelian law respecting forgery or counterfeiting. Passed by the dictator Sylla. Dig. 48, O: C«iliin.—Lex Cornelia do sieariis et venefiois. The Coinoliau law respeeling ussossins and pnisoners. Passed by the dictator Sylln. Dis. 48, 8; Col\in.—Lex Fnleidia. The Falciilisn law; a law passed on the moi ion of the tribune P. Falcidins_ A. U. C. 713, for- bidding a tesL'itor to give more in legacies than tlirce-fourths of all his estate. or. in other words, requi ng him to leave at least one-fourth to the heir. last. 2. 22; Heinecc. Elem. lih. 2. ' 2° Lex Flu-is Caninia. The Furian C‘-aninian law; a law passed in the rousulship of P. Fu ' Camillns and C. (‘aninius Gallus, A. U. C. 2. prohiliiiing masters from manu- mitting liv will more than a certain number or 1Ji'OpOi'il(Ji.‘i of their slaves. This law was abrogated by Justinian. last. 1, 7; Heinecc. Elem. lib. 1, tit. 'i'.—Lex Genncia. A l'iW which entirely torhade the charging or taking of interest for the use of money among Roman citizens, but which "as usually and easily eradcd, as it did not declare an fl;I'(!(:[uCiJ[ for interest to be ‘I nullity. See Muckelrl. Rom. Law, § 3‘;

. ‘Zn.- Lex 1-‘(ox-atii. An important constitutional statiite. taking its name from the consul who secured its enactment. to the eifn-rt that all de- (‘recs passed in the meetings of the pit-bians should be laws for the whole profile‘ formerly they "ere binding only on the plcliians. Mack- eld. Rom Law, § 32.—Lex liostilia. (12 funtiii. A Roman law \\llif‘li provided that a prosenition for theft might be carried on without the ownei'"s intervention. 4 Steiih. Comm. (7th Ed.) 118.—Lex Julia. Several statutes bore this name, bcing distinguished by the addition of words descriptive of their subject matter. The "l(‘.r Julia Ilc adiilt£‘rii's" related to marriage, dower, and kindred subjects. The "lea Julia. tie cessione bonnrim." related to bankrupt- cics.—Lex Julia majestatis. The Julian law of maiesty: a law romulgntod by Julius Cirsnr, and again puh iSllPd with additions by _ istus. comprehending all the laws before ent to punish tmnsgri-ssors against the state. Cnlvin.—Lex Papia Poppins. The Papian Poppa-an law; a law proposed by the consuls Papius and Poppa-us at the desire of _-Xugustiis, 1. U. C. 762. enlarging the Les Pranoria, (q. u.) Inst. 3, 8, 2.—Lex Pliztoz-in. A law designed for the protection of minors against ti-.irids and allowing thcin in certain cases to apply for the appointment of a guardian.

In a somewhat wider and more generic sense. a law (whatever its origin) or the aggregate of laws, relating to a particular sub- ject-niatter, thus corresponding to the mean-,