Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/754

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MAGNUM CONCILIUM. in old Engllsli law. The great council; the general council of the realm: afterwards called "parliament." 1 Bl. Comm. 148; 1 Reeve, Eng. Law, 62: Spelman.

The king's great council of barons and prelates. Spelman: Crabb, Com. Law, 228.

MAGNUS ROTULUS STATUTORUM. The great statute roll. The first of the Engllsh stutute rolls. beginning with Mayne

Charla, and ending with Edward III. Hale. Com. Law, 16. 17. MAHA-GEN. In Hindu law. A banker

or any great shop-keeper.

MAHAL. In Hindu law. Any land or public fund pmducing a revenue to the government of Hlndost-an. "MuJm.1aat" is the plural.

MAHLBRIEP. In maritime law. The German name for the contract for the of a vessel. This contract contains a speclfication of the kind of vessel intended, her dlniensions, the time Within which she is to be completed, the price and times of payment, etc. Jae. Sea Laws, 28.

MAIDEN. In Scotch law. An instru- ment formerly used in beheading criminals. It resembled the French guillotlne, of which lt is said to have been the prototype. What» ton.

MAIDEN ASSIZE. In English law. Originally an assize at which no person was condemned to die. Now lt is a session of a criinlual court at which there are no prisoners to be tried.

MAIDEN RENTS. A line paid by the tenants of some manors to the lord for a liceiise to marry a daughter. Cowell. Or, perhaps, for the lord's omltting the custom of marclleta. (q. 12.)

MAIGNAGIUM. perhaps, a house.

A brasler’s shop, or, Cowell.

MAI]-IBM. See hlarnau: MAIM. MAIHEMATUS. hlaimed or wounded. MAI]-IEMIUM. In old English law.

Mayhem. (q. 12.)

Maihemillm est liomieiuilnm inclinatum. 3 Inst. 118. Mayhem is inclpient homiclde.

Maihemium est inter ex-imina. majors. minimum, et inter minors. maximum. Co. Litt. 127. May hem is the least of great crimes, and the greatest of smali.



Maiheminm est memhri mlitilalio dici poterit, nbi aliquis in aliqua pa uni corpuris eflectns lit inntilis ad 1) nandum. Co. Litt. B6. Mayhem ls mutilation of a member, and can be snld take place when a man is injured in ‘ part of his body so as to be useless in

MAIL. As applled to the post ofllce, v term means the carriage of letters, wbc ‘ applied to the bag into which they are the coach or vehicle by means of wflth are transported, or any other means - ployed for their carrlage and delnqv public authority. Wynen v. fihuppert. Daly (N. Y.) 560. It may also denote letters or other matter so carrled.

by the postal agents, or any letter or pa v age forming a component part of it. L‘. V. Inabnet (D. C.) 41 Fed. 130.

Mail also denotes armor, as in the phr a "coat of malL"

In Scotch law. Rent; a rent or trlhute A tenant who pays a rent is called a "ma payer," "nialler," or "mull-man." Skeng —1VIa.fl matter. This term includes latte packets, etc., received for transmiaiin, and be transmitted by post to the person to -' snrb matter is directed. U. S v. Huggett i. C.) 40 Fed. 641: U. S. v. Rapp (C. G) Fed. 820.

MAILABLE. Suitable or admissible for transmission by the mail; belonging to tb classes of articles which, by the laws : ‘ postal regulutions, may be sent by post,

MAILE. 1n old English law. A kind of ancient money, or silver halt-pence; a small rent.

MAILED. This word, as applied to a letter, means that the letter was properly prepared for transmission by the servants of the postal department, and that It was put in the custody or the otllcer charged with the duty of forwarding the mail, I’lei V. Heinrichshoffeu, 67 M0. 163, 29 Am. Rep. 501.

MAILLS AND DUTIES. In Scotch law. The rents of an estate. Boll.

MAIM. To deprlve a person of a moms her or part of the body, the loss of which renders him less capable of flgliting; to commit mayhem, ((1. iv.) State v. Johnson. 58 Ohio St. 417, 51 N. E 40. 65 Am. St. Rep 789.

In this respect. "to wound" is distinguishable from "to maim:" for the latter implies a permanent injury, whereas a wound is any uti|ntion or laceration which breaks the can unity of the outer skin. Regina v. Buiiock, 11 Cox. Ci-im. Cris. 125.

But both in common speech and as the word is new used in statutes and In the criminal law