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[ 8 ]

Th'ensanguin'd Field; with latent Mischief stor'd
Show'rs of Granadoes rain, by sudden Burst
Disploding murd'rous Bowels, fragments of Steel,
And Stones, and Glass, and nitrous Grain adust
A Thousand Ways at once the shiver'd Orbs
Fly diverse, working Torment, and foul Rout
With deadly Bruise, and Gashes furrow'd deep.
Of Pain impatient, the high prancing Steeds
Disdain the Curb, and flinging to and fro,
Spurn their dismounted Riders; they expire
Indignant, by unhostile Wounds destroy'd.

Thus thrô each Army, Death in various Shapes,
Prevail'd; here mangled Limbs, here Brains and Gore
Lye clotted; lifeless Some: With Anguish These
Gnashing, and loud Laments invoking Aid,
Unpity'd, and unheard; the louder Din
Of Guns, and Trumpets clang, and solemn Sound
Of Drums o'ercame their Groans. In equal Scale
Long hung the Fight, few Marks of Fear were seen,
None of Retreat: As when two adverse Winds,
Sublim'd from dewy Vapours, in mid Sky
Engage with horrid Shock, the ruffled Brine
Roars stormy, they together dash the Clouds,
