Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/741

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LITISPENDENCIA. In Spanish law. Litispendency. The condition of a suit pending in a court of justice.

LITRE. Er. A measure or capacity in the nictiic system, being a cubic decimetre, equal to 61.022 cubic inches, or 2.113 American pints, or 1.76 English pints. Webster.

LITTORAL. Belonging to the shore, as of sons and great lakes. Wehster. Corresponding to 1‘ii)!l1'l"lIl proprietois on a stream or small pond are littoral proprietors on a sun or lake But "i'ip:iri'1n" is nlso used co- exreusixely with "littoral." Commonwealth v. Alger. 7 Cnsh. (Mass) 94. See Boston V. Lev-r'1w, 17 How. he, is L. Ed. 118.

LITURA. Lat. In the civil law. An ob- lln-mtlou or blot in a will or other instru- ment Dlg. 28, 4, 1, 1.

LITUS. In old European law. A kind of sermnt; one who surrendered himself into sn0ther's power. Spelman.

In the civil law. The bank of a stream or shore of the sea; the coast. —Litua maria. The sea-shore. "It is certain that that which the sea overflows, either at lfcii spring tides or at extraordinary tides, can-cs not. us to this purpose. under the denominntlnn of ‘lit-us maria,‘ and consequently the kin.-:’s title is not of that large extent, but only to land that is usually overflowed at ordinary tiihs That, therefore, I call the ‘share’ that is between the common high-water and low- uager mark, and no more." Ilale de Jure Mar. c. .

Lltns eat qnousque maxjmua flnctns ts max-i pervenit. The shore is where the highest wave from the sea has reached. Dig.

50, 16, 96. Ang. Tide-Waters, 67. LIVE-STOCK INSURANCE. See IN- EURANCE. LIVELODE. Maintenance: support. LIVERY. 1. In English law. Delivery

of possession of their lands to the king's tenants in. cupilc or tenants by knight's service.

2. A writ which may be sued out by a ward in chivalry on reaching his majority, to obtain delivery of the possession of his lnnds out of the hands of the guardian. 2 Bl Comm. 68.

3. A particular dress or garb appropriate or peculiar to certain persons, as the members of a guild, or, more particularly, the servants of a nobleman or gentleman.

4. The privilege of a particular galld or company of persons, the members thereof boing called "livery-men."

E. A contract of hiring of work-beasts, particularly horses, to the use of the hirer. It is seldom used alone in this sense, but appears in the compound, "liveryastable."

—Livery in chivalry. In feudal law. The delivery of the lands of a ward in chivalry out of the guardian's hands, upon the heir's attain-

teen for females. 2 Bl. Comm. 6S.—Livex-y- man. A member of some company in the city of London; nlso called a "freeui:in."—Livei-y of seisin. The appropriate ceremony, at com- mon law, for transferring the corporztl possession of lands or tenements by a gzrautor to his grantee. It was livery in deed where the parties went together upon the land, and there a twig, clod. key, or other symhol nas delii ered in the name of the whole. Livery in law was where the some ceremony was performed. not upon the land itsrlf, but in sight 0! it 2 Bl. Comm. 315. 316; lllicbeau v. Crau forll. S N. J. Law, 108; Xorthcrn Pac. It. Co. v. Cannon (C. O.) 46 Fed 23‘_’..—Livery-ofliee. An of- lzice appointed for the doliiery of lunds.—LiI7- ex-y stable keeper. One whose business it is to keep horses for hire or to let, or to keep. feed, or board horses for others. Klttanning Borough v. Montgomery. 5 Pa. Super. Ct. 195.

LIVRE TOURNOIS. ‘A Coin used in France before the Revolution. It is to be computed in the all valurem duty on goods. etc., at eighteen and a halt cents. Art Cong. March. 2. 1798, § 61; 1 Story, Laws, 629.

LLOYD’S. An association in the city of

London, for the transaction of marine insur- ance, the members of which underwrite each other's policies. See Durhrow v. Eppens, 65 N. J. Law, 10, 46 At]. 585. —L1oyd’s bonds. The name of a class of evidences of debt. used in England: being ac- kI]OVllE)(lg'Dl€l1tS, by a horruwing company made under its seal, of El debt incurred and actuu.l1y due by the company to a contractor or other person for-work done, goods supplied, or other- wise, as the case may he, with a covenant for payment of the principal and interest at a tutnre time. Brown.

LOADMANAGE. The pay to loadsmen; that is, persons who sail or row before ships, in barks or small vessels, with instruments for towing the ship and directing her course, in order that she may escape the dangers in her way. Poth. Des Avaries, no. 137.

LOAN. A bailment without reward: consisting or the delivery of an article by the owner to another person, to be used by the latter gratuitously, and returned either in specie or in kind. A sum of money confided to another. Ramsey v. "'1ilthecl:. 8] lil. App. 210: Nichols v. Fenrson, 7 Pet. 10!). S L. El. 621; Rodman v. Munson, 13 l‘- uh. (N. Y.) Booth v. Terrell. 16 Ga. 25: Payne v. Gan ner, 29 N. Y. 167.

A loan of money is a contract by which one delivers a sum of money to another, and the latter agrees to return at a future time a sum equivalent to that which be borrowed Oiv. Code Cal. 5 1912.

—Loan association. See BUILDING awn Loan AssocrA'rioiv.—Loan certificates. Certificates issued by a ciearing-house to the associated hanks to the nniount of seventy-five

er cent, of the value of the collaterais deposited by the harrowing hunks with the loan com- mittee of the clearing-house Anderson.—Loa.n for consumption. The loan for consumption