Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/744

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109.—Locna in gun. The place in which. The place in which the cause of action arose, or where anything is alleged. in pleadings, to have been done. The phrase is most frequent- ly used in notions of trespass qua/re clausiun ,‘my¢t.—Locnn partitus. In old English law. A place divided. A division made between two towns or counties to mnke out in which the him] or place in question lies. I"leta, lih. 4, c. 15. § 1: well.—Locns puanitentia. A place for repentance; an oppoi Lunity for changing one's i-i-iinii: a dmnce to withdraw from n contemplated bargain or contract before it results in a definite contractual linhility. Also used of a chance afforded to a person, by the circiimsmnces, of relinqiiishing the intention which he has formed to commit a crime. before the perpetiation tliorcof.—Locns pnhlicns. In the civil law. A public place. Dig. 43, 8, 1; Id. 43. 3. ° .-—Locns 1-egit nchun. In pri- vate in cruational la". The rule that, when n l(‘gBl tiaiusaction complies with the formalities 1'equil‘cd by the law of the country where it is done. it is also valid in the country where it is to be given effect, aithough by the law of that country other f0l'|I|8lIi.IES are required. 8 Sav. Syst. § 381: Westl. Priv. Int. Law. 159. —Loous rel sita. '1"he place where 51 thing is situated. In proceedings in rem, or the l'('£ll actions of the civil law, the proper forum is the lilflll-! rei sins. The Jerusalem. 2 Gali. 191, 197. Fed. Cas. No. 7 2‘.l.'5.—Locns sigiui. 'i‘lie plate of the seoi: the place DL(ll[|il.d by the seal of urittou instruments. Usuully ahbrevi— zitcil to "L. "—Locnn eta A place of standing; standing in court. A right of uppeariince in a court of justice, or heiore a leg- islative body_ ‘on a given question.

Locus pro solutions reditun ant pecunia oeenniiiun conditionem dimissionis ant obligatinnis est striote ohservnndus. 4 Coke, 73. The [JlilCe for the payment of rent or money. nccordjng to the condition of a lease or bond, is to be strictly ohserved.

LODE. This term, as used in the legislation of congress, is applicable to any zone or belt or mineralized rock lying within boundaries clearly separating it from the neighboring rock. It includes all deposits of mineral matter found through a mineralizod zone or iielt coining from the same source. impressed with the some forms, and appearing to have been created by the same processes. Eureka Cons-ol. Min. Cu. v. Rich- mond Min. Co., 4 Sawy. 312, 8 Fed. Cas. 823. And see Duggun v. Davey, 4 Ilalli. 110, 26 I\'. W. 887: Stevens v. \\’illiaiiis, 23 Fed Cas.

42; Montana Cont. Rv. Co. v. Migcou (C. U.) 08 Fed 513; llieiileubaner v. Stevens (D. C.) 78 red .10; Iron Silver Min. 00. v.

Checseiniiu. 1.16 U. S. 52:), 6 Sup Ct. 481, 29 L. Ed. 71'. U. S. v. Iron Siiver Min. Co-. 125 U. S. 6, 9 Sup. Ct. 195, 32 L. Ed. 571.

LODEDIAN, or LOADSMAN. The pilot conducts the ship up the river or into port; hut the loailsman is he that untlertzikes to bring a ship through the haven, after being

. hrnug,-ht thither by the pilot, to the quay or piacr of discharge. Jacob.

LODEMANAGE. The hire of 3 pilot for conducting a vessel from one place to another. Cowell.



LODGER. One who occupies hired up ments in unot.her's house; a teuuul, of of another's house.

A tenant, with the right or excluslre

ion over the house itself. Woiisu v. kins, 1 Man. & G. 155: Puilnian I lac

L. R. A. 309, 23 Am. St. Rep. v. Schnabel. 23 Mlsc. Rep. (393,

tion; the occupier being termed a "loilg

LODS ET VENTES. In old Frellfii = Cuii:idi.i1i law. A fine payahie by I1 rat on every change of owneisliip of his hi a mutation or alienation hue. Steph. L 351.

LOG-BOOK. A ship’: journal. It i. talus a minute account of the shipis : a , with a short history or every occurix-iu-e ing the voyage 1 IUEIISIJ. Ins. 31’.

The part of the log-book relating to t actions in the I)‘: ‘bor is termed the " log;" that relating to what happens ul. i the "sea log." loung, Nant. Dltt. —-Ofiicial log-‘book. A log-book in a i foiin, and containing certain spot: qilired by 17 :5’: 1S \'ict. c. I04. ii, "‘ he kept by all l.’.ritish I'.llEi'1‘.'lJ.Il.ll ships, ex- _ those exclusively engaged in the coasting I

LOG-ROLLING. A mischievous le i tive practice, or emhrucing in one bill severn distinct matters, none of which. pe could singly obtain the assent of the l lnture, and then procuring its passage b combination of the minorities in f.'l\'0l‘ i each or the measures into a ni.'JJorit,y tlia will adopt them all. W.lil.iB1‘ v. Grlllilh Ala. 369; Com. v. Burnet. 199 Pa. 181. ALI. 97 55 L. R. A. 832; 0'Leury v, w - County. 23 I11. 534; St Louis v. Tieiel, W M0. 590.

LOGATIN G. An unlawful game mendo ed in St. 33 lieu. VIII. c. 9.

LOGIA. A smuil house, lodge, or ca tage. Mon. Angl. tom. 1. p. 400.

LOGIC. The science of reasoning, or of the operations of the understinillng which are snliscrvlent to the esnuiation of evldeii The term includes both the process itself 0 proceeding from known truths to unknown, and all other intellectual operations, in so to! us auxiliary to this.

LOGIIIM. lu old records. el, or outhouse.

A lodge. hov-

LOGOGRAPHUS. In Roman law. A public clerk, register, or book-keeper; om