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The Black Book

condemn us; but let us live as thoſe that expect to have conſcience witneſs for them before the Lord, that with godly ſincerity they have had their converſation in the world. But what multitudes are there in this world, that live as there were no conſcience at all, neither God nor devil, neither heaven nor hell; ‘whoſe God is their belly, and whoſe end is deſtruction,’ as St. Paul ſaith, Phil. iii. 9. ‘Who declare their ſin as Sodom, and hide it not. Wo unto them,’ ſaith the Lord, ‘they have rewarded evil to themſelves,’ Iſa. iii. 6. This may be ſaid of thouſands of us, whole countenance teſtify againſt them, their wantion carriages, painted faces, naked breaſts, powdered locks, and other antic faſhions, teſtify againſt thouſands of both men and women, that they do little mind this great truth, that conſcience can and will declare all their doings to God. Proud Hamans, drunken Nabals, whoring Jezebels, declare their ſin as Sodom, and hide it not. And as for conſcience, they turn him off. But let theſe miſerable wretches know this, as the prophet ſaith, ‘Wo unto them, who have rewarded evil unto themſelves.’ They have a long black, bloody bill, for conſcience to open againſt them at the laſt day of