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merly regarded as of great authority in law. Lilt. § 48]: Co. Litt. 280.—Ancient rent. The rent reserved at the time the lease was made, if the building was not then under lease. Ullnv v. Lorri Mphun, 2 Vern. 5-12.—Ancient serjennt. 1n English law. The cldcsl, of the qurrn's serjeants.——Ancient wall, well built to be used, and in fact used, as a party- uull, for more than twenty years, by the ex- |iI-‘+1 permission and continuous acquiescence of the on nets of the land on which it stands. Eno v. Dvi Veccbio. 4 Duer (N. Y.) 53. 63 Acnient water-course. A water-course is "acnient" if the channel through which it naturally rum has existed from time immemnrlai indepvrolent of the quantity of water which it dis- r-iuuges. Earl v. Dc Hart. 12 N. J. E41. 280. 72 Am. Dec 395.——.Ancient writings. "'ills, doc-(ls, or other documents upwards of thirty wars old These are presumed to be genuine uitbout express proofi when coming from proper custody.

ANCIENTS. In English law. Gentlemen of the inns of court and cbancery. In Gray's inn the society consists of bencbers. ancients. barristers, and students under the bar; and here the ancients are of the oldest barristers. In the Midd.le Temple, those "ho had passed their readings used to be termed "-incients." The Inns of Chancery consist of ancients and stnrlcuts or clerks; from the ancients a principal or treasurer is chosen yearly. Wherton.

A N C I E N '1‘ Y. Eltiership : seniority. l"sc¢l in the statute of Ireland, 14 Hen. VIII. Cowell.

ANC-ILLARY. Aiding; auxiliary; attendant upon: subordinate; a proceeding attendant upon or which nids another proceeding considered as principal. Steele v. Insur- ance ($0.. 31 App. Div. 389, 52 N. Y. Supp. 373.

—Aneill.ary administration. When a dececlnut leaves ])r0[)el‘i:y in a foreign state, is sl.-ilc other than that of his domiciin.) mlmin- isrrstion may be granted in such foreign state for the purpose of collecting the assets and paying the debts there, and bringing the rosi- dun mm the general administration. This is called ".-mciilurv" (auxiliary. subordinate) administration. Pisnno v. Sluanley 66 \l. J. I.:nv. 1. 48 Afl. 613: In re Gnblc's state. 79 lnun. ITQ, 44: N. W. '2. 9 L. R. A. 218: Ste;-lc 1'. Insurance Co., A-1l11ra.—AncilInry attach- ment. One sued out in aid of an action si- rparli. brnuglit. its only ofiir-e being to hoirl the prop rtv attached under it for the satisfaction ni the plaintiff's demand. Templeton v. Mason. 107 "Iron. GT1. G5 9 W. 25"‘ Soiithcrn (‘ali- i’urn:u Fruit F-Xl"i|. v. Sinrnm, 9 N. M 361 54 Pm. III’-.—A.neiIlary hill or suit. One on was out of nnd anxiii.-1r_v to unnihcr action r-r nut -itlu-r at law or in eqmty. such as a hill Ev-r di-1-v9r_v, or a procecdinz for the enforce- nunt " a i lerucnt, or to set aside fraudulent In ~'~r. nf prnprrtv. Coltrane v. Templeton, ‘IN? 1' 1 ‘I70. 45 (1 4" A. 3'39: In re Williarns. (TI (‘.1 l_‘Z'i FM. . Cla (C C.) 1'2. Fed. 3 . .

in v. McDr1'rnott

ANC-IPITIS USUS. Lat. In internation- ul law, of doubtful use; the use of which is doubtful: that may be used for a civil or penceiul, as well as military or warlike, purpose. Gro. de Jure B. lib. 3, (L 1, § 5, subd 3; 1 Kent, Comm. 140.

ANDRDCI-HA. In old English law. A dairy-woman. meta, llb. 2, c. 87. ANDROGYNUS. An hermaphrodite ANDRDLEPSY. The taking by one na-

tion of the citizens or subjects of another, in order to compel the latter to do justice to the former. Wolifius, 5 1164; Mol.L de Jure Mar. 26.

.AN'ECI‘US. L. Lat. Spelled also aasnecius, enitius. omens, smcyus. The eldest-burn; the firstborn; senior, as contrasted with the puts-aw, cyounger.) Spelman

ANGARIA. A term used in the Roman law to denote a forced or compulsory service exacted by the government for public purposes; as a forced rendition of labor or goods for the public service. See Die. 50, -1. 18, 4.

In maritime law. A forced service, (on- ua,) imposed on a vessel for public purposes; an iinprcssment of a vessel. Loco. de Jure B1711‘. lib. 1, c. 5, §§ 1-8.

In feudal law. Any troublesome or vex- atlous personal service paid by the tenant to his lord. Spelman.

ANGEL. An ancient English coin, or the value of ten shillings sterling. Jacob.

ANGER. A strong passion of the mind excited by real or supposed injuries; not synonymous with "heat of passion," "malice," or "rage or reseutment," because these are all terms of wider import and may include anger as an element or as an incipient singe. (‘handler v. State, 141 Ind. 106. 39 N. E. 444; HoiIl.Lian v. State, 97 ¥ViS. 571. 73 N. W’, 51; lilanes v. State. 10 Tex. App. 421, 446.

ANG-ILD. In Saxon low. The single value of a man or other thing; a single were- gild; the compensation of a thing according to its single value or estimation. Spelman. The double gild or compensation was called "!u:igiId," the triple, "tri_qz'ld," etc. Id

ANGLESCHERIIL In old English law. Englishcry; the fact of being an En;zlish- lIl'U‘l

Angliae jars. in omni cnsn libertntis dant fave-rein. The laws of England in every case of liberty are iuvoralile. (favor iii erty in all cases.) Fortes. C 42

ANGLICE. In English. A term formerly used in pleading when a thing is described both in Latin mid English, inserted immedi- ately after the Latin and as an introduction of the English translation.

ANG-L0-INDIAN. An Englishman domiciled in the Indian territory of the British Cl‘OW1].

ANGIIESH. Great or extreme pain, agony, or distress, elther of body or mind; but,