Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/746

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whole peerage, as in the expression "the house of lords." 1 Bl. Comm. 395-400.

A title of office, as lord mayor. lord com- missioner, etc.

In feudal law. A feudal superior or pro- prietor; one of whom a fee or estate is held.

—Law lords. See LAW.—Iord advocate. The chief public prosecutor of Scotland. 2 Alis. Crim. Pr. S4.—Lord and vassal. In the feu- dal szslem, the grantor, who retained the do- minion or ultimate property, was called the "lord." and the grantee, who had only the use or possession, was called the "vassal" or "feu- datory. Lord chief baron. The chief judse of the Lnglish court of exchcqner. prior to the judicature acts.—Lord chief justice. See .lnsrrcE.—-Lord high chancellor. See CLlANCFiLLOE.—Lo!‘Il high steward. In England, when a person is impeached, or when a peer is tried on indictment for treason or felony before the house of lords. one of the lords is appointed lord high steward, and acts as speaker pro tempore. Sweet.—I.ord high ..

An officer formerly existin in England, who had the charge of the roy revenues and customs duties, and of leasing the crown lands. Hls functions are now vested in the lords com- missioners of the treasury. Mozley & Whitley. —Lord in grass. in feudal law. He who is lord. not by reason of any manor, but as the king in respect of his crown. etc. "Very lord" is he who is immediate lord to his tenant: and "very tenant." he uho holds immediately of that lord. So that, where there is lord paramount. inrd mesne, and tenant, the lord paramount is not very lord to the tenant. Wharton.—I.ord justice clerk. The second judicial officer in Scctland.—Lord keeper, or keeper of the great seal, was originally another name for the lord chancellor. After Henry Il.’s reign they were sometimes divided, but now there cannot be :1 lord ch-uurcllor and lord keeper at the same time. for by St. 5 Eliz. c. 18, they are declared to be the same officn. (‘om. Dig. "Clrsncery." B. 1. —Lord lieutenant. In E . viz-eroy of the crown in Ireland. The principai military oilk-er of a county. originally an painted for the purpose of muster-ing the inhabitants for the defense of the country —-Io:-d mayor. The chicf officer of the corporation of the city of London is so called. The origin of the appellation of "lord." which the mayor of London en- joys. is 2lI[l‘1blltP(l to the fourth charter of Ed- uard III., which conferred on that olliter the honor of having maccs, the same as royal. carried before him by the serjcants. Pull. Laws & Cust Louxl.—Lord mayor-’s court. In English law. This is a cnurt of record, of law and equity, and is the chief court of justice nithin the corporafion of ndon. Tlwnretil-ally the lord mayor and alde are supposed to pre side, but the rw.-order is in fact the acting judge. It has jurisdiction of all personal and mixed actions arising within the city and liberties without rs-nard to the amount in controversy. Soc 3 Steph. Comm. 449, note l.—Lord of n. manor. The grantee or owner of a manor.- Lord ordinary is the judge of the court of session in Scotland, who officiutes for the time n;-: as the judge of first instance. Durl. Pr. Ct. [\'oss.—I.ol'd paramount. A term applied to the King of England as the chief feudal pro- prietor, the theory of the feudal system heing that all lands in the realm were held medlately or imrncdiaiely from him. See De Peyster v. Michael. 6 N. Y. 495, 57 Am. Dec. 470; Opin- ion of Justices, 613 N. H. 629. 33 At]. ‘[076.- Lord privy seal, before the 30 Hen. VlII.. was generally an ecclesiastiu. The office has since been usually conferred on temporal peers shore the degree of barons. lie is appointed by letters patent. The lord privy seal, receiving a



warrant from the signer office. issues the pri seai, which is an authority to the lord clmn lor to pass the great seai where the nature - the grant requires il But the privy seals ‘ money begin in the treasury, whence the E warrant issues, countexsigned by the lord tre urer. The lord privy seal is a member of t cabinet council. Enc. Lond.—Lor~d war-den Ginque Ports. See CINQLE PoRTS.—Lor appellants. Five peers who for a time sun scded Richard II. in his government, and w ' after a brief control of the government be .., turn superseded in 1397, and put the survir of_ them to death. Richard Il.'s_ eighteen c ~

ly. Thus, we have. in lieu of the [uni tr

urer and lord high admiral of former times I: lords comm s'oners of the treasury, and th lords of the ’ ' ‘ .: whenever the great seal is put into com - the persons charged with it are called mlssluners" or "lords commissioner ' great seal. Mozlcy & \\-'hitlc —Lol‘d'5 d

name sometimes given to Sunday. Co. I 1%.—Lor-ds justices of appeal. In E": law. The title of the ordinary judges of 1‘ court of appeal, by Jud. Act 1877. § 4. Pm‘ to the judicature acts there were two ‘'10 justices of appeai in chancery." to whom an peal lay from a ' e-chancellor, by 14 & 15 V c. 83.—I.urrls marchers. Those noblmwu vfl iived on the marches of Wales or Scotland. 1%

in times past had their laws and pnwer of and death. like petty ‘in <_ Abolishcd h_v Hen. VIII. c. 26, and G Edw. VI. c. 10. Wharton.—Lords of appeal. Those memhers of M house of lords of whom at least three must be present for the hearing and determination of appeals. They are the lord (-hanc -llor, the lu of appeal in ordinary, and such pe 's of pa ment us hold, or have held. high judicial n such as ex-chancellnrs and judzes of the superior courts in Grmt ' win and irolaad

Act 1S7G, is 5, 2

dinary. These are uppointnd, with a salary of £6,000 a year. to aid the house of lords in the hearing of appeal. They rank as barons for life, but sit and v e in the house of lord: durin-v the tenure of their nfficc only. App. Jun Act ."G. § 6 rds of erection. On liil Rcforma Lion in hcotland, the kins, as proprietor of henelicos formerly held by uhhots and priory gave them out in tcmpnr lnrdships tn furor itos, who wore tcrtm-d ‘lords of ercc 'nn."_ Whartnu.--Lords of parliament. Th a who have seats in the house of lords. Durin,-: bank- l‘lI|‘_\tr‘_V, peers are disqualified from sitting or voting in the house nf lords. M & 3?‘: Tier. c. 50.—Lords of regality. In Scotch law. Per» sons to whom rights of civil and criminal junk- drtion were given by the crown. s ondarners. Lords appointed in 131?, in the reign of Edward 11., for the control of the sovereign and the court party, and for the general ref‘:-rm and better g vernment of the country. Brown. —Lords ' ' I. The archbishop and hisnn ops who have seats in the house of lords.- Lords temporal. Those lay peers who have seats in the house of lords.

LORDSHIP. In English law. Donna- ion, manor. seigniury. domain; also a title of honor used to a nohieman not being I duke. It is also the customary titulary appellation of the judges and some other persons in authority and office.