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of Conſcience.

create all things; and being created, rule and govern all things? As David ſays, ‘It is nothing but the almighty power and providence of God that bears up the earth, and upholds the foundations thereof.’ And this book even the Heathens, who know not God nor his word, who never heard of Jeſus Chriſt, or ſalvation, are acquainted with: They, I ſay, by ſeeing and reading the mighty works of God in the world, confeſs and ſay, Verily, there is a God, and none but God could create theſe glorious creatures, the ſun, moon, and ſtars.

So likewiſe, there are two ſpecial books, by which God will judge all the ſons and daughters of men at the laſt day; and theſe are, Firſt, The book of his remembrance, written by himſelf; wherein the lives of of men, yea, their very thoughts are recorded, as David ſaith, Pſal. xciv. ii. ‘The Lord knoweth the thoughts of men that they are vanity.’ And Pſal. cxxxix. i,— 4. Saith David, ‘O Lord! thou haſt ſearched me and known me, Thou knowcſt my down-ſitting and my up-riſing. Thou underſtandeſt my thoughts afar off. Thou compaſſeſt my path, and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. There is not a word in my mouth, but lo, O Lord! thou