Page:Blackwood's Magazine volume 047.djvu/874

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Talbot, the Hon., his poetical translation Veto, the, a new song, dedicated to the of Faust, reviewed, '223. Whig- intrusion section of the Non- Taylor, Richard, his new edition of the intrusion committee, 456. Diversions of Purley, reviewed, 484. Venetian painting and Titian, on, 88. Ten Thousand a- Year ! a Tale, Part IV., Vote of confidence in Ministers, dissected, 117 Part V., 385 Part VI., 431- - 412. , Part VII., 662 Part VIII., 816. Theory of Greek Tragedy, 145. Walter and William, a Tale, in verse,. 96. Timing, Solomon, letter to the Editor of War with China and the Opium Question, Blackwood's Magazine, inclosing the 368,717 Postscript, 847. Latin poem entitled, Pestis Londinum Wellington, Lines on, by Archceus, 172. Devastans, 795. . Wild Oats, a new species, 753. Edinburgh : Printed by Ballanlyne and Hughes t Paul's Work.