Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/736

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that purpose, without obstruction or obscu- ration by the walls or adjacent or neigh- boring structures.

LIGHT-HOUSE. A structure, usually in the form of a ton er, containing signal-lights for the guidance of vessels at night, at dan- gerous points of a coast, shoais, etc. They are usually erected by government, and sub- ject to governmental regulation. —Light-house board. A commission autho- rized by congress. consisting of two oliiccrs of the navy, two officeru of the corps of engineers of the army, nnd two civilians, together xuth an officer of the navy and an officer of engineers of the army as secretaries, attached to the office at’ the secretary of the treasury. at Washington, and charged with superintending the construction and management of light-houses, light—ships, and other maritime signals for protection of commerce. Abbott.

LIGHT-SHIP, LIGHT-VESSEL. A vessel serving the purpose of a light-house, usually at a place where the iatter could not well be buiit.

LIGHTER. A small vessel used in loading and unloading ships and steamers. The Mamie (D. O.) 5 Fed. 818; Reed v. lngham, 26 Eng. Law & Eq. 16'].

LIGHTERAGE. The business of transferring merchandise to and from vessels by means of lighters; also the compensation or price demanded for such service. Western Transp. Co. v. Eawiey, 1 Daly (N. Y.) 327.

LIGHTERMAN. The master or owner of a lighter He is liable as a common carrier.

LIGHTS. 1. Windows, openings in the

wall of a house for the admission of light.

2. Signal-lamps on board a vessel or at particular points on the coast, required ‘by the navigation laws to be displayed at night.

LIGIUS. A person bound to another by a solemn tie or engagenient Now used to e\'press the relation of a subject to his sov- r-1 L-ign.

Lignn at lnpldes nub "nrmornm" uppellatione non eontiuentur. Sticks and stones are not contained under the name or "arms." Bruct. fol. 14-ill.

LIGNAGIUM. A right of cutting fuel in woods; also a tribute or payment due for

the same. Jacob.

LIGNAJVIINA. Timber flt for building. Du Fresne.

LIGULA. In old English law A copy.

exernplification, or transcript of a court roll or deed. Cowell.



LIMB. A member of the buman body. In the phrase "life and limb," the latter term appears to denote bodiiy integrity in general; but in the definition of "mayhem" it refers only to those members or parts or the body which may be useful to a man in lighting. 1 Bl. Cumin 130.

LIMENARCHA. In Roman law. Au offlcer who had charge of a harbor or part. Dig. 50, 4, 18, 10; God. 7. 16, 33.

LIMIT, 0. To mark out: to deflne: to tn: the extent 01'. Thus, to limit -in estate means to mark out or to define the period of its duration, and the words employed in deeds for this purpose are thence termed "words or limitation," and the'act itself is termed "limiting the estate." Brown.

LIMIT, n. A bound: a restraint; a cir- cumscription; a boundary. Casler v. Connecticut Mut. L. Ins. 00., 22 N. Y. 429.

LIIMITATION. Bestriction or circum- spection; settling an estate or property; a certain time allowed by a statute for litigation.

In estates. A limitation, whether made by the express words or the party or existing in intendment or law. circumseribes the continuance or time for which the property is to be enjoyed, and by positive and certain terms, or by reference to some event Which possibly may happen, marks the period at which the time of enjoyment shall end. Prest. Estates, 25. And see Brattle Square Church v. Grant, 3 Gray (Mass) 147, 63 Am. Dec. 725; Smith v. Smith, 23 Wis. 181, 99 Am. Dec. 1233; Hoselton v. Eoselton. 166 Mo. 182. 65 S. W. 1005: Stearns v. Godfrey, 16 l\le. 160.

—Conditionn.1 limitation. A condition foi- lowed by a limitation over to a third person in (1ISe the condition he not fulfilled or there b: a

brcach of it. Stearns v. Godfrev 1 Me. 1.98, Church v. Grant, 3 Gray (Mass ‘:1. (‘>3 Am. Dec. 725: Smith v. Smith, 23 6, 99 Am.

Dec. 153. A conditional limitati _ is where an estate is so expressly defined and limited by the words of its creation that it cannot endure for any longer time than till the contingency bap-

ene upon which the estate is to fail. I Stcph. Eomm. 309. Between conditional iimitations and estates depending on conditions subsequent there is this difference: that in the former the estate determines as soon as the contingency happens; but in the latter it endures untii the grontor or his heirs take advantage of the breach. Id. 310.—Col1atern.1 limitation. One which gives an interest in an estate for n spec-ifierl period, but makes the right of enjoyment to depend on some collateral event, as an estate to A. till '8. shall go to Rome. Templeman v. Gibbs. S6 Tex. 358, 24 S. W. 792: 4 Kent. Comm. 12S.—Gontingent limitation. When

1 remainder in fee is lnnited upon any estate

nhich would by the common law be adjudged -I fee tail. such a remainder is valid as a contin- gent limitation upon a fee, and vests in possession on the death of the first taker without issue iiving at the time of his death. Rev. Codes N. D. 1599. 5 3328.—LiIn.itntion in law. A limitation in law, or an estate iimited, is an estate to