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to public notice, or rendering it accessible to public scrutiny.

2. As descriptive of the publishing of laws and ordilumces, "publication" means printing or nth. i-wise reproducing copies of them and dimihuting them in such a manner as to mike their contents easily accessible to the ]Z1i|tlI(‘; it forms no part of the enactment of [lit luw. "Promulgation," on the other hand, cum. to denote the proclamation or an-

Ill -enient of the edict or statute as a Dre

Inn: iry to its ucquiring the force and 01)- ui ulon of law. But the two terms are often n~o~l luterchangeaiiiy. Chicago v. Mc()o_v, 136 ill .‘. 14. 26 N. E. 363, 11 L. It. A. 413; Shnles v. Stule, 2 Pin. (Wis.) -199.

3. The formal decimation made by a testa- ior at the time of signing his will that it is his hist will and testament 4 Kent, Comm. 515, and note. In re Simpson, 56 How. Prac. (N. F.) 134; Compton v. hlitton, 12 N. J. Law, 70; Lewis v. Lewis, 13 Barb. (N. Y.) 23.

4. in the law of llhel, publication denotes the act of making the defamatory matter knnnu publicly, or disseminating it, or com- llilliilctitiilg it to one or more persons. Wil- cox v, Moon, 63 Vt. 481, 22 Atl. 80; Sproui 1'. Pillsbury, 72 l\Ie. 20; Gambrili v. Schooley, 93 M11 48, 48 Ati. 730, 52 L. R. A. 87, 86 Am. St. Rep, -114.

5. In the practice of the states adopting the reformed procedure, and in some others, puliiication of a summons is the process or giving it currency as an advertisement in a neu-spiiper, under the conditions prescribed by law, as a means at giving notice of the suit to a defendant upon whom personal service cannot be made.

6. In equity practice. The making pub- lie the depositions taken in a suit, which have previously been kept private in the office of the examiner. Piiblimtiori is said to pass when the depositions are so made public, or openly shown, and copies of them given out, in order to the hearing of the cause. 3 Bl. Comm. 450.

'1. In copyright law. The act of making public I1 book, writing, chart, map, etc.; that is, offering or communicating it to the public hy the sale or distribution of copies. Keene v. Whentiey, 14 Fed. Cas. 180; Jeweiers‘ Mer- cantile Agency v. Jewelers‘ Weekly Pub. C0,, 155N.Y.24l,49N.E.S72,4Il LR. A.8r'1v6. 63 Am. St. Rep. 666.

PUBLICI JURIS. Lat. Of public right. This term, as applied to a thing or right, means that it is open to or exercisable by all persons.

"hen a thing is common property, so that any one can make use of it who likes, it is said to be "jmblici _1'uris;" as in the case of light. air, and public water. Sweet

Or it designates things which are owned by "the public :" that is, the entire state or community, and not by any private person.



PUBLICIANA. In the civil law. The name of an action introduced by the prietor Publicius, the object of which was to recover a thing which had been lost Its effects were similar to those of our action of trover. Mackeld. Rom. Law, 5 298. See inst. 4, B, 4; Dig G, 2. 1, 16.

PUBLICIST. One versed in, or writing upon, public law, the science and principles of government, or international law

PUBLICUM JUS. I ‘It. In the civil law Public law; that law which regards the state of the commonwealth. Inst. 1, 1, 4.

PUBLISHER. One whose business is the manufacture, promulgation, and Sale all books, pamphlets, magazines, newspapers, or other literary productions.

PUDICITY. conti-


Ohastity; purity;

PUDZELD. In old English law. Supposed to be a corruption of the Saxon "wad- geld," (woodgeld,) a freedom from payment or money for taking wood in any forest. Go. Litt. 23311.

PUEBLO. In Spanish law. People; all the inhabitants of any country or place, without distinction. A town, township, or mnnicipality. White, New Recop. b. 2, tit. 1, c. 6, 5 -1.

This term ueblo." in its original signification, menns "people" or "popnhition," but is used in the sense of the English word "town." It has the indeliniteness of that term, and, like it, is sometimes applied to a mere collection of individuals residing at a particular place, a settlement or village, as well as to a regularly organized municipality. Trenouth v. San Fracnisco, 100 U. S. 2.)}, 25 L. Ed. 626.

PU!-IR. Lat. In the civil law. A Child; one of the age from seven to fourteen, icnluding, in this sense, a girl. But it also meant a "boy," as distinguished from a "girl;" or a servant.

Pueri aunt do sanguine par-enhnn, med pater at mater non aunt do sanguine puex-ax-um. 3 Coke, 40. Children are of the blood of their parents, but the father and. mother are not of the blood or the children.

PUERILITY. In the civil law. A con dition intermediate between infancy and pu- berty, continuing in boys from the seventh to the fourteenth year of their age, and in girls from seven to twelve.

PUERITIA. Lat In the clvii law Childhood; the age from seven to fourteen. 4 Bl. Comm, 22.

PUFFER. A person employed by the owner of property which is sold at auction to attend The sale and run up the price by making spurious bids. See Peck v. List, 23 W.