Page:Blackamoor in the wood, or, A lamentable ballad on the tragical end of a gallant lord and virtuous lady.pdf/2

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The blackamoor in the Wood.

IN Rome a Nobleman did wed
a virgin of great fame;
A fairer creature never did
dame nature ever frame.

By whom he had two children fair,
whoſe beauty did excel,
And were their parents only joy;
they lov'd' them both ſo well.

This Lord he lov'd to hunt the buck,
the tyger and the boar:
And ſtill for ſwiftneſs always took
with him a Blackamoor:

Which Blackamoor within the wood,
his Lord he did offend
But there he did him then correct,
in hopes he would amend.

The day it drew unto an end,
when homeward they did haſte,
When with his Lady, he did reſt,
until the night was paſt.

Then in the morning he did riſe,
and both his ſervants call,
A hunting to provide to go,
ſtraight they were ready all.