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The   Listener

by   Algernon   Blackwood

"These stories are literature . . . good stories, well imagined, carefully modelled, properly proportioned.... 'The Insanity of Jones' is perhaps the most remarkable tour de force in this remarkable book.... If Mr. Blackwood keeps at his present level one or two very celebrated authors will have to look to their laurels."—Daily Chronicle.

"Even Edgar Allan Poe never suggested more skilfully an atmosphere of horror than does Mr. Blackwood in his titular story, or again in his description of 'The Willows.'" F. G. Bettany in the Sunday Times.

"Saying that Mr. Blackwood's latest stories reveal strong dramatic instinct is a dull way of expressing the series of thrills which their perusal causes. Without doubt Mr. Blackwood is designed to fill a high place as an author who is able to arouse the attention of his reader on the first page, and to hold it until the last has been turned.... A distinctive genius."—Pall Mall Gazette.

"Full of imagination, and well told."—Daily News.

"Mr. Blackwood is clearly a master of the art of the genuine sensation story."—Liverpool Courier.


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36 King Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C.