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question, for the purpose of hearing their contention, rind giving judgment between them: to Whose decision (award) the litigants submit themselves either voluntarily. or, in some cases, compnlsorily, by order of a court. Golilnn v. U. S.. 7 WnlL 195. 19 L. Ed. 35: Mobile v. Wood (C. C.) 95 Fed. 538; Bnrcheil v. Marsh, 17 How. 349, 15 L. Ed. 96: Miller v. Ganzil Co , 53 Barb. (N. Y.) 595; Fudickar v. Insurance C0,. 62 N. Y. 399.

"Referee" is of frequent modern use as E synonym of nihitrator, but is in its origin of iJi‘0.’i(i(‘l‘ Si_Lili.iiL:l[IDl1 nnd less accurate than arbitrator.

ARBITRIOS. 1u Spanish and Mexican law. Taxes imposed by municipalities on certain articles of merchandise. to defray the general expenses of government, in default of revenues from "pri)prios," i. e.. lands owned by the municipality, or the iucome of which was legally set apart for its support. Sonietimes used in a wider sense, as meaning the resources or a town. including its privileges in the royal lnnrls as well as the taxes. Escrichc Di(-t.; Sheldon v. Milmo. 90 Tex. 1, 36 S. W. -113.

ARBITRTUM. The decision of an arbiter, or arhiirrator; an award; a Judgment.

Arbitrium est judicium. a judgment. Jenk. Cent. 137.

A1-lzitx-iurn est judicilun bold viri, se- eundnm sequuin at lmnum. An award is the judgment of a good man, according to justice. 3 Bulst. 64.

An award is

ARBOR. Lat. A tree; a plant; something larger than an herb; a general term including vines, osiers, and even reeds. The mast of a ship. Brissonius. Timber. Ains- worth; Calvin.

ARBOR GONSANGUINITATIS. A table, formed in the shape of a tree. showing the genealogy of a family. See the arbor oi-L-ilis of the civilians and caiiunists. Hale, Com. Law. 335.

Arbor dun ex-escit. lignum cum oreseere neicit. [That \\ hlch is] a tree while it grows, [ls] wood when it ceases to grow. f‘ro. Jae. 166; Hob. 771;, in mnrg.

ARBOR FINALIS. In old English law. A i.)0l]l.l1lII'_V tree: :1 tree used for making I boundary line. Braet tols. 167. 2071).

ARCA. Lat In the civil law. A chest or cotter; a plane for keeping money. Dig. 30. 30. 6; Id. 32, 64. Brissonius.

ARCANA IMPERII. State secrets. 1 Bl. Comm. 337.

ARCARIUS. In civil and Old English law. A treasurer: a keeper of public mouey. God. 10, 70, 15; Spelman.

ARCHAIONOMIA. A collection of Sax- on laws, published during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, in the Saxon lzinguuge, with a Latin version by Lambard.

ARCHBISHOP. In English ecclesiastical law. The chief of the clergy in bis province, having supreme power under the king or queen in all ecclesiastical causes.

ARCHDEACON. A dlgnitary of the Anglican church who has ecclesiastical juris- diction imniediateiy subordinate to that of the bishop, either throughout the whole of his diocese or in some particular parl, of it.

ARCHDEACON'S COURT. In English ecclesiastical law. A court held before a judge appointed by the archdeacon, and cali~ ed his official. Its jurisdiction comprises the granting of prohntes and administrations. and ecclesiastical causes in general, arising within the arc-hdeaconry. It is the most in- ferlor court in the whole ecclesiastical polity of England. 3 Bl. Comm. 64; 3 Steph. Comm. 430.

ARCHDEACONRY. A division of a diocese, and the circuit of an nrchde:icou's jurisdiction.

ARCHERY. In feudal law. A service of keeping a how for the lord's use in the dctense of his castle. Co. Litt. 157.

ARCHES COURT. In English ecclesi- nsticnl law: A court of appeal belonging to the Archbishop of Canterbury, the judge of which is cnllcd the "Dean of the Arches." because his court was anciently held in the church of Saint Mary-le-Row. (Sonata Moria dc Arculzu.-7,) so named from the steeple. which is raised upon pillars built archwisc. The court was until recently held in the hull belonging to the Coliege of Civilians. com- monly called "Doctors' Commons." It is now held in Westminster Hall. its proper juris- diction is only over the thirteen peculiar parishes lielonglng to the archbishop in London. but, the ofllce of Dean of the Arches ha\'l.n.r; been for a long time united with that of the archhishop's principal official, the Judge of the Arches, in right of such ailtled oilice. it receives and determines nppcals from the sentences of all inferior ecclesiastical courts within the province. 3 Bl. Comm. 64.

ARCHETYPE. The original copy.

ARCHICAPELLANUS. L. Lat In old European lirw. A chief or high chancellor. (summus ccmcellariiw.) -Spelnian.

ARCHIVES. The Rolls; any place Where ancient records. charters, and evidences n1'e kept In lihrnrles, the private depository. Cowell; Spelman.

The derivative meaning of the word (now the more common) denotes the writings them-