Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/985

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ology to Indicate that one subject resemhles another, with which it is compared, in certain characteristics, but that there are also intrinsic differences between them.

It is exclusively a term of classification. Pre-

fixed to a term of Roman law. it implies that tlin conception to which it serves as an index is connected with the conception with which the comparison is instituted by a strong superficial analogy or resemblance. I t ncga.tives the notion of identity, but points out that the conceptions are sufi'lcientl_\' similar for one to be classed as the sequel to the other. Maine, Ant-. _Law, 332. Ulr"ians use the expressions "quasi cautrec: ma. "quasi tlelictum," "quasi passessio," "quasi trmlilio_" etc.

As to quasi "Atilnlty." "Contract." "Corporation." "Crime." "Dellct," "Deposit." "Derelict," "Easement/' "Entail," "Fee," "ln Rem." "Judicial," "Municipal" Corporation," "Oifense," "1'artusrs," "Pcrsonalty," "Possesslon." "Posthumous Child." "Purchase," "I{ei1lty." "'1‘enant,," "Tort," '"1‘l‘8f1iC10." "Trustee," and "Usufruct." see those titles. QUATEB. GOUSIN. See COUSIN.

QUATUOR PEDIBUS CURRIT. Lat. It runs upon four feet; it runs upon all fours See ALL-FDUBB.

QUATUOEVIRI. in Roman law. Mag- istrates who had the (sire and inspection of roads. Dig. 1, 2, 3. 30.

QUAY. A wharf for the loading or un- loading of goods carried in ships. This word is sometimes spelled "key."

The popular and commercial signification of the word "quay" involves the notion of a space of ground appropriated to the public use; such

use as the convenience of commerce requires ., 10 Pet (362. 715. 9 L. E4].

New Orleans v. 573.

QUE EST LE MESME. Ii. Fl‘. Which is the same. A term used in actions of trespass, etc. See Qua: asr EADEM.

QUE ESTATE. L. Fr. Whose estate. A term used in pleading. particularly in claiming prescription, by which it is alleged that the plaintiff and those former owners whose estate he has have immemorially exer- cised the right claimed. This was called "prescribing in a que estate."

QUEAN. A worthless woman; a strumpet. Obsolete.

QUEEN. A woman who possesses the sovereignty and royal power in a country under a monarchlcal form of government. The wife of a king.

—Q|ieen consort. In En lish law. The Wife of a reigning king. 1 Bl. ‘omm. 218.-—Queen dowager. In English law. The widow of a king. 1 Bl. Comm. '.?23.—Queon-gold. roy- al rcvcnue belonging to every queen consort during her marriage with the king, and due from every person who has made a voluntary line or

Bl.Law Dict.(2d Ed.)—G2



rider to the king of ten mnrhs or upwards, in consideration of any grunt or privilege conferred by the (‘1'u\\u. It is now quite obsolete. 1 Bi. Comm. 22 i’22.—Queen regnasit. in English in A queen uho holds the crown in her own

ri ; as the first Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Anne, End the late Queen Victoria. 1 Bi. ‘riinm. 218; 2 Slcph Comm. 465.

For the titles rind descriptions of various ofllcers in the English legal system, ailled "Queen's Adi ocate," "Qi.ccii's Coroner," "Queen's Counsel," "Queen's Proclor," "Queen's Remembrnncer." etc., during the reign of a female sovereign, as in the time of the late Queen Victoria. see, now. under Klivo and the following titles.

QUEEN AN1'i'E’S BOUNTY. A fund created by a charter of Queen Anne. (con- firmed by St. 2 Ann. c. 11,) for the augmentation of poor livings. consisting of all the revenue of first fruits and tenths, which was vested in trustees forever. 1 Bl. Comm. 286.

QUEEN'S BENCH. The English court of king's bench is so called during the reign of a queen. 3 Steph. Comm. 403. See KING'S Bnucn.

QUEEN'S PRISON. A jail which used to be appropriated to the debtors and crimi- nals confined under process or by authority of the superior courte at Westminster, the high court of admiralty, and also to persons imprisoned under the bankrupt law.

QUEM REDITUM REDDIT. L. Lut An old Writ which lay where a rent-charge or other rent which was not rent service was granted by line holding of the grantor. If the tenant would not attorn, then the grantee might have had this writ. Old Nat. Brev. 126.

Quemadmodnm ad qnoastiunem fncti non respondent judicen, its ad qIflEE- tioneni jnris non respondent jnrutores. in the same manner that judges do not answer to questions of fact, so jurors do not answer to questions of law. Co. Lltt. 295.

QU1-IRELA. Lot. An action preferred in any court of justice. The plaintiff was called "quereu.i." or complainant and his brief. complaint, or declaration was called "querclo." Jacob.

QUEEELA GOEAM REGE A GON- GILIO DISCUTIENDA ET TERMI- NANDA. A Writ by which one is called to justify a complaint of a trespass made to the king himself, before the king and his council. Reg. Orig. 124.

QUfl.ELA INOPFIGIOSI TESTA- MJENTI. Lat. In the civil law. A species of action allowed to a child who had been unjustly disinherited, to set aside the will. founded on the presumption of law, in such