Page:Blackwood's Magazine volume 054.djvu/819

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the Swamp, 43 No. II., the Block- i house, 234. Love and Drath, by Sir Edward Lytton Bahver, 717., M'Dowall, General, proceedings of, in Ceylon, 628. Maclise, Mr, remarks on the style of, 188. Mainzer and Hullah, comparison of the methods of, 37. Marston ; or, Memoirs of a Statesman. Part II., 1 Part III., 207 Part IV., 325 Part V., 608 PartV I., 801 . Maurer, M., administration of, in Greece, 348. Meeting, the, from the German of Schiller, 149. Memoir on the best means of establish- ing a communication between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 658. Mill's elements of logic, review of, 415. Minstrels of Old, the, from the German of Schiller, 152. Modern painters, their superiority in the art of landscape painting to the old masters, review of, 485. Municipal institutions of Greece, the, 352. Music, something about, 709. Music and musicians, English, 23 pre- sent state of, in England, 33. My country neighbours, a tale, 431. Napier's (Colonel) reminiscences of Syria, review of, 476. Nobility of England, characteristics of the, 56. Non-intrusionism, remarks on, and on the proceedings of the party, 545. Notes on a tour in the disturbed districts in Wales, by Joseph Downes, 766. O'Connell, Mr, present position of, 264 proceedings of the government against, and their consequences, 685. Otho, King, state of Greece on his ac- cession to the throne, 345 effects of his government, 348. Over-pruduction, effects of, 243. Pacific and Atlantic oceans, proposed communication between the, 658. Panama, the isthmus of, its advantages for a communication between the two oceans, 658 description of the town, 665. Paris, chronicles of the Rue St Denis, 524. Parliament, last session of, review of its measures, 538 the corn-law question, 539 Canadian corn-bill, 543_Scotch church bill, 545 Fac- tory bill, 548 the Irish arms bill, 549. Past and Present, by Thomas Carlyle, review of, 121. Patent law, effects of the, 519. Peel, Sir Robert, review of his speech on the Irish question, 270. 817 Persian princes, notices of the narrative of the, 453. Philhellenic drinking-song, by B. Sim- mons, 41. Physical science in England, state and prospects of, 514. Plea for ancient towns against railways, a, 398. Poems and ballads of Schiller, the. Se Schiller. Poetry Philhellenic drinking-song", by B. Simmons, 41 inscription on the foundation stone of the new dining- hall, &c., 79 the Whippiad, a satiri- cal poem, by Bishop Heber, Canto I., 100 Canto II., 102 Canto III., 104 Charles Edward at Versailles on the anniversary of the battle of Cul- loden, 107 Poems and Ballads of Schiller ; Part the Last, 139 Jolly Father Joe, a tale from the Golden Legend, 255 the Cry of the Chil- dren, by Elizabeth B. Barrett, 260 a Vision of the World, by Delta, 343 the Fate of Polycrates, 483 Line written in the Isle of Bute, by Delta, 749 Death from the sting of a ser- pent, 798 the Purple Cloak, or the return of Syloson to Samos, 714 Love and Death, 717 the Bridge over the Thur, from the German, ib. Gifts of Terek, the, 799. Polycrates, the Fate of, a poem, 483. Poole, Mr, critique on his painting, l< Solomon Eagle," &c., 189. Portugal, the French invasion of, causes of its success, 53. Prairie and the Swamp, the, an adven- ture in Louisiana, 43. Protective and free trade systems, comparison of the, 243, 406, 637. Puppet-show of Life, the, from the Ger- 'man of Schiller, 150. Purcell the composer, revival of his opera King Arthur, and remarks on it, 25. Purple Cloak, the, or the return of Sy- loson to Samos, 714 Part II., 715. Railroad, proposed, across the isthmus of Panama, 658. Railways, a plea for ancient towns against, 398. Reading party during the long vaca- tion, a, 153. Rebeccaites in Wales, the, 766. Reminiscences of Syria, 476. Repeal agitation, the, 264 game up with, 679. Resignation, from the German of Schil- ler, 145. Reviews Scrope's Days and nights of salmon fishing, 80 Carlyle's Past and Present, 121 the works of Frederick Schlegel, 311 Woman's rights and duties, 373 Mill's elements of logic, 415 Colonel Napier's reminiscences